Saturday, March 29

ATTENTION PUBLIC: Park Ridge Police Chief Frank Kaminski’s Dept Caused Damages For Local Family

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The following is a public service announcement.

WARNING – Park Ridge Police Chief Frank J. Kaminski:

On or around November 23, 2009, an emotionally-troubled person from a Cook County suburb, approximately 10-miles away from Park Ridge, Illinois, contacted your police department over a telephone to report an alleged domestic crime that supposedly took place seconds earlier in a Park Ridge home. The troubled caller did not allege to have knowledge of a criminal child abuse matter.

Your emergency center dispatched numerous emergency vehicles, including a fire truck, ambulances and police cars, to the home reported by the troubled caller.

The Park Ridge residents who occupied said home were utterly unaware of the havoc this troubled caller had unleashed upon them. They answered the door as they normally would, but were flabbergasted to find numerous emergency vehicles outside of their home. The man of the house, who was aware that no one from inside his home contacted, nor had any valid reason to contact, the police was confident that somehow a mistake was made, as he began opening the front door, without unlocking the wrought-iron screen door. Once the main door opened, the residents greeted the emergency officials. One of the officials purportedly indicated that they were investigating a criminal child abuse matter.

After being confronted by the Park Ridge Police, the male resident was apprehensive about allowing the police to enter his home. The police failed to show a warrant to enter the property, but more importantly, no one from the home called 9-1-1 asking for emergency assistance, because no such assistance was necessary.

You might ask why this man did not immediately unlock his wrought-iron screen door. According to sources, the Park Ridge resident answering the door that night was well aware of the ongoing investigation of a somewhat publicized federal case filed in 2007 concerning criminal child abuse and other misconduct allegations relating to Park Ridge Police Lt. Jason Leavitt.

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  1. The fact that it took the Park Ridge Police Department until now to strip Leavitt of his police powers, when this case was 4 years old, and was settled more than a couple of years ago in federal court, tell me that Park Ridge fully supported Leavitt and his misconduct. Park Ridge should be ashamed! I am very sorry to see how the Park Ridge family in the article fell victim to circumstance because of Leavitt and Park Ridge keeping police powers with bad people!

  2. Give Me a Break on

    So now Police are expected to do a background on the caller before responding to a child abuse case? I can understand your beef with Park Ridge regarding the Lt.’s case but give me a break the guy didn’t open the door for fear some cop was going to molest his children w/all the emergency vehicles there? Not to long ago a wife went to the bank for randsom money. While police determined whether the bank tellers story was valid, killers raped the two daughters and murdered them and their mother thankfully falling short of whacking the father. If police had immediately responded we at least know there would have been a chance of a better outcome.
    The woman who made the call? Was she charged? Did the family pursue a restraining order?

    • Reread Ms. Nolen’s article, in the beginning it states that the 9-1-1 caller “did not allege to have knowledge of a criminal child abuse matter.”

  3. Dear Give Me A Break,
    If you reread Ms. Nolen’s article, you will see in the beginning that the 9-1-1 caller “did not allege to have knowledge of a criminal child abuse matter.” In other words, the infamous Park Ridge Police simply decided to make it one.
    No, the 9-1-1 caller was not charged with a crime for making the call. No one involved has ever been charged with a crime in relation to the matter in question.

  4. As I said before, no wonder why a great deal of the public hate the police, especially the infamous Park Ridge Police.

  5. Give Me a Break on

    Unless Ms. Nolan has heard the actual 9-11 call she is assuming no child abuse was alleged. If she has heard the tape I’d like to know what ‘domestic crime’ was reported. Also is the woman who made the call a victim and not a criminal because she was “living in a dilapidated part of Cook County and at the time, thus dealing with the inordinate stresses of poverty and a lack of adequate neighborhood security.”? But Park Ridge Police acting on a 911 call are guilty? I’d like to think we always would persue ‘domestic abuse’ allegations before a ‘true victim’ is killed, whether they be living in a poor area of Cook County or Park Ridge.

  6. Dear Give Me A Break,

    I am aware of the facts outlined in the 9-1-1 call – no assumptions have been made by me.

    The person that made the 9-1-1 call made the call on her own, reporting hearsay information about an alleged domestic issue between a married couple living in Park Ridge, Illinois. The caller never indicated criminal child abuse as an allegation. The police went to the house and were able to talk to the married couple face-to-face, both parties indicated that ‘an argument’ took place and there was no need for the police (I am giving you more details because you are asking good questions). The police suddenly decided to form a concern for the children in the house as if a crime against the children occurred, without any ‘founded’ evidence that the children were abused, nor any allegations of such from the 9-1-1 caller. I contend (in my opinion) that the police were simply angered at the residents decision to keep the wrought-iron screen door locked, thus preventing the police (who were not invited by any of the residents) to walk throughout their home as if it were a train-station. Some police officers suffering from delusions of grandeur might experience feelings of inadequacy when faced with a citizen or citizens that attempt to use their constitutional rights. In my opinion, the case outlined in my article is a clear example of an overzealous police department misusing police powers to do as they please with a family that had no interest in subjecting themselves to unnecessary and unwanted interrogation by the infamous Park Ridge Police Department. This was not a case where the police were unable to talk to or see the residents in the house. All the residents greeted the police at the door, confirmed that the police were not needed and that no crimes against children had been committed.

    As a side note, I wish to apologize for not being more detailed in my article; however, thanks to your good questions the fine details are now published.

    Again, remember, the 9-1-1 caller never reported criminal child abuse. However, without any ‘founded’ evidence, the police misused their power to remove minor children from their home late at night, bringing them to a hospital, where the doctor confirmed that no physical evidence of child abuse existed on either of the children (consistent with the 9-1-1 callers report, and the information shared by the entire family, including the child that was old enough to speak).

    If the infamous Park Ridge Police claim that my article is false, perhaps they will simply hand the matter over to their village attorney who collects a salary, to file a libel claim against American News Post. However, I know that no valid suit of libel will be filed because my article and other postscript comments are accurate and truthful and can be substantiated, unlike the infamous Park Ridge Police Departments grossly incorrect suspicions that criminal child abuse occurred in the household pertinent to this comment thread.

    Should we be surprised by any of this coming from an infamous police department that would condone child abuse and other misconduct allegations relating to one of their top-cops for 4-years?

    In my opinion, the woman that made the 9-1-1 phone call is a fool. My description of the 9-1-1 callers environment and mental status is for the readers to consider. I am not inferring that poor people should be prevented from exercising their right to call 9-1-1.

    Remember, it is the infamous Park Ridge Police Department that has issues with people’s rights. Thank you.

  7. Give Me a Break on

    Fair enough but your beef is with the Park Ridge police for (ignoring/delaying) action on one of their own but now are faulting them for being what I would argue overly protectiive of children. The police did not come out w/o cause. Normal citizens cooperate w/police w/o lawyering up and their are very few have a wrought iron screen door (ghetto door) the incident was unfortunate but you need to go at the Lt. and any other misdeeds you know about. PR Police resonding to a 911 call is not a misdeed IMO
    But thanks for answering. I’d also suggest instead of PRPD filing suit against American News Post why not the wronged family filing suit against PRPD? When are they filing?

    • Dear Give Me A Break,

      There is a difference between being ‘overly’ protective and ‘unnecessarily’ protective. The infamous Park Ridge Police, in my opinion, were being ‘unnecessarily’ protective in relation to the family that suffered for no good reason.

      When the police respond to a 9-1-1 callers hearsay report, and present themselves to the location in question and are told by the alleged victims that “everything is okay, please leave us alone,” the police should have enough common sense to know that it is time to call off their ‘hot pursuit’.

      I have no idea if and/or when the victims plan to seek justice.

      Some could take your reference to “normal citizens” offensively. Perhaps you should have said, “Average citizens that lack the ability to be assertive when in the right and are not comfortable in exercising constitutional rights, no matter who they are dealing with.”

  8. Give Me a Break on

    I’d also offer beating two teenagers who admittedly were drunk and broke out a car window does not ring ‘Criminal Child Abuse’. But I’m all for beating sense into delinquent punks. After all I was one! And got beatings plenty of times. And deserved most all of them!

    • Dear Give Me A Break,

      I disagree with you. I do believe that beating a minor, regardless of the minors age and regardless of the minors conduct, clearly rings criminal child abuse.

      I am afraid that you destroyed every bit of credibility that you appeared to have in this comment thread when you stated the following:

      “But I’m all for beating sense into delinquent punks. After all I was one! And got beatings plenty of times. And deserved most all of them!”

      • Give Me a Break on

        I probably grew up a little different and harsher than most but don’t regret a second of it. One stupid evening while in the Rush St. area (while intoxicated) I attempted to feed a police horse something I shouldn’t have. The next thing I remember is waking up in an alley with a clear flashlight imprint on the side of my face. My reaction was of thanks for not being locked up and secondly how I’m gonna hide my injury from my family so as not to get punished a second time. Sueing the Police actually never even came to mind! When these kids take till they’re 40 to become responsible the parents can be proud. Let me guess this kid Gavin’s parents let him buy a new car with his settlement money?

  9. Dear Give Me A Break,

    There is a difference between being ‘overly’ protective and ‘unnecessarily’ protective. The infamous Park Ridge Police, in my opinion, were being ‘unnecessarily’ protective in relation to the family that suffered for no good reason.

    When the police respond to a 9-1-1 callers hearsay report, and present themselves to the location in question and are told by the alleged victims that “everything is okay, please leave us alone,” the police should have enough common sense to know that it is time to call off their ‘hot pursuit’.

    I have no idea if and/or when the victims plan to seek justice. Thank you.

  10. Ms Nolan,

    It is people like you that is the reason why children run-a-muck. It believe it is time that liberals like you should be waterboarded.

    • Mr. Russell,
      Your inhumane belief is a perfect example of what most human beings find deplorable. May God help you?

      • Give Me a Break on

        Maybe just maybe if these teens had gotten the proper upbringing at home they may not have been out at a local high school late at night breaking out the back window of the security guards car. I’m sure they only meant to get a reaction from the guard which is exactly what they got. IMO Park Ridge was right to back their officer and any Lt. able to rn down two teens single-handedly needs to be on the force rather than some of these 250lb females who can barely get out of the patrol car for lunch.

        • Dear Give Me A Break,

          Are you Lt. Jason Leavitt? Only a violent child abuser could justify his or her despicable actions the way you have in your recent comment on this thread.

          I would bet that DCFS, a purported proponent of child safety, has not opened a case in this matter, which would be the Illinois way (the land of NO reform). Perhaps someone should ask our newly elected governor about it.

          I am confident that the Park Ridge Police failed to contact DCFS regarding Lt. Jason Leavitt’s violent crimes against children. However, one would pray that an agency such as DCFS would exercise their powers when public attention is placed on a case involving violence perpetrated against a minor, especially if it seemed as if the offender was someone with power and in receipt of special treatment. Could DCFS be a part of providing special treatment for powerful child abusers by looking the other way and not protecting children? Surely, DCFS would want someone as dangerous to children as Lt. Jason Leavitt to undergo anger management and other appropriate treatment to prevent a reoccurrence of any potentially fatal acts against children. If Lt. Jason Leavitt is a father of minor children, how could DCFS not care enough to look into whether Lt. Leavitt’s sickness has caused harm to his own children? Is DCFS for real or is it a joke?

          If someone from the Park Ridge Police Department or from DCFS would like to confirm that DCFS has taken action in the case regarding Lt. Jason Leavitt, please do so at once.

          We the people of Illinois want to know that DCFS is not a joke or is no longer a joke.

          How could DCFS expect parents like the ones indicated in the article above to take DCFS seriously, after they were required by DCFS to jump through hoops when it was confirmed that NO criminal child abuse occurred in their situation? If DCFS has decided that it was unnecessary to take action against Park Ridge Police Lt. Jason Leavitt, after the City of Park Ridge paid off witnesses/victims (nearly $200,000.00 in hush money) in a child abuse related criminal matter, how could anyone take DCFS seriously ever again?

          The excessive force allegedly used by Park Ridge Police Lt. Jason Leavitt far surpasses any conventional type of corporal punishment used by some parents, which in some cases is not even illegal in the State of Illinois.

          • Give Me a Break on

            No I am not Lt. Leavitt and don’t even know him. This is reprinted from a police support site of course the other side to the story.

            We have it hard enough out there doing our jobs, protecting communities, taking scum off the streets, so that others could live without fear. This Officer was doing his job.

            In Oct 2006, the offender and another teenager were shooting out car windows when they shot out the car window of an off duty Park Ridge Police Officer’s vehicle with a projectile. The off duty Police Officer and responding units chased the two offenders, when one of the offender’s decided to run and resist arrest. The offender was charged with two counts of felony criminal damage to property, two counts of reckless conduct and one count of resisting a peace officer. The offender received minor bruising and scraping to his face as a result of his actions, and resisting arrest. The offender never requested medical attention nor went to the hospital immediately following this incident. The offender admitted to this incident in court and paid restitution to the vehicle owners, including the off duty Officer.

            An internal investigation was attempted, in which the offender and his family, after numerous attempts, refused to cooperate with.

            In Oct 2007, 1 YEAR, after this incident, the offender and his family file a law suit against the City of Park Ridge and the officers involved. The State’s Attorney’s office is now mysteriously interested in this case and decides to open an investigation, 1 year later. –AN OFFENDER, SHOOTING AT CAR WINDOWS, COMMITTING A CRIME, AND MINOR INJURY TO THE OFFENDER AS A RESULT OF HIM RESISTING ARREST.

            In Jan 2010 The Park Ridge Police Dept and the City of Park Ridge settle a lawsuit with the offender, a tactic commonly used to avoid the numerous costs of going to trial.


            On Monday, Oct 15th, 2010, Jason Leavitt had to go and turn himself in at 26th and California to be arraigned in front of a judge. To face the possibility of losing his job, his income to support his family, and now have to come up with a minimum of $30,000 to start, to defend the lawful action that he took, chasing an offender committing numerous felonies, not knowing if the offender is armed, in the course of his duties.

            All the times we have gone to court, walking through those hallways, riding up the elevators with the filth that we arrest.

            I could not fathom how embarrassing and humiliating this must be to Jason Leavitt.
            I am embarrassed and disgusted to work in a climate where the State’s Attorney’s office chooses to spend it’s time prosecuting a Decorated Police Officer over criminals, a Police Officer who has dedicated his life and has put his life on the line for law enforcement and the community.

            I’ve seen some ridiculous moves by the State’s Attorney’s office, but this incident, along with a few others, makes me want to re-evaluate how aggressive of a Police Officer I want to be in the future.

            I am good friends with many State’s Attorneys, I am not lumping them all together, some of them are good at their jobs, some not, same with Police Officers. We all know that there are dirty Police Officers out there, and I am in NO WAY sticking up for or defending them when I ask for your support for the injustice that is taking place here, with this incident.





            Now tell us Ms. Nolan the backgrounds and awards the teens have received?

          • Dear Give Me A Break,

            “This Officer was doing his job.” Not a good idea when one is off duty. Not a good idea when one decides to use excessive force. Not a good idea when one has a conflict of interest because of a personal experience with the alleged offender. I suppose we now understand where the misconduct comes in.

            GMAB, you said it best here, “there are dirty Police Officers out there,” which is the only thing you said that I agree with.

            Dirty police officers usually start clean, just like children. Clean, without much of anything established in their name. Of course, I cannot intelligently compare the history of a young teenager to a veteran police official. However, I could point out that it is not unheard of for decorated police officials going to prison for committing crimes.

            How many times have we seen governors, judges, prosecutors, police officers and other public figures go down? We cannot simply decide that the system has failed when these things happen. On the other hand, we should trust that the system is actually working and working well, especially when it goes after people of power.

            GMAB, perhaps if you were a witness in the case involving Park Ridge Police Lt. Jason Leavitt, I would appreciate your input. However, you clearly indicated that you “don’t even know him.”

            Resisting arrest and breaking a car window is juvenile delinquent behavior. Excessive force by a police official leveled against any adult human being is down right deplorable. Leveled against a child is much worse.

            Attempting to tear down a child as a way to build up a powerful and armed official is not a good strategy. If you really want to help your fellow officer, I suggest that you take some Public Relations 101 classes first.

            I think that Park Ridge Police Lt. Jason Leavitt might be friends with “someone,” since he was able to escape justice for several years, and likely not have any routine investigation with DCFS to deal with.

            GMAB, I take your subtle threat to perform your police duties on a sub-level of standard operation as a serious matter, when you state that you “want to re-evaluate how aggressive of a Police Officer I want to be in the future.” Are you attempting to inappropriately compel the Cook County States Attorneys Office to obstruct justice if they succumb to your subtle threat, in hopes to have Jason Leavitt’s case “mysteriously” dismissed by prosecutors who might fear your subtle threat? Are you hoping for the subtle threat of yours to cause an epidemic among other law enforcement agents in a horrible protest like fashion, in order to attempt to push around prosecutors? Shame on you Mr. Police Officer! Are you sure you are not Park Ridge Police Lt. Jason Leavitt?

            As a side note, please be advised that American News Post willingly hands-over IP addresses to law enforcement when the suspicion of criminal conduct appears on its comment threads.

            Lastly, I would like to point out that the civil and criminal cases lodged against Park Ridge Police Lt. Jason Leavitt were appropriately filed within the allotted time frame that legislature allows plaintiffs and victims to take legal action. Attempting to spin something because the cases were not filed the next day is very weak on your part and is certainly not a reasonable defense.



          • “You can’t handle the truth! Son, we live in a world that has walls. And those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Who’s gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinberg? I have a greater responsibility than you can possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago and you curse the Marines. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know: that Santiago’s death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives…You don’t want the truth. Because deep down, in places you don’t talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. You need me on that wall.
            We use words like honor, code, loyalty…we use these words as the backbone to a life spent defending something. You use ’em as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then questions the manner in which I provide it! I’d rather you just said thank you and went on your way. Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon and stand a post. Either way, I don’t give a damn what you think you’re entitled to!”

    • If if walks like a duck.... on

      “If liberals expressed half as much self-righteous indignation about crime as they do about the random case of police brutality, one might be inclined to take them seriously. Criminals they like. It’s the police they hate.” Ann Coulter

      why dont liberals ever call out social workers or community organizers etc?

      oh thats right cause they are busy handing out taxpayer social benefits and the latter demonizing corporations via forced wealth redistribution (corporations aka the producers of America!)

      now somebody that works for a living risking life and limb is to be a sanctioned target.

  11. Dear Give Me A Break,

    “This Officer was doing his job.” Not a good idea when one is off duty. Not a good idea when one decides to use excessive force. Not a good idea when one has a conflict of interest because of a personal experience with the alleged offender. I suppose we now understand where the misconduct comes in.

    GMAB, you said it best here, “there are dirty Police Officers out there,” which is the only thing you said that I agree with.

    Dirty police officers usually start clean, just like children. Clean, without much of anything established in their name. Of course, I cannot intelligently compare the history of a young teenager to a veteran police official. However, I could point out that it is not unheard of for decorated police officials going to prison for committing crimes.

    How many times have we seen governors, judges, prosecutors, police officers and other public figures go down? We cannot simply decide that the system has failed when these things happen. On the other hand, we should trust that the system is actually working and working well, especially when it goes after people of power.

    GMAB, perhaps if you were a witness in the case involving Park Ridge Police Lt. Jason Leavitt, I would appreciate your input. However, you clearly indicated that you “don’t even know him.”

    Resisting arrest and breaking a car window is juvenile delinquent behavior. Excessive force by a police official leveled against any adult human being is down right deplorable. Leveled against a child is much worse.

    Attempting to tear down a child as a way to build up a powerful and armed official is not a good strategy. If you really want to help your fellow officer, I suggest that you take some Public Relations 101 classes first.



  12. Mr. Jingledonkey on

    Pudge Matassa (that MOTHER!) lives in Park Ridge. Write about that! (LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL)

  13. ParkRidgeAvenger on

    Lt. Robert France trained Leavitt and Robert Kampwirth. Ray Wolff is a P.R. fireman. The 2009 Park Ridge Police Audit names Robert France as pulling his gun on several teenage boys. The Farleys know these boys and their parents. Jack Hegler is the other boy beaten by Leavitt. They should come forward. France has a history of abuse of juveniles and filing false reports. Former Deputy Chief Tom Swoboda investigated France for harassment and witness intimidation. Anyone wishing to see justice in Park Ridge must look at the record of Robert France. Was he on duty on the night of Oct. 27. 2006?

  14. Give Me a Break on

    So you’re going to turn in my IP address to authorities for citing a statement I personaly didn’t make? Again when will the family (victims) subject of your meaningless story, file suit against PRPD or at least the woman who started this whole matter. And Park Ridge is nice, why does this family have ghetto doors?

    • GMAB is stupid on

      Dear Give Me A Break,

      I would like to draw attention to Ms. Nolen’s comment dated, November 21, 2010, at 12:51 pm, paragraph 10, which states as follows:

      “As a side note, please be advised that American News Post willingly hands-over IP addresses to law enforcement when the suspicion of criminal conduct appears on its comment threads.”

      Now I wish to point out your direct response to Ms. Nolen’s comment. Your response is indicated in your comment dated, November 21, 2010, at 9:08 pm, paragraph 1, which states as follows:

      “So you’re going to turn in my IP address to authorities for citing a statement I personaly didn’t make?”

      GMAB, where is it indicated that Ms. Nolen is going to turn in your IP address? Where is it indicated that Ms. Nolen is holding you responsible for ‘a statement that I (you) personaly (misspelled) didn’t make’?

      To me you seem to feel guilty of some kind of wrongdoing, automatically assuming that Ms. Nolen’s statement outlined in paragraph 10 refers to you as if you have committed a crime. I believe the statement that you made in your comment dated, November 21, 2010, at 11:44 am, paragraph 11, which states that you “want to re-evaluate how aggressive of a Police Officer I want to be in the future,” is rather suspicious (nowhere is it indicated that it is not your statement). As a police officer, you should know better than to make a statement like that. Perhaps Ms. Nolen feels that your chief should be aware of your intentions, which is why the subject of the IP address might have been mentioned.

      Tell us Mr. Police Officer, what was your reason for publishing this statement, “want to re-evaluate how aggressive of a Police Officer I want to be in the future,” on the internet? You are a bad cop! I am glad that American News Post has your IP address!

      • Give Me a Break on

        In Ms. Nolan’s comment 11/21/10 12:51 she starts Dear Give Me a Break. See to me that’s an indication the comment was directed at myself. In that same reply in the second to last paragraph she stated, “as a side note please be advised ANP willingly hands over IP addresses when suspicion of criminal conduct appears”

        (YOUR COMMENT WAS MODIFIED – Ms. Nolen will not condone links to other articles that support alleged criminals who are currently under investigation and/or have pending cases. Thank you, American News Post)

        • Give Me a Break on

          (YOUR COMMENT WAS MODIFIED – Ms. Nolen will not publish harassing messages. Thank you, American News Post)

  15. The infamous park ridge police have been profiling every car that drives thru town.The famous liscense plate light not working and the standard improper lane usage.They or a select few have been harassing people forever.Do yourself a favor and drive around that town.

  16. Good job susan.”The P.R.Police use the 3-D’s
    It’s a competition to see who can rack up the most arrests,in their little town where nothing happens.

  17. I remember years back a speeding 65mph cop car (not responding to a call) smashed into the car of an elderly couple on there way to drop off christmas presents,killing one.Was this incident delayed and swept under the rug also.

    • Dear the Mick,
      Are you aware of the year this occurred? Do you know the name of the officer or the victim?

      • Give Me a Break on

        It didn’t happen. I believe he’s talking about the Branko Curcic DUI incident which occured on Christmas Eve or day 2007 if I remember right. Two people were killed in that accident but Curic wasn’t an officer of any town much less Park Ridge and he surely wasn’t in a squad. Amazing to me that when I present facts they are regarded as harrassment yet a vague story about an officer killing someone while delivering Christmas preasents is accepted?

        BTW Curcic got 5yrs for the 2 deaths because he had parents with money. His out date is 3/19/12 so he’ll be home for his 33rd birthday. Our gutless court system should be hanked for that.

        • Dear Give me…,
          Your recent comment was published because it is not offensive.
          Thank you for clarifying the questions that I raised in my previous comment.

          • Give Me a Break on

            I didn’t mean anything offensive but certainly feel this article is way off when assigning blame. The woman who made the 9-11 call described as a ‘victim’ in the story is to blame. Then somehow magically connecting PRPD’s response to the domestic call and Lt. Leavitt’s case was a bit far fetched IMO.

            Anyway Merry Christmas and safe passage to all this w/e.

        • Dear Give Me A Break,
          The 9-1-1 caller is not the purported victim (apparently, reading is not one of your strong points); in fact, the woman called 9-1-1 on behalf of the alleged victim. However, in reality, the family was victimized by the Park Ridge Police (who ‘magically’ turned the 9-1-1 caller’s complaint into a child abuse matter as if children were battered) were aware of the Leavitt situation, thus felt afraid to allow Leavitt’s uninvited Park Ridge Police cohorts in their family home. Give me a break; you are beating a dead horse. You are making the same ineffective arguments, repeatedly.
          Merry Christmas,

          • Give Me a Break on

            In the very first paragraph you describe the 9-11 caller as “The troubled caller”. I read that as ‘a victim’ sorry? Furthermore your latest response with (apparently, reading is not one of your strong points) I’d say was far more offensive than anything I’ve typed, censored or not.
            You go on with, ”The troubled caller, hopefully, did not mean to do any serious harm. Sadly, a few wrongly-worded statements can put the police on to high alert and bring about a series of actions that will result in an expansive, and utterly unnecessary, response.
            According to sources, the troubled 9-1-1 caller in the case outlined in this article is said to be permanently emotionally impaired because of a horrific tragedy involving a suicide that occurred during her childhood in a different state (possibly Indiana). This mental impediment was coupled with the caller purportedly living in a dilapidated part of Cook County and at the time, thus dealing with the inordinate stresses of poverty and a lack of adequate neighborhood security. Beyond even this, the troubled caller had long-term, familiar dealings with the Park Ridge residents, which could speak to any number of motivations, aside from the truth, for the troubled caller to send the police on a wild goose chase.
            All these factors should have brought the caller’s credibility into question immediately.”
            My original point was do you expect police to do a background check on 9-11 callers prior to dispatching?
            BTW maybe try starting an article other than ATTENTION PUBLIC and use further adjectives when describing something. Makes reading much more enjoyable. Instead of repeating ‘troubled caller” ad nausea you might use deranged caller, crazy caller or maybe even nuttier than a fruitcake caller?
            Merry Christmas back at cha!

          • Dear Give Me A Break,

            I would be glad to clarify my meaning. I referred to the caller as ‘troubled’ because she thought she had an emergency issue to report.
            I apologize for offending you by sharing my opinion of your reading skills. However, I used appropriate language.
            The point that you keep missing is that once the police made the unnecessary and inappropriate decision to invent a criminal child abuse concern, the mental status of the 9-1-1 caller is not relevant.

            If you do not enjoy reading my material, please find something else to spend your time doing.

            Thank you.

      • 02-03,A lawsuit was filed 01-23-2003.The officer was Karyn Suarez and the victim was Mary Jean Onderdonk.I could not access the whole article,but this sounds like it.

          • Dear Mick,
            So far, I have found the lawsuit by the victim against Park Ridge. I will request all of the facts of the case. Again, thank you.

          • Give Me a Break on

            Now I know what case he’s talking about. The Christmas presents/time thru me off. The officer was responding to an accident scene and reader Mick was right no lights or sirens were on. I don’t think the female officer works for Park Ridge anymore. As I remember she was found to have the right away at an unmarked intersection so if only PR investigated he may be on point with this one.

  18. Harlem Gio (née Playboy) on


    Be advised that Pudge Matassa lives up in Park Ridge, and Sol C. lived up there at one time, too. Do you know what kind of relationship they might have with law enforcement? It sure would be interesting to find out, eh?

    Joe, are you and Ms. Nolen related? You have similar styles, as far as writing and argumentation. Just curious.

    Also, one of my buddies was joking around and told me that Harlem Playboy was recently married in some kind of prison nupital ceremony. He was probably kidding, and it’s likely that it didn’t happen. But, anything’s possible. Do you have any info about this? If it’s true, I have my own theory about who he was married to.

    • Dear Harlem,
      I am not related to Susan. And, I do not have any information on Harlem Playboy. Thank you.

      • the ghost of f@rt on a horsey b*ner on

        Joe, it’s OK if you don’t have information about Harlem Playboy. I have my own sources.

        Joe, I know someone in the IT department at the Illinois State Department of Corrections, and he said that someone is constantly using this database:

        to access Nick Gio’s profile, and that Gio queries are so excessive that the DOC’s servers crash at least once per day. Interestingly, though, all the queries come from the same IP address. It seems like someone really loves looking at Gio’s photograph on that website.

    • Ghost of Shart on a Horseys B*ner on

      I think that Horsey is up to his old tricks again. I have a feeling that one of these days your going to write a public service announcement about him.
      I heard through the grapevine that he
      is a little off.

  19. 11-13-06. Gerald Dahmer 623 Broadway P.R. is shot 3 times with a 12 guage at sunrise on his front lawn. Sal Cataudella 632 broadway P.R. just happens to live on the block.Too many simularties on this one. $50.000 reward for info.

    Anybody have opinions on this one.

  20. "Nick Gio Spam" is causing problems with me, too on

    To Whom It May Concern,

    I own and operate a blog of my own, which focuses on corruption and organized crime in Chicago. For the past five or six weeks, my comment threads have been under a brutal spam attack. The common theme with these spam messages is some person I’ve never heard of named “Nick Gio.” This Nick Gio Spam has made commenting and replying extremely cumbersome, and has gotten to the point where I had to temporarily shut down the blog until I can figure out how to handle things.

    Here’s an example of the kind of material that is being posted:

    “Harlem Playboy 3 December 2010 at 3:18 am:

    Hey Frank, back in the 80’s, did you ever eat at Geppetto’s in Oak Park, and if so did you ever meet Nick Gio? He would’ve been haning out on Harelm Avenue. He wore a leather jack with the Italian boot on the back and Z Cavariccis and drove a Ferrari. Do you know where a kid that age could’ve gotten that kind of money? Also, I believe he was Italian-American, but I’m not sure. If you respond, don’t worry if I don’t reply right away–I’ll be on the dancefloor, which usually can’t even handle me.”

    I was told by one of my readers that you had problems of your own with this kind of thing, and as I examine your threads, I see that he was right. How did you handle this? Please advise.

      • Dear Joe,

        3 things:

        A)Please do not take the commentor from 6:01 pm too seriously. It is probably just horsey shart acting up again.

        B)Think about how much fun we could have if you removed your moderation process (just look at the recent fun success that myself and horsey shart have had at making ANP FUN AGAIN)
        C)Ghost of horsey, LMFAO!!!

        • I agree.

          No moderation!

          No moderation!

          No moderation!

          Merry Christmas to all, and to all a very Horsey Christmas!