Thursday, March 6

ATTENTION PUBLIC: Non-Stop Remodeling INC & William ‘Billy’ Rich Are Partners In Crime!

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The Following Is A Public Service Announcement:

WARNING – Non-Stop Remodeling, including President William ‘Billy’ Rich (of 888 Cadwell Ave., Elmhurst, Illinois) is hereby suspected of being a criminal enterprise based on the following information:

American News Post conducted a thorough investigation into crimes committed by William ‘Billy’ Rich, via Non-Stop Remodeling, INC, within the Village of Addison, Illinois. The crimes stem from conspiracy to commit insurance fraud (by manufacturing two versions of service receipts, the first for insurance claims and the second for the real costs) and robbery.

One home in particular, owned by a female senior citizen, had work done on it by William Rich personally. Shortly after completion of the work the owner realized that thousands of dollars of home repair tools were missing from her home. These tools were hers, left behind by a late relative.

In another incident, it was discovered that William Rich, via his company Non-Stop Remodeling, INC, manufactured a false contract bearing a forged signature for the purposes of unlawfully placing a lien on the house because of irreconcilable differences with the client. Furthermore, William Rich placed a fraudulent claim against the title insurance company of the home occupied by the client. Sadly, William Rich succeeded in his goal to defraud the title insurance company and was paid over $8,000.00 for botched work and robbery.

If you or anyone you know had home repair work done in the last five years through Non-Stop Remodeling in Elmhurst, Illinois, and have been robed or defrauded in any way, please submit a complaint to the Illinois Attorney General Consumer Fraud Department.
You may mail your complaint to:
Illinois Attorney General
ATTN: Consumer Fraud Dept – 12th Floor
100 West Randolph Street
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Alternatively, you may fax your complaint to the Attorney General at (312) 814-3806.
If you have any questions that you feel American News Post can help you with, you are welcome to visit our contact page and submit questions or comments or contact me directly at Thank you.



  1. I know someone that worked for Billy Rich. According to my source, he was of the opinion that Billy used “working girls” to pay some of his employees.

  2. I am wondering what Bill Rich has going with Melrose Park – Illinois? Is he on the payroll, is he fulltime? Does he have benefits? Is he a pimp? His garage was busted a while back for prostitution. Why would Mayor Serpico not be concerned? What is going on with Bill Rich?

  3. melrose park employee for at least 20 years. he is a ghost payroller,the mayors guy.close friends with terry serpico and peggy difazio.he collects a pay check from melrose park and works his own business,also he remodeled orgys house on village time and material charged to melrose park.he and terry are big crooks.

  4. They changed laws cause of guys like him. U use to be able to put a lein on homes, & it would stay till payed; many times by estates after death. Now you have to re-apply periodically for the lien

  5. disgruntled ex employee on

    I worked for billy rich for quite some time and he is about as shady as they come. Terrible sense of business, no care for how a job is finished as long as it is milked for all it is about dry. Then his workers will have magically done something wrong so they don’t get paid for that job! Theey leave and he tgets another crew of suckers he is going to screw over. And this just repeats that’s wyhy no one likes working for William “Billy” Rich. He is a scandalo mafioso who’s not. Even italian and talks bad about italians, yet he is an associate of them. Now what’s wrong with that picture?