Wednesday, March 26

Michael Magnafichi Presents ANP Sports

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Michael Magnafichi and Frank Coconate

Michael Magnafichi and Frank Coconate

Hello American News Post viewers. I’m Mike Mags (a.k.a. Michael Magnafichi) and I am happy to inform you that I was recently selected to open ANP’s new sports section.

We’re going to try something new with the sports section at ANP. This will be the first of many podcasts we’re going to do. Everyone here is really excited about this new direction and we hope that you enjoy this new format.

My column is going to be updated on a weekly basis, perhaps during some weeks it will be done bi-weekly. As you may know, I am new to this field and I thank you in advance for being supportive and patient while I get my feet wet. Despite the fact that I am new to publishing, rest assured that I am an old pro at sports analysis. Please use the comment section to send me sports-related questions. I will be happy to address your questions in future podcasts.

ANP’s corruption writer, Frank Coconate, was nice enough to work with me on these first two podcasts. I’d like to thank Frank for giving me a hand with ANP’s maiden voyage into audio. Maybe we’ll make a habit of doing this as a conversational piece – who knows?

It is my intention to keep the podcasts around 20-minutes (or less) in length for a while, until I could judge how things are going at first. I welcome any constructive criticism ANP readers can offer me.

Thank you for your time. I hope to succeed in providing you with content worthy of your interest.


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