Sunday, February 23

Sexually Assaulting Women In The Name Of Information

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There is no justification outside of religion for this law, but Wisconsin will most likely join this ever-growing list of states that want to make it nearly impossible for women to get abortions by increasing the cost through requiring ultrasounds and shutting down clinics unequipped to meet new, illogical regulations.

Texas – Where a psychotic fundamentalist that believes in state-sponsored prayers for rain is governor and it is illegal for the state to give minors contraceptives. Texas also has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country.

Alabama – Where Establishment Clause denier Roy Moore (of Ten Commandments in Court fame) was just re-elected as Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court and science teachers are forced to argue against evolution.

Arizona – where it is easier to purchase and carry concealed a handgun (without any sort of permit or registration, mind you) and go on a shooting spree than to get an abortion (which requires a 24 hour waiting period, an in-person counseling session and, of course, the medically-unnecesary ultrasound).

Florida – Where there are at least 164 taxpayer-funded voucher schools that teach creationism in lieu of evolution.

Kansas – Where, until recently, the state endorsed Intelligent Design as an acceptable alternative to scientifically-tested principles of modern biology and genetics.

Louisiana – Where the Academic “Freedom” Act of 2008, allowing faith-based religious dogma equal footing with scientifically-gathered evidence in classrooms, is the law of the land.

Mississippi – Where the high School Graduation rate is below 63% and almost all schools do “abstinence only” sex education, which is probably why they have the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the United States.

Virginia – Where leading GOP legislators thought it was a good idea to rape women who wanted abortions (these women decided to be “vaginally penetrated when they got pregnant” quipped one lawmaker). The state’s GOP just nominated Ken Cuccinelli, a virulent hater of science and logic, as their gubernatorial candidate for the next election.

(Author’s Note: Oklahoma and North Carolina have also passed laws requiring an ultrasound for every abortion, but the laws are not in force because some people with functioning forebrains have challenged them.)

All of these states have also passed laws banning same-sex marriage – yet another government intrusion into the lives of Americans by a party supposedly determined to keep the government out of its citizen’s personal business.  But that’s just par for the course when we let men like Governor Walker into office.

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  1. jazzquipster on

    Talk about government intrusion! And this, from the very people who claim they want less government poking around in their lives.

  2. Lol, wow some people have no shame. You may have topped the worst article ever written here, which means you out did yourself once again..this “article” is so ridiculous it doesn’t even warrent a logical response.

  3. Another fine example of hate from the morally repulsive Lucy Raed. In the pursuit of ignorance she wants to kill as many unborn babies as she can. She probably yelled out in orgasmic joy when she heard news reports of how Kermit Gosnell snipped the spinal cords of babies that survived abortions, and cried when he was convicted of murder.