Sunday, February 23

Sexually Assaulting Women In The Name Of Information

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You see, the anti-science, anti-government-regulation GOP that currently controls the state senate is invoking (you guessed it!) science and government regulation to force pregnant women to behave the way they like. Of course, they would only do this to deny women rights instead of, oh I don’t know, curbing pollution or teaching evolution.

Almost all abortions are done in the first trimester. This early in the pregnancy it isn’t possible to do the kind of jelly-on-the-belly ultrasound that TV medical dramas have acquainted us with and get any useful information. Instead the doctor (or technician) must do a transvaginal ultrasound.  So, in essence, this potential Wisconsin state law would require, even without the consent of the woman, the insertion of a probe into her vagina. In any other instance this would be considered rape.

But surely an ultrasound is always a good idea, even in the case of a first trimester abortion. The 55,000-doctor-strong American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists doesn’t agree with that assessment.  According to their guidelines concerning ultrasounds there is no blanket reason to use this procedure in the case of abortion. In fact, they appear to see it as largely unnecessary, and it is unethical to force a doctor to do a procedure if he or she does not believe it is necessary.

So if there is no medical reason to sexually assault a woman attempting to get an abortion, why would Governor Walker and Wisconsin’s GOP-dominated legislature endorse a measure to do just that? Could it be that they are attempting to subvert the law of the land by making it more physically, emotionally and financially difficult for women to get abortions?


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  1. jazzquipster on

    Talk about government intrusion! And this, from the very people who claim they want less government poking around in their lives.

  2. Lol, wow some people have no shame. You may have topped the worst article ever written here, which means you out did yourself once again..this “article” is so ridiculous it doesn’t even warrent a logical response.

  3. Another fine example of hate from the morally repulsive Lucy Raed. In the pursuit of ignorance she wants to kill as many unborn babies as she can. She probably yelled out in orgasmic joy when she heard news reports of how Kermit Gosnell snipped the spinal cords of babies that survived abortions, and cried when he was convicted of murder.