Wednesday, March 26

Supreme Court To Hear Landmark Gay Rights Cases

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This has been a major final quarter of the year for sanity. First President Barack Obama soundly trounced his backwards, flip-flopping corporate raider opponent Mitt Romney, and has taken this mandate to the next level by refusing to extend tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans at the cost of the 99%. Then, in a move that Bill Nye said could “change the world,” world famous evangelical leader Pat Robertson debunked creationism. Now, we can cap off the year with the tremendous news that the Supreme Court is finally going to tackle the civil rights issue of the last decade: gay marriage.

The Supreme Court will be hearing two cases that may fundamentally change the legal acceptance of gay marriage in the United States. The long overdue addressing of this politically and emotionally-charged topic is set to begin in March, with potentially law-shattering consequences coming as soon as July.

Prop 8 protesters

Prop 8 protesters

The first case the Supreme Court will be hearing is Hollingsworth v. Perry, which concerns California’s infamous hate-ridden Proposition 8. For those of you unfamiliar with Prop 8, it was a law passed specifically to overturn a California Supreme Court ruling that same sex marriage is legal. The support for the bill was organized by the notoriously misogynistic and racist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (which broke federal law in order to support the measure) and other bigoted, right-wing Christian hate groups like Rick Warren’s Saddleback Ranch.

The second case, United States v. Windsor, involves the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and thus the federal government directly. The case concerns the marriage of Edith Windsor and Thea Clara Spyer. When Thea died in 2009, Edith inherited her property, but was forced to pay $360,000 in taxes that a spouse in a same-sex marriage would be exempted from. This is because DOMA informs IRS law.

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1 Comment

  1. You have got to be one of the most idiotic screed-writers I have ever seen. Let me rephrase that: You have got to be one of the most racist hate-filled idiotic crazy ultra left-wing fascist scribblers I have ever seen. My rock collection shows more intelligence and more concern for facts than you or your extremist heroes like the radical left-wing witch Nancy Pelosi or the wickedly corrupt Harry Reid. It is also quite galling to claim that Romney was a flip flopper when your favorite junior dictator, Emperor Obama, has flipped and flopped on abortion, taxes, Guantanamo, raising the debt limit, too many other items to count. That takes left-wing hypocrisy to a whole new level. And don’t forget to go after Obama for participating in a 2008 debate at that so-called “hate-filled” church pastored by Rick Warren, like I’m sure you went after him for attending the hate-filled racist church in Chicago run by a guy named Reverend Wright for 20 years.

    Even in your example of Edith Windsor you don’t figure in that Obama wants to raise inheritance taxes so under your Messiah she’d have to pay an incredibly high amount of taxes “anyway! Gotta tax the wealthy for their “fair share,” right? Guess you didn’t think about that.