Friday, March 28

OPSEC Fund’s Lies Fail To Tarnish Bin Laden Raid Success

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It is sad to see men who so nobly served their country become shills for the RNC meatgrinder.

A group of Special Forces veterans are being used by Republican strategists to sully the Obama-led Osama bin Laden raid. Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, founded by a former Navy SEAL and failed politician named Scott Taylor, recently released a now infamous video titled Dishonorable Disclosures. This 22-minute litany of lies and propaganda is designed for one thing and one thing only: to make the commander-and-chief of our country look like a traitor to the United States.

President Obama in the Situation Room during the bin Laden Raid.

President Obama in the Situation Room during the bin Laden Raid.

Since it is impossible to impugn the total and utter success of the raid that netted the world’s most wanted terrorist, the hacks at the RNC have been hammering away at the rumored (yet strangely unproven) accusations that President Obama, his staff and the CIA have leaked intelligence for their own political gain, putting at risk the lives of Special Operations soldiers.

These wild and grossly inaccurate statements in the video are demonstrably false. Historians, who do not have a political axe to grind, have amply proven this.

So why even bother producing this sort of trash if it can be so easily disproved?

Dirt sticks, even if it is fake.

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  1. Scott Taylor is not a birther. You are referring to Larry Bailey, who is the former SEAL birther who is in charge of the SOS Pac. However, Paul Valley and Benjamin Smith, who are in Taylor’s OPSEC group, are birthers.

  2. Well-written piece…frankly surprised to see they allowed someone to pen an article on this website that doesn’t attack Obama to shreds. Cheers!

    • While ANP has typically attracted political writers of a more Republican bend, we have always encouraged people with different opinions to write here. From what I have seen in some of the threads (particularly Roe’s) there are opinions among our readers that are not being represented by the current writing staff. I would gladly welcome you, Logic, to contribute.

      If anyone else would like to do op-eds like our newest member Lucy, please contact me ( or Joe ( and let us know.

  3. Unions are ruining the USA! Its a political circle jerk. They have done far more harm than good. Kennedy mastered the art to gain votes. Many more Dems followed this strategy, like old man Daley. Unions are UN-AMERICAN! The economy of America is a free market. Employment is by choice, right? Then why does the government/unions force people to join unions in certain professions? Because its a political move to take care of politicians who in turn take care of the unions. Look what happened to the non-union workers at Delphi. The got F*%$^#. While the union employees got taken care of. Barry’s health care act is nothing more than a political move to get more people into a heath care union. Barry Soetoro is a fourflushing scum bag. His whole life is a sham. That clown could not wipe his own ass without Valerie Jarretts help.