Sunday, February 23

Roe V. Raed: The First Presidential Debate

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Yes, the truth does sell itself, but Obama doesn’t have any truth he wants to sell. The truth in his case is a catastrophic explosion of federal debt, an unconstitutional and unpopular healthcare initiative, a vast weakening of American currency and several resounding failures in the international community.

Of course, if you have partaken in Obama’s particular flavor of Jim Jones’ punch, then these harsh realities are merely Republican spin. As the prophet of the DNC dream, the truth is whatever the Hero-In-Chief says it is. This is why true believers like Lucy Raed explain away the president’s poor performance at the first debate as ‘tactics.’ Their creed cannot allow for Obama to make an incorrect move. When he does, his pundit priesthood simply dives into their scripture, The Gospel According To Barack, and find a new and glorious way to explain mysterious genius of their divine leader.

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