Saturday, March 29

Carthaginian Peace In The Levant

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The Allies learned their lesson at the end of World War 2, making a point of empowering the German people and helping them rebuild their crumbled infrastructure.  Now the Germans are among the most prosperous, freedom-loving, peaceful people on the planet, and Germany is one of America’s strongest allies.

Imagine if Israel chose to learn from this example. An empowered, informed Palestinian people would certainly be less of a threat than the abused, starved and radicalized population currently trapped in Gaza.

Unfortunately Israel is currently walking a much more grim path.

It is sad to see the nation of Israel, peopled primarily by a religious group that has suffered intense persecution throughout history, turning to the same methods used by their persecutors.  Israel needs to immediately cease their unwarranted, asymmetric aggression against the Palestinian state and come to terms with the fact that they have committed a great injustice upon their neighbors.  Then it might be possible for peace talks to actually get somewhere.

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  1. Oh my gosh…the crazy far left nutjob returns. They say that a broken clock is still right twice a day, but nutjob Lucy Raed can’t even surpass that. Now she is a shill for the Islamic terrorist group Hamas as she spreads antisemitic hate on Israel. Somehow the fact that all of this started with the kidnapping and murder of three teenage boys by terrorists linked to Hamas seems to elude her. After the Israeli Security Agency made multiple raids to conduct arrests, Hamas started launching rockets into Israel. Israel retaliated and it has continued ever since. Hamas started it.

    Not only that, but Egypt brokered a peace deal between Israel and Palestine, but Hamas refused to sign off on it. Israel agreed to end hostilities, but Hamas did not. Israel also does everything it can to avoid civilian casualties. It takes the unusual step of calling the person whose home targeted so he or she has time to leave. Hamas, on the other hand, intentionally puts civilians, especially women and children, in harm’s way. They hide missiles in hospitals, schools, mosques and bunkers. They even booby-trapped a donkey with explosives so it would become a suicide bomber. (Talk about cruelty to animals!) Yet Hamas gets almost no blame and zero condemnation. It is excused as being a “symptom.”

    Wrong. The Palestinians knew what they were getting with Hamas when enough of them voted them into office. It’s charter seeks the destruction of Israel, which should make it obvious to anyone with an I.Q. higher than a walnut’s that it doesn’t want peace. Hamas and Fatah both brainwash children by teaching them to hate Jews and Israel from birth. Hamas, for those who don’t know, is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Egypt recently had the sense to get rid of. The Muslim Brotherhood, in turn, comes out of Nazified Muslims who supported Hitler. They continue to love his book “Mein Kampf” as well as “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Several years ago the most popular song in much of the Middle Eastern Muslim world was “I Hate Israel.” This is the mindset of Hamas. It is no better than ISIS, which is set to commit genocide against Christians and Shiites.

    Yet, like other brain-dead ultra far-left extremists, Raed blames the victim and pretty much ignores the aggressor. Hysterically she cites the tyrannical left-wing dictatorship in Venezuela and newly Islamist Turkey for support. Maybe she can call up David Duke and cite his opinion too.

  2. The Romans were very smart. They destroyed Carthage and sold its survivors into slavery. Carthage never bothered Rome again.

    Israeli politicians are stupid. They let Gaza attack Israel again and again. Just destroy Gaza and end the conflict already!