Saturday, March 29

A Defeat For Common Sense, Decency, In Florida

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This is still some hope for justice, though. The NAACP has an online petition (which quickly gathered hundreds of thousands of signatures, temporarily crashing the website) demanding the federal government bring Zimmerman up on civil rights violations. The DOJ already did an investigation concerning this matter, but, as of today, has said that the matter is “under review.” No doubt the pressure from groups like the NAACP, and the general public is the reason Zimmerman’s civil rights violations are suddenly being looked into again. After all, it took weeks of protesting to get the officials of Florida to charge Zimmerman with murder. I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked, given Florida’s long history of black repression. Thankfully some socially and ethically-responsible citizens refused to allow Florida’s government to ignore Trayvon’s brutal murder.

There is no doubt that Zimmerman is guilty of violating Trayvon’s civil rights. If the federal government has the good sense to bring him up on charges, this will be a chance to see Zimmerman get at least some measure of the punishment he deserves for becoming the judge, jury and executioner of a 17-year-old boy armed with a bag of Skittles and a cell phone. While prison is probably too good for a man like Zimmerman, it will at least be a start.

With any luck, this action will be augmented by a civil suit from Trayvon Martin’s family. This will hopefully insure that Zimmerman can never profit from the murder of Trayvon through writing books, conducting interviews or giving speeches about his grisly 9mm triumph over an unarmed boy. I’m sure the NRA is already banging down Zimmerman’s door, given their shared history.

So while it looks dark now, there is a chance that in the coming months and years George Zimmerman will be held accountable for his heinous actions and the American civil rights movement will once again be on track. We just need to wait, patiently, for the wheels of justice to come around and remedy the grievous errors wrought by a jury of six on July 14th, 2013.

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