Saturday, February 8

A Tax Dodger Gets His Comeuppance

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To be quite frank, I do not care if the source quoted by Senator Reid is correct. Whether or not Mitt Romney paid his paltry 15% for the last decade, it is a foregone conclusion that Romney does not give his fair share back to the country. The United States and her citizens, who have protected Mitt since the day he was born and gave him the opportunity to augment the vast financial legacy he inherited from his father into the business empire that supports his disgustingly lavish lifestyle, is done supporting freeloaders.

Rarely is the choice between the parties so well drawn as it is this election season. This is our chance to reaffirm the country’s decision in 2008 to throw out the GOP fat cats and their greedy, vicious money-hoarding tendencies and their Tea-Bagging groupies and embrace a future where every citizen can see a doctor, get a good education and live in a society where rich and poor alike get a fair shake.

When you get right down to it, this election does not represent a choice at all, rather a moral imperative to make sure men like Mitt Romney do not rip the reins of power out of the hands of Americans. There can be no justification to let a tax cheat like Mitt Romney trump the positive, life-affirming social agenda of President Barack Obama.

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  1. lucy lu,
    your envy is turning your face green. Romney takes tthe same deductions as Reid, Pelosi and the other wealthy politicians on both sides of the aisle. Donot be a hater. All you sheep on the left,relax, take a deep breath and prepare for Obamas going away party. L.O.L.

    • lol how about you try showing me ONE non-Fox News related poll saying Romney is ahead…just one lol.  The right is supposed to be the conspiracy prone…searching all over for birth certificates and questioning everything from Obama’s faith to his patriotism…now you just sit back and take your facts from the spoon Romney feeds you from.  What a bunch of dopes! 

  2. JazzQuipster on

    The Harry Reid flap is an example of right-wing manufactured outrage at its finest. There’s only one way to either prove, or disprove Harry Reid’s claim that Romney paid no income tax for ten years, and that is for Romney to release his tax returns for those years. 

    Since Romney won’t do it, the only logical conclusion is that whatever is contained in those tax returns would be very damaging to Romney’s presidential ambitions if they ever see the light of day. 

    After the crash of 2008, most middle-class Americans are painfully aware that the game has been rigged by big money guys like Romney. 

    So why would anyone in their right mind vote for Romney to be the president of the United States?  Romney’s tax plan has already been judged to be more giveaways to the top 1% while the rest of us would see an average increase of $2000 in federal income tax. Romney supports the Paul Ryan budget that would end Medicare and replace it with a voucher scheme in which senior citizens would be forced to try to buy health insurance on the open market at whatever insurance companies want to charge them. 

    The author is right, it is a moral imperative that we make sure that Mitt Romney does not become the president.

    • you must be on the D.N.C. s email list for talking points of the day. Virtually word for word.  “Morally imperative ? ”  If you compare  business experience, political experience, and especially ideology ( Obamas is shady and not really known completely at this point, as if he’s hiding something. )  Consider all this and you are right, it is a  MORAL IMPERATIVE  that Obama does not become the president again.

      • JazzQuipster on

        Business experience? If by that you mean Romney’s record of busting out American companies by loading them up with debt and stealing the worker’s pensions, we don’t need that ‘experience’ in the White House.

        Political experience? Romney is a one term governor who has spent the last 10 years running for president. He’s been rehearsing so long you would think he would be better prepared to develop a coherent platform and not bumble around the world stage like an amateur.

        As for ideology, please explain to me what Romney’s ideology is is. It seems to change on an hourly basis depending who he’s pandering to or which inconsistency he’s trying to explain away.

        • If its inconsistency or pandering just look at Obama over the past few months. He has switched sides on virtually all issues to PANDER to whichever part of his base is dis-satisfied with him at any given moment. What ever they want, the Great Panderer will do or say, just give him a moment.

  3. Welcome Lucy! I thought this was an Onion piece at first, but in any event nice to see new articles!

  4. Whatever Harry Reid says, go the other way. He fits right into this site. Totally mobbed up.

  5. Romney earned his money legally. Pelosi, Reied Valerie Jarrett, Barry Soetoro earned their money pimping , pandering and I am quite sure illegally.