Sunday, February 23

Roe V. Raed: The First Presidential Debate

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Obama’s Stupendous Failure Rivaled Only By Efforts Of DNC To Praise Him
by Theodore Roe

It was a strange and sad sight to watch Obama, typically a virtuoso of live-action spin-and-win phraseology, flop around the University of Denver’s stage like a guppy out of his fishbowl. How his Chicago Machine image-masters and spinmen allowed their shill to go into a major, televised debate without any practice whatsoever is a mystery to me.

The only possibility I can think of is that Obama and his team of admen finally began drinking the same kool-aid they have been assiduously selling to the American public for the last four years. If they have wholeheartedly embraced their tireless narrative of Obama as all things to all people, an unstoppable political juggernaut that can steamroll over any and all opposition, then the president’s horrible debate performance suddenly makes sense.

Some liars are so good at that their job that they eventually begin believing their own lies. These hucksters have been force-feeding us this bizarre idea that Barack Obama is some kind of a savant. He is a masterful and accomplished Constitutional lawyer and professor, an inspired community organizer embodying humanity’s common interests and a grand unifying force whose genuine and untarnished policies will certainly always carry the day because they are the most perfect manifestation of federal power used judiciously and wisely.

If you believe this pack of lies, then why would you need to prepare for a debate? Your candidate’s answers will be, by sheer dint of his existence, superior to the drivel of his diametrically-opposed rival. You don’t need to drill down on the truth, because the truth sells itself – right?

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