Monday, March 31

Biden “Forcibly” Defeats Ryan

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While the GOP wants the world to focus on Biden’s supposed rudeness (though I am at a loss to explain why one should not be rude to a man who’s trying to pick your pocket at the behest of the rich), the truth is that, even if the vice president had not ever been on stage, Ryan’s total lack of substance would still have rendered the debate a total victory for the DNC. When Martha Raddatz prompted Ryan for his opinions on subjects like Iran and Romney’s policy on international intervention, Paul hemmed and hawed. He was absolutely sure that each situation would deserve separate consideration; just as he was absolutely sure he had no idea what those considerations could be. When confronted with ironclad proof that his ticket planned to massively increase military spending for no apparent reason, Ryan went to far as to deny this fundamental Mitt Romney policy.

The biggest gaffe came when Ryan finally spoke the truth. Paul made the strange mistake of denying Romney’s new found (or, found once again?) policy on Roe v. Wade. He righteously carried on a tirade about how the decision on the legality of abortion should not be left in the hands of the “un-elected.”

“We don’t think that un-elected judges should make this decision; that people through their elected representatives in reaching a consensus in society through the democratic process should make this determination.”

Personal freedom was not up for debate, Paul. The masses can’t decide to tell me what to do with my reproductive system any more than they can tell you that you can’t wear a condom. This is why these sorts of decisions belong in the courts, bodies more concerned with justice than pandering politics and the votes of religious zealots. Biden’s position, of course, fit right into this sane reasoning, yet again drawing the stark difference between Ryan’s Stone Age sexist opinions (insincerely cloaked in religious “freedom”) and the enlightenment of the Democratic Party.

This mountain of denials, lies and backpedaling, tempered with the frightening truth of the GOP’s social agenda, brought on the perfect storm of defeat last Thursday. When it comes right down to it, Vice President Joe Biden “forcibly” obliterated Paul Ryan. Thankfully, the representative from Wisconsin doesn’t believe that any debate should be aborted from the public memory, even under such unpleasant and legitimate circumstances.

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  1. The only people that saw that debate as a Biden win is the very left wing of the Democrat party. The pro Democrats are embarrassed. Witness Joe Trippi’s response – Trippi is hardly a republican hack. Uncle Joe was all over the place – if he would have contained his laughter at the economy, Libya, a nuclear Iran I’d give you that the debate was a draw. Old Joe doesnt even know that Syria isn’t 5X the size of Libya, or that his own Administration’s tax plan covers those making 250K and up – he claimed $1,000,000 and up. We are supposed to truly believe the intelligence stating Iran is nowhere near having a nuke, yet he claims the intel failed us on Libya. I could go on and on. Tues will be interesting, but seriously if I were you I’d start practicing saying President Romney….

  2. The Romney/Ryan plan is going to lower taxes 20% AND close the deficit? How? Even Paul Ryan, the supposed budget wonk, couldn’t answer that at the debate. He says that they’ll have to work that out in bipartisan manner working with Congress. This from a Republican Congressman who secretly met with other Republicans on the eve of President Obama’s inauguration to decide NOT to work with Democrats. To bring down this president by creating gridlock in Congress so nothing gets done. And now we’re to believe that he will suddenly work in a bipartisan manner? He’s full of it.

    And Joe Biden did an excellent job of showing the American people what a liar and hypocrite Paul Ryan is. Ryan and those of his kind have been lying about the stimulus, saying it didn’t work. Then, old Joe brought up the letters that Ryan sent to him asking for stimulus money for projects in his district and how these projects would create jobs. What a hypocrite.

    Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the rest of the Republican do-nothings are the problem, not the solution. I hope that Paul Ryan not only loses his bid to become vice president, but also loses his congressional seat. Then he can go back to Janesville and get a real job in the real world, instead of living off the government teat, all the while telling everyone else that government is the problem.

  3. The answer to your question is that we are better off than we were four years ago. Four years ago the economy was in free-fall and we were shedding 800,000 jobs a month, banks were going under, and the stock market was dropping like a rock. That has all turned around. Is the economy great? No, but there is no question that we are better off than we were four years ago.

    Second, your assertion that Obama had a Democratic Congress for his first two years is another favorite falsehood spread by the usual group of right-wing media liars. The Democrats had a supermajority for exactly 72 days, the time between Al Franken finally taking his Senate seat and Ted Kennedy’s passing. 72 days, NOT two years.