Wednesday, March 26

Chicago Outfit Member Rudy “No Chin” Fratto Finally Scams U.S. District Judge Matthew F. Kennelly For More Freedom

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The Chicago Outfit has an abundance of ‘made’ members that have nicknames related to distinctive physical problems, like No Nose and Scarface. The Fratto family is particularly famous in this respect, with such members as Louis “Cock-Eyed” Fratto and Frankie “Half-Ear” Fratto. After the news I heard the other day, I think Rudy “No Chin” Fratto also qualifies for the nickname “No Cojones”.

Last week Rudolph “No Chin” Fratto was given nearly extra three months to begin serving his 366-day prison sentence for income tax evasion. This time Fratto’s defense argued their client needed time to prepare for his new indictment on bid-rigging charges related to Chicago’s McCormick Place. During his sentencing hearing last January, after Fratto’s crippled wife and minor child performed their circus act in court, the defense mentioned they would be seeking another 90-days on top of the time Judge Kennelly originally gave Fratto to report to prison. This was prior to his new indictment that ultimately became the excuse the defense used successfully. Apparently, Fratto’s new indictment is exactly what was needed to make a compelling argument for more freedom. Fratto’s new report date is July 1st, 2010. It would be great if it stays this way.

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  1. Melrose Park Player on

    Dear Joe,

    You make an interesting point on being concerned about the judge extending Fratto’s freedom.

    Do you think that he is still a dangerous man even though he is older and probably an inactive member of the outfit?

    Do you think that since a lot of time has passed and since you lost your case, that it is all over now between you and the outfit? I mean do you really think that they are still after you?

  2. Chinatown/26th Street Guy on


    Wow, how old is this guy Rudy? He looks like he is up there, but I was watching a clip on scalise, pullia and rachel just the other day and this means that the outfit is still active even when they get old. I mean these guys are probably in their seventies and they showed Lapietra’s house and they think that these guys wanted to snag a diamond from there. Also they think that these guys are out robbing banks.

  3. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Melrose Park,

    Yes, I believe Fratto is still dangerous, despite his age and possible lack of current involvement.

    The criminal network that someone like Fratto could amass in all the years he has been a gangster should be quite significant. His criminal network is likely to be comprised of individuals from various lifestyles and occupations.

    Fratto had made his first threat on my life nearly 10-years ago – his latest threat on my life occurred one-month after my civil RICO case against him failed to survive statute of limitations issues – which was less than 3-months ago. To answer your question, yes, I believe they are still after me.

  4. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Chinatown,

    Rudy is about 64-years old. Gangsters usually remain very capable in their field until they either die or become mentally ill from senility – age is just a number.

  5. Hey Joe,
    Long time no entry but been reading keep up the good work…. Where does Rudy’s creep of a friend Gary wantabe Gag’s fit in the pitcure ? There’s another LICE

  6. Joseph Fosco on

    Dear Tom,

    Gary is also Johnny DiFronzo’s friend. Gary is a killer that will kill for Difronzo if called on.

  7. Joe, I agree on the chinless wonder. Quick quest. What info if all do u have on Nick Nitti?

    • Tont, Nick Nitti used to own a Travel Agency I believe in Melrose Park. He was not a made guy but was an associate of some sort.

      • Tony, sorry I mispelled your name. Anyway, he has a son named Johnny Nitti who I believe testified in the Family Secrets trial. He owed a lot of people money and was on ‘juice’ to guys from the 26th street faction of the Outfit.

        • Joe, during the Family Secrets Trial, the government used the the famous ‘Last Supper’ photo taken around 1976 or 1977 at a restaurant on Harlem Ave. In the picture are 10 men. Tony Accardo the semi-retired Advisor, Joey Auippa the Top Boss, Jack Cerone the #2 Boss, Joey Lombardo the Capo of Grand Ave., Turk Torello the Capo of 26th street, Vince Solano the new Capo of the North Side, Dominic DiBella the former Capo of the North Side who was retiring because he was dying of cancer, Joey DiVarco the new Underboss to Solano on the North Side, Al Pillotto the Capo of Chicago Heights, and Joe Amato. Who did Joe Amato belong to? Was he the Capo of the Cicero group under Auippa? I believe he died in 1978 or 1979. Maybe that’s when Ferriola then became the Capo of the Cicero Group.

          • Joe, the more I think about it, the more I don’t believe Joe Amato was a Capo of a group. I believe he operated a gambling franchise in DuPage County so he probably was a made guy who was with the Cicero group possibly under Ferriola or he was direct with Auippa. Anyway, let me know what you think?