Sunday, February 23

Desperation, Foolishness, Drive Romney To New Lows

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I understand Mitt’s need to grab at any chance for points in the polls as the probability of his obtaining the presidency continues its inevitable slide into the muck, but this is a new low for the man – which is saying something, considering his record for cheating the United States of jobs and his fair share of taxes.  Even his VP knew that attacking the president during a time of national mourning was the worst kind of exploitation, though Ryan had the good taste (or whatever passes for good taste in the GOP) not to directly say it.

The most damning indictment of Mitt’s callous and childish behavior was that he did not offer a solid, prudent course of action that the president should have taken.  So what would Mitt have wanted President Obama’s administration to say?  Kill ‘em all and let God (not Allah) sort ‘em out?  Absolutely.

Republican fantasies of a John Wayne, take-no-prisoners ideology of dealing with our difficulties around the world are the reason we have these problems in the first place.  G Dubya, the man who was head of an administration that committed treason against the United States by getting us involved in an unjustified war in Iraq, is the prime example of how this 19th century Imperialistic worldview has not only wreaked untold destruction on civilizations from Palestine to Beijing, but has also seared hatred of the United States into the mind, heart and soul of every victimized person throughout that vast region.

The GOP’s overweening need to impart “American greatness” upon the unwilling is just part and parcel of their evangelizing, born-again Christian dogma in action.  We all know the United States is a fantastic place to be, Mitt.  We don’t need to shove it down the throats of people around the world who would rather live in their traditional way.  Just because you view their lives as backwards doesn’t mean we have the right to change them.  That sort of freedom from oppression is the right of all people, not just Americans, and it cannot be given to us by government. You and your friends would know that if ever bothered to read the Declaration of Independence, a document written by the Founding Fathers in their struggle to throw off America’s imperial overlords.

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  1. We hadn’t heard much about foreign policy in this election cycle, but now in one hastily called press conference Mitt Romney demonstrates why he is not fit to be the guy in the White House to answer the 3 a.m. phone call.

    • He’s still more competent than Obama to answer that phone call. So far Obama has been unable to take that phone call because he’s been out playing golf.

  2. Lucy,

    You rabble rousing dumb ass. Romney is correct to call out
    Barry Soetoro. His policies are one of the reasons we are seeing problems play
    out all over the world. Barry changed US policies on the idea that the reason
    people hated the US was because we were so tough. So he went around the world
    and blew every head of state that would see him. He told them he would be
    different, he would not be tough. Barry would be loved and the US would show
    compassion. Do you honestly think that
    you can reason with a group of people that kill in the name of their god? That
    strap bombs to their kids? That mutilates and stones their women? That live in
    caves and wipe their ass with their hands? C’mon!!

    There was a time that other countries would think twice before acting on
    something. Not anymore. Nobody cares what Barry has to say or what he thinks.
    He’s a push over and is not feared or respected. That is dangerous with the
    thought of Iran and a nuclear bomb.

    Cheating the US out of jobs? Not paying his fair share of taxes? You sound like
    an Occupy Wall St dumb ass. It wasn’t Bains job to create jobs. He has paid the
    taxes that he was required, nothing more. Why should he pay more? Ask Pelosi,
    Reid, Biden, Clinton, Barry and all the rest that have exploited and pandered
    others for gain to pay more taxes. They have been in the public sector most of
    their adult lives yet are multi-multi millionaires. How is that Lucy? Most, if not all liberal democrats, fall for
    the scam that their party is different. That democrats are about helping people
    who can’t help themselves and Republicans are wealthy white people that hate minorities. Get real.
    They are all the same. Do you think TARP, QE1,2,3,4,5 is for you? They want to grab as much power and money as they can. But without the illusion that the democrats are different they got nothing. So they keep the entitlements coming and keep the power to accumulate more money.

  3. More Far Left-wing lunacy from Lucy. I don’t know if it is even possible to lie, distort and deny than she does in her screed (it doesn’t deserve to be called an article). She sprays so much hate on Romney and all Republicans that maybe she should be charged with a hate crime herself.

    She clearly is no fan of free speech. It’s funny how the left-wing yells “Censorship!” every time someone doesn’t want to use tax dollars for anti-Christian art, but she has no problem wanting to censor Christians and others who speak the truth about Islam. Lucy would rather burn our Constitution and destroy our freedoms of speech and religion to avoid hurting the feelings of Muslim extremists. She doesn’t seem to get that if the Muslim fundamentalists took over America the first people they would go after are the Left-wingers like her. She would be made to wear a burka and to shut up at best, killed at worst. She ought to stand up for our rights to make movies that criticize before those rights are gone.

    As for President Obama (talk about a terrible President) being responsible, he many ways he is. He responsible primarily for his role in getting rid of an ally named Hosni Mubarak and helping to install the Muslim Brotherhood to rule Egypt. The MB is a terrorist organization that was connected with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (who supported Hitler) and is the parent organization of Al Qaeda. He also played a huge role in overthrowing Muammar Quaddafi, who had already gotten rid of all WMDs and kept groups like Al Qaeda at bay. Thanks to Obama and Hillary Clinton he is gone and now there is a weak government that allowed Al Qaeda to attack our embassy and kill our ambassador and three others. Obama is naive…no, he’s stupid when it comes to foreign policy. A total moron. His policies created the environment that allowed all of this anti-Americanism to happen. The Youtube film had very little to do with it. This was pre-planned to occur on September 11th and Libyan officials even notified the US government ahead of time what was going to happen. Obama did nothing to secure our embassies. Romney is not only right, he understated Obama’s blame in this.

  4. The good news is that Mitt Romney will NEVER be the president of the United States. He and his Ayn-Rand-worshipping sidekick prove, on a daily basis, why they don’t deserve to win this election.

    Since Mitt’s foreign policy gaffe that Lucy wrote about in this column a video tape has surfaced in which Mitt says that he doesn’t care about 47 percent of Americans…he’s not concerned about them. Then, just today, Paul Ryan, the supposed budget wonk, told America’s seniors at an AARP meeting a bunch of lies and was practically booed off the stage.

    Let us recount the segments of voters that Romney/Paul have turned off to date:
    1) Women.
    2) Latinos
    3) Blacks
    4) Seniors
    5) Students
    6) The unemployed
    7) Military veterans
    8) Educators
    9) Other public employees
    10) Members of Labor Unions

    But hey, it’s not all bad news. They’ve still got the angry old white guy vote as evidenced by some of the comments.

    • Your top 10 list is complete bullshit. Go read and truly learn about the candidates instead of following what the media tells you. John Stewart is not real news journalism.
      Barry has NEVER done a thing to deserve praise. Shady secretive past, did nothing as an educator, nothing as a lawyer, nothing as a senator, nothing as a president. Yet you feel he has done a great job. At what? Seriously, what has the guy done in his life that is honorable? His presidency is by far the biggest scam in the history of this country.

      • Sounds like someone has a case of self-loathing that he likes to project on government. Let me guess…unhappy with your life, so you blame the government (all the while squawking about self responsibility)? How can you defend your flat out ignorant hate of a man favored by the majority of your countrymen? He is YOUR President and regardless of his politics, you owe him respect. You sir are no American.

      • Effingham, let me guess: you’re an angry old white guy, right? Well, definitely angry judging by your unhinged tirade. Here’s a tip: try the decaf.