Saturday, February 22

The ‘Red Line’ The U.S. Crossed Long Ago

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Ask not what your country can do for you...

Ask not what your country can do for you…

And then we have the new era of unending war, known as The War on Terror.  This orgy of violence is the raging wet dream of all the war machine apparatchiks that have been gobbling down Prozac to deal with their post-Cold War depression. The childish name of this insane war belies the breathtaking stupidity and sheer animal cunning of its planners. It is a war against a nebulous boogeyman with no country, no flag… and no limits. Any and all methods can be utilized by America, including torture and presidentially-endorsed assassination of American citizens, so that we may “win” this entirely (and by design) un-winnable war.

The crowning jewel of the War on Terror is Operation Enduring Freedom, which encompasses military action in Afghanistan, the Philippines, the Caribbean/Central America, Somalia and the Trans-Sahara. This “operation” began in 2001 does not appear to have an end. It is responsible for the massacre of countless innocent civilians, has robbed the United States of its economic stability and made this country the laughing stock of the civilized world.

But if we stop supporting and forcing our way into every conflict on the globe, won’t the terrorists stop taking us seriously?

Look again at that list above.  It is the greatest argument against the notion that if America doesn’t constantly go to war that our threats will not be taken as genuine by countries like Iran and North Korea.  We HAVE been going to war for decades, all over the world, at tremendous cost (both in money and lives), often at the drop of a hat – and our enemies still don’t respect us at all.

It is time to stop imposing our will (along with our rockets and tanks) on all the world’s problems and begin focusing our time, talent and resources on fixing our economy, ending corporate/capitalist domination of health care and assuring that everyone in this country gets enough to eat and pays their fair share.  Maybe if we start doing these things, the people of the world will come to respect us, instead of dreading us.  America crossed the red line of human decency long ago, and now we need to take back our honor by bringing an end to this American empire.

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