Saturday, March 29

The GOP “Is Full Of Racists”

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It was during his time as Powell’s chief of staff that Wilkerson’s disillusionment with the leadership of the GOP came to full flower. The CIA intelligence reports detailing Iraq’s mobile biological labs passed through his hands before Powell’s (in)famous speech at the UN. Wilkerson only had a week with the tailor-made fake evidence that brought on a pointless 9-year war that cost over 2 trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of precious human lives, but he still regrets not seeing through the sham.

It was only afterward that the true scope of the deception became evident, and that is when Wilkerson began his very public crusade against the leadership of his political party. He exposed the flagrant violations of the Geneva Convention (the integrity of which he has protected since his days in the jungles of Vietnam) encouraged by King Bush II and perpetrated by his vicious underlings. Wilkerson has also repeatedly spoken out on the lack of congressional oversight in the early days of the Iraqi conflict and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s overwhelming dedication to that false and illegal war.

The Colonel’s fight against the GOP’s top brass has been a lonely one, though. Viewed as a traitor and turncoat by his own people, Wilkerson’s most recent statement will certainly only increase the tension between him and the rank-and-file brainwashed brain-trust GOP goons like Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh.

This is probably a good thing. Wilkerson’s revolt against the racist, sexist and all-round atavistic attitudes of the GOP may be a clarion call for the few sane Republicans still hiding in the party. A rise of Republicans that embrace such currently-dangerous concept as evolution, equal pay and fair taxation could usher in a new age of sensible cooperation in the federal government.

I know, it is a pipe dream – but every now and then dramatic leaps forward in enlightenment happen in even the most primitive cultures. Could this be the GOP’s equivalent to harnessing fire or inventing the wheel? Only time will tell.

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1 Comment

  1. You really watch the Special Ed show? I think the Dems are in panic mode right now. That tingle up Chris Matthews’ leg? On election night that is going to turn into a brown stain down his leg.