Saturday, March 8

ATTENTION PUBLIC: Joe Messino Threatened Joseph Fosco’s Life

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The following is a public service announcement:

WARNING – Joseph M. Messino, aka, Joe Messino and Joey Messino, age 32, who according to public records resides at 2507 Oak Street, Franklin Park, Illinois, is to be considered armed and dangerous. In addition to Joe Messino having a significant criminal history, he suffers from acute mental illness, according to sources close to him. Some believe that Joe Messino was involved in the grisly 2009 murder of Michael DeFilippis and the bizarre 2009 disappearance of Anthony Catalano. Others contend that Joe Messino murdered the male companion of his girlfriend’s sister approximately 1-year ago. Sources close to the family have asked that we not publish the murder victim’s name.

Recently, various authorities were made aware that on the evening of December 14, 2010, Joe Messino called the cellular phone of American News Post Publisher, Joseph Fosco, stating, “You are as good as dead – You like writing about my guys Johnny DiFronzo, Jack Cerone and Dr. Giacchino. You like calling Internal Affairs on my brother. You like that my name is mentioned in the Catalano comments. I am going to kill you now – so you cannot file anymore lawsuits against us or write about us.”

Joe Messino is believed to take part in criminal activity with his father William “Billy” Messino, Jr. The late Chicago Outfit member, Willie Messino, is the grandfather of Joe Messino.

Again, Joe Messino is to be considered armed and dangerous. Please contact 9-1-1 if you witness any suspicious behavior by Joe Messino. In addition, American News Post is offering a cash reward for any information leading to a criminal conviction against Joe Messino and/or his father William “Bill” Messino, Jr. Please forward tips to your local police agency and feel free to apprise our publisher of anything you hear about the Messinos. You may email Joseph Fosco at Thank you.



  1. Them Pill’s make you due things you wouldn’t due if you weren’t on them.I actually think they help in proving how much of an desperate fool one can be.

  2. Special Quest Explorer on

    Joe, I need to tell you something important! When I picked up Tony Catalano’s missing person’s flyer, I Immediately called area 5, Detective Mario Gonzalez, Gonzalez told me Tony had a friend by the name of Joe, and asked me if I knew his friend Joe. I said I knew of no friend of his named Joe. But, I then added in to the Detective that, he did know friend’s from Sicily. Detective Gonzalez replied back. “No! Maybe this is the wrong guy, because the Tony Catalano we know of is American Italian!” So, Joe, this is the Joe that Detective Gonzalez of and that I could not place. Well, how do you like those apples? For entertainment sake, anyone else want to call 312 746-8365 be my guest, see if Gonzalez talks to you about Tony’s friend Joe too!

    • Dear WTF,
      I am unhappy to read that authorities have not yet questioned Giacchino – thanks for the link. Messino should be questioned as well. In my opinion, Joe Messino and his father are Giacchino’s assassins and they are considered organized crime affiliates.
      I hope that John Kass could cause the authorities to question them. Lord knows I have tried.

  3. Joe the more i think about it seems like that you only care about what the mob has done to you personally not about the many others the outfit has affected you yourself have stated and with backing of photos you have were once friends with jackey jr , johnny difronzo and you even said good lookin mike m and even joe andriacchi the number two guy in the area are dear friends of yours so my point being its ok to murder,extort,hijack so on and so forth as long as it doesnt happen to you?

    • Dear Cody,
      I am all ears if you want to talk about ways I could help you – if the Outfit has victimized you. I would enjoy helping other victims; however, others (victimized by the Outfit) are reluctant to seek help from sources such as American News Post and other media outlets.
      As a former social acquaintance of Outfit affiliates, looking back, I realize that I never truly understood the consequence of their evilness until it touched me personally (I am ashamed to admit). I was a younger man and confused. I regret associating with all of them and if I could do it over, I would stay 50-miles away from each one of them.
      Thank you for your comment.

  4. Special Quest Explorer on

    Hi Joe, I hope you had a wonderful Holiday! I want to send a message to “A friend” on here, or any others that can add some answers to this question. I was given a lead that I would like to pursue and explore. But, the answer would require the cooperation of Tony’s friend’s to open some doors for more options. Here is the lead to everyone that hung where Tony did; I was told that Tony Catalano hung at “The Gym!” Please, can someone who involved in reading this shed some light on telling me where this “Gym” is located? It would greatly be appreciated! Is “The Gym” a bar” Is it a health club and where? Possibly can “The Gym” be a wrestling place? Also, can you remember the group Tony Catalano hung with in this “The Gym?” There are two guys that I want to point out in particular. If you do not wish tell be seen in the open for fear of discovery can you at least have a square talk to the owner of this “Gym” so he might be of assistance to the detectives!

    Yes, we now found a motive for the killing of Michael Defillipps, “Mikey” was going to court. He could bring the doctor down! Plus, of course the whole team of soldiers including this Joe Messino!

    Now, it seems to me that Detective Mario Gonzalez has only a one track mind. Detective Gonzalez only cares about a guy named Joe that Tony hung around with and nothing else!
    I am assuming that the phones records of Tony Catalano may have brought on a connection! Perhaps, Tony also was threatened in the way Joe Fresco who has written this story has. Only, this is Gonzalez said, “Wo! Wo! Wo! We just want to know if he has been seen by anyone past this date!.” We still believe Tony is alive!” It’s because the first thing I thought was foul play. Anyway, age seemed to be a factor with the detective from area 5 on the flyer along with this Joe guy!

  5. Joe,
    Love the blogs. Found this artice on the herald. Any connection to the Anthony Catalano?

    Man cut in half still unidentified

    The identity of a man whose body was found in two halves earlier this year in Arlington Heights and near Des Plaines still remains a mystery.

    DNA testing helped authorities piece together the partial remains to determine they belonged to same person — a white or Hispanic adult male. The partial remains were found in April near an Arlington Heights garbage bin and in May in a Cook County Forest Preserve near Des Plaines.

    The lower part of the body was found in a garbage bag April 16 at Marketview Apartments near Dryden Place and Kensington Road in Arlington Heights.

    The badly decomposed upper part was discovered May 6 in Lions Woods near Golf and River roads along the south bank of the Des Plaines River.

    The only identifiable marks that were found on the lower part of the body are three tattoos, two appearing to be the image of a “joker.”

    DNA from the body was submitted to a national database of criminals, but there was no match.

    Arlington Heights police, the Cook County sheriff’s office and the Cook County Forest Preserve police are working to identify the man. Anyone with information is asked to call Arlington Heights police at (847) 368-5300

    Read more:

    • Give Me a Break on

      are you kidding? Did the killer keep the body frozen and somehow thawed it lightly. A year and 3 months guy! This body was a piece of chit… (illegal) gang banger and I’ll bet on it. The f’n news can’t say ‘illegal hispanic’ or even gang banger and so goes it.

  6. Special Quest Explorer on

    According to the missing person internet site Anthony Catalano has a tatoo on his thigh of an Italian flag with the word Italy on it. He also has a 2″ scar on his neck. His records shows retail theft.

    • Dear 2GQ…,
      Willie told me he was ‘made’ in 1949. And Johnny told me that Joe Gags brought him into the picture. I suppose all of us could form a different opinion as to what it all means.

    • Special Quest Explorer on

      There is ton’s of other websites on the history of Willie as part of the mob! Have you had a chance to look them up? He is listed with them.

  7. Special Quest Explorer on

    Early years:Massino first met his future wife Josephine in 1956, and married her in 1960. He had a lunch wagon business and served factory workers in Maspeth, Queens and sold Christmas trees during the winter season. When his daughter Adelaide was born he had to take loans from relatives to pay for the hospital. In 1966 he bought his first home in Maspeth to be close to his parents. He was a close friend of Carmine Rastelli and Martin Rastelli, brothers of Phillip Rastelli who ran a depot for lunch wagon supplies.

    Massino is the father of three daughters named Joanne, Adeline and Linda. . He stands at 5’10” with brown hair and brown eyes and weighs 300 pounds. His grandchildren referred to him by the pet name Poppy. As he grew older he enjoyed entertaining house guests by bellyflopping and swimming with neighborhood children that he would invite over into his backyard pool. Massino’s family is of Catholic Faith. He was a one time neighbor of John Gotti, Gene Gotti, Peter Gotti and Alphonse Indelicato.

    Massino owned and operated the CasaBlanca Restaurant in Maspeth, Queens, an Italian restaurant and catering firm, as well as Cafe Via Vento, also in Maspeth, and other New York and Florida properties.[1] He once convened a meeting of four of the Five Families at CasaBlanca, and he allegedly ran his operations from the restaurant, setting it as the family’s main headquarters.[1] At CasaBella, Massino personally made the pasta sauces and ravioli and claimed that CasaBlanca had the best pizza in the city.

    [edit] Rise to power see nore under Wikipidia

    • Dear SQE,
      Thank you for the information on Massino. However, please be advised that the article above is related to Willie Messino. Thank you.

  8. Special Quest Explorer on

    Thanks, I didn’t know that! Anyway, Joe I have been racking my brain in name searches to follow the area where this Joe Messino JR. has his presence. I wish I could find a picture. The reason Joe, is because i would like to see Joe JR. referring to the grandson of course, well his proximity to the Catalano condo. Ok, well because I’d like to wonder if a crime scene happened now at the Messino grandson’s place. And that is where the car was wiped down. That’s if it happened that way! Another thing I might add to this point is; if Tony were on the phone at the moment of a kidnapping or abduction, as some of the psychics have previously claimed. Then the last phone call would show his time of abduction. Proximity would show how far Tony from his condo. Did the kidnapping abduction happen in front of his condo, or further south, east, north or west? Or where ever?

    Also, I might add; have you ever watched Columbo? Why do I feel like Columbo, when I think about, if he were kidnapped, then why bring the car back the next day and return it?
    How many kidnappings do you know happen that way?

    Does anyone know any great Columbo lines? Why do I feel like scratching my bushy eyebrows and now say, “How many people throw someone in there trunk, then return the car the next day?”

    • Dear SQE,
      The Joe Messino that I have reported to the police for threatening my life is the son of William Messino, Jr. He is the grandson of the late gangster, Willie Messino, Sr. And he is the brother of Chicago Police Officer William Messino, III. Officer Messino is working in Vice now.
      If you would read my article above, you would find the residential address of Joe Messino. Joe Messino’s supposed legal occupation is driving a tow-truck. Apparently, he works the O’Hare area and 16th District of Chicago, which is also known as Jefferson Park.

  9. I.P. Address on

    (The message from I.P. Address was deleted because of its harassing nature – it was directed at our Publisher, Joseph Fosco. Thank you, American News Post)

  10. I.P. Address on

    (The message from I.P. Address was deleted because of its harassing nature – it was directed at our Publisher, Joseph Fosco. Thank you, American News Post)

  11. Just Wondering on

    There’s something Vin Marron-ish about Special Quest Explorer’s comments. I think I even a sprinkling of Harlem Playboy, as well. Joe, what do you think SQE is up to? He or she is up to something. What do you think it is?

  12. Special Quest Explorer on

    I apologize Joe, I did read this address and plum forgot. Please have fun Joe and everyone on here on New years eve! The placement of having a cop close to the brother makes with goose bumps! As a country I hope everyone gets fatty in 2011, because how can anyone gets past a brother that’s a cop? So, with all kidding aside, just let me say something or rather repeat something, here. When I talked to Detective Gonzelez he told me Tony had a friend by the name of Joe. Do you suppose he was really saying he is under the chains of the mafia connected cop? I mean if he knew Tony had a friend Joe, why isn’t Gonzelez going after this Joe? Can anyone who reads this tell us of any other Joe, that Gonzelez could have been coming up with?

    • To serve and protect. most police serve and protect the public,some police serve others and protect their ass. If a suspects name come up and all of a sudden the police are not looking for one,that seems strange to me. If its true that Mario Gonzalez said wo wo wo we still believe tony is still alive,Mario you have been around long enough to know better. even Andy from Mayberry can see the truth. have you staked out walmart? maybe you can get a Tony sighting or even Elvis if your lucky.

      • Special Quest Explorer on

        Friend if you really are from the area neighborhood, then you know who this girl is, because all the guys hang wih her cousin at Nick’s! Why would I make that up? Everyone knows her whole family in the neighborhood! And everyone knows I have hung around with her for many years! Hint Tony and Joey’s cousin! Since, she got a phone threat, wouldn’t it make sense that it may apply to the Catalano considering whom I am and what I am doing to help Tony to find information? Yes, others have told me that they have hung at the 4 horsemen too!

  13. Special Quest Explorer on

    He told me that! It would be wrong if he didn’t! It is a police officers job to first see if the person is alive! The police do not cause panick. He told me this! This was when I asked him if this were the same Tony I knew! He only wanted to know if I seen him past March 24th. So I sent him letters. He did ask me if I wanted to come in! Alos the Narcartics cops told me something else. He said “Well, if his mother is not interested in looking for him then why are you?” Do you know how many missing cases there are? Tony’s cousin said on the other feed that he sent her away! His cousin made the comment that I guess I have to have a hill billy last name for someone to talk to me. Did she not say this Joe? Isn’t what Joe has been trying to say, that why aren’t the cops questioning the Dr Giachino? What do take what Joe has been saying as a joke? It’s not funny! Not at all! I will even go further a telling you… Michelle Farrar his high school friend was turned away by the Chicago Police department. Oh’ll she named Menietes in it also! We all have been there, and we all all got turned away! His cousin was only told from Gonzelez it’s an on going investigation. How can I be liar, when it is on the other feed that she said this! Oy this Narcotics cops also, said. “Yeah, I know the whole family!” Do I know why he said that I have no clue. He told me to come back with more prooflike photos and he would give me to the righgt detective. Don’t you know Coppers run for thier badges. They don’t want to work. Do you know what Michele said and others from Tony’s high school? She said that the cops had a hundred leads, with the phones everything, and they turned up nothing! She talks to Tony’s mom! So don’t give me! I forced fed him and are going over his head and are going to the chief. I did get a reaction from SVU when I emailed Commander Ortiz! Would ya give me a break! Then why aren’t they helping JOe as we speak? H just called the police?

  14. Special Quest Explorer on

    Ok then prove me wrong. call him. call Gonzelez up. We need witnesses! See, his reaction. Why doesn’t Joe get help when he has an aggravated assault case on Messino? That by the way is also, a probable cause case fro Tony Catalno’s case because Joe Messino threatened Joe Fosco over our discussions about the Catalano case. That is enough probable cause for the cops to get a warrant. Oh’ll yes’ And know this, all you to be is a credible witness to create a probable cause! Why aren’t the cops questioning Giachino?

  15. Special Quest Explorer on

    In February 2009, on Valentine’s Day, Tony Catalano attended a wedding for a high school friend, where many of his high school friends showed up. Michelle Farrar the girl that was head of the Wood search told me she noticed Tony seemed as if on something, other then drinking that night! My question is to Friend on here have you noticed Tony in a depressed state at all in the year 2009? Just in case? He may have turned his back being in this state of mind! I just need someone’s description of Tony’s state of mind from witnesses in early 2009, that’s all. Someone on here named concerned says they saw in 70 to 100 times in a Mercedes livly on his phone. Yes, and friend or cousin can you confirm Tony Catalano, did in fact, drive a round in this make of car? The reason is it says off center, that statement, as if to disprove a possible OD case! What specific corner did you see this Mercedes Catalano run? Harlem?

    Also, could possibly the “The Gym” Tony hung was merely the Chicago health Club walking distance from his condo? He may have friends he merely mingled with from his tanning salon.

    • concerned person on

      In the 90 days prior to Tony going missing he was very worried about something. he had problems over major drug deals with very dangerous people.Through his phone records and this site and tips from Joe Fosco the police have so much to go on yet nothing.why? I spoke to someone in Tony’s family who called Mario Gonzalez about 10 days ago after Mario got back from vacation and is still waiting to hear from Mario.You were right when you wrote they are pushing everyone away.Why? The public is watching.

  16. Special Quest Explorer on

    This is a link to “missingpeeps” where I first found the information from Tony’s cousin. Read this statment on there that says Tony’s car was found the next day at his condo with all the finger prints gone even the cousin Tony’s. Tha’s where I got that from.

    Also I was trying to find his “The Gym” because according to police trac evidence Tony was last seen leaving his condo at 9:30am. If your thinking out of the box, one might wonder if Tony went to “The Gym” early am near his condo to work out and found others connected to his disapearnace, or possibly more drug soldiers. He may got grabbed there! Anyway, there are areas that can be caught on cameras with this scenerio. See, Catalano Missing Peeps internet site!

  17. An RD number was issued by the CPD when I reported Joe Messino’s threat on my life (RD # 668309). If he makes one more threat, I will have him arrested. At which point he could be committed to a lunatic asylum instead.

    • Merlin Tenderpony on

      Is that what a lunatic asylum is truly like? If so, there seems to be a preponderance of naked men in them for some reason. What are your thoughts on this, and what could this mean for Mr. Messino?

  18. Special Quest Explorer on

    Threats are still agravated battery Joe! Inwhich case, the CPD as usual may just tell you to put a restraining order out on him. Or just give him a warning! I want to see him busted, for you Joe. Joe , may I ask if it’s ok with you of course, can you teel us the crazy , LU lU things he tells you. If it’s appropriate on here to say of course?

    • Dear SQE,
      Thank you for the advice. Yes, a restraining order is an option, however, if he contacts me one more time (even thru a third party), he will be gone (jail or a lunatic asylum). I would not put it past his lunatic father to attempt contact, furthering the threats on my life. His father is a real piece of work too.
      Unfortunately, I have been advised against publishing the details of the threats made against my life at this time.

  19. Special Quest Explorer on

    (YOUR COMMENT WAS MODIFIED – gibberish and comments that do not apply to the article are not acceptable. Thank you, American News Post)… there is something “Sneaky and in Sneaky Ville” going on in CPD? Have the CPD questioned Dr. Giachino yet?

      • Special Quest Explorer on

        Excuse me but if they are true how are they not geared toward this article? You seem to have misread my comments as comical, but yet they are exstremly true! Why would you think my comment was at all funny? You have proof on here that many other people have called the CPD with no results. So now, why would a true experience of what happened to a friend be any different? Yes, I believe the Messino clang had something to do this. But you don’t know that I found something that was an experience that may have an involved the same experience possibly from the same parties. Why are you taking this as a joke Joe? I merely stated that you may go to the States attoryneys. Office for further assistance. How would that be offensive? Nor, anything else of true value to your article?

  20. Merlin Tenderpony on

    Thank you for addressing this matter of gibberish and off-topic conversation. I’ve noticed that you have a few regular comedians on here who, I admit, bring some levity to the discussion from time to time. But this SQE seems to be using this tragic situation as an opportunity to get a little too “cute” and playful, and, frankly, it changes the tenor of the conversation to something that I find to be EXTREMELY offensive under the circumstances at hand–i.e., foul play.

    Thank you, Mr. Fosco. Thank you for nipping this in the bud. And, excuse the frankness of what I’m about to say, but would you consider banning SQE’s IP-address? If you do not curb this behavior, I fear it will only be a matter of time before we will all be subjected to Round 2 of the Nick Gio material once again.

    • Special Quest Explorer on

      Excuse me Merlin, but isn’t what the Media’s about, is telling the truth? Let me ask you Merlin, would you say that 5 other people in facebook, that all know this, woulnd’t you think that I are atleast telling the truth? If this is already a well known story then exactly how can it be a comedian’s tale? The fact is is that both families are being used and hurt in this!


    Very recently, Joe Messino (observed by two witnesses) was creeping around the home belonging to one of my relatives. It is suspected by some people that I maintain residence at said location. And a surveillance camera captured an image of Joe Messino’s vehicle. It is obviously more than a coincidence that in the wake of murderous phone threats made by Messino to me that he would be stalking an area where I am suspected of living. A report on this matter has been made to the appropriate authorities.
    Today is the birthday of a man that had no use for Joe Messino. And today is the day that I announce that Joe Messino’s recent action is the straw that broke the camels back.

  22. f@rt on a horsey b*ner on


    I’m sorry to hear about this matter. Do you consider it related to the Outfit, or is a more a personal vendetta that Mr. Messino holds against you?

    Also, can you elaborate a little bit on this statement:

    “And today is the day that I announce that Joe Messino’s recent action is the straw that broke the camels back.”

    Joe, the 7th is also Kenny Loggins’ birthday. That’s who I thought you meant when you said, “Today is the birthday of a man that had no use for Joe Messino.”

    Regardless, it needs to be said that, likewise, Kenny Loggins probably has no use for Mr. Messino whatsoever.

    Keep the articles coming!

    • Dear Fa…,
      Based on the phone threats by Messino, coupled with Messino’s most recent act, I clearly understand that his motives are Outfit related, and he could have a personal interest in the matter.
      The comment about the ‘straw that broke the camels back’ refers to the enhanced law enforcement measures that are being taken right now. Because of Messino’s criminal conduct, he will be dealt with swiftly.

  23. Special Quest Explorer on

    If it is true that Messino will be dealt with swftly then why are you taking my advice that I think you should refere this action that Messino has been doing to the States Atty’s Office as gibberish? Also in my comment I also stated that this action can be a “Probab le Cause” action for the Ctalano family’ Why would that gibberish? We have no proof but, your word that Messino even exists, excpt for what you have told us. So if other people have seen other things that can be compared as possible CP cover ups’. Yes, it is related. Also, wasn’t it you Joe that made a statement saying how Dr. Giachino has supplied the CPD with erection sticks? Now how did you not imply that you felt that CPD is doing something under the table because of being supplied by DR. Giachino’s supplying them with goods? In other words Joe you implied a pribe? I think if this is real this experience that you have from the messino family, then you would have thought about going to the States Atty alreadt? The said thing is that you giving innocent family’s hope for closure!

  24. Special Quest Explorer on

    I just wonder how you thought that someone who had a phone is giberish? Do you coener the market on phone thrats? And, yes, absolutly, I feel that he phone threat is directly a connection from Messino. I jus knoe it yet at the time1 See, what happen is that I told Mario Gozelez about both Narcotics cops her brother and the one I’ve told you about! Coulnd’t that be enough proof that Messino is involved, with the Catalano case? Messino never did anything before our comments in here about the Ctalano case, am I not correst? So isn’t that proof of the relationship? How do you feel it’s not? And Tender Merlin how do you feel it’s your business?

  25. Special Quest Explorer on

    Just so you know, just this last late summwer, I have already told 5 people in facebook this same story. So, if those people that read this now know that i was telling the truth! Public know this that 5 people in facebook that my friend had gotten phone threats. At that time I thought it was unrelated to the Catalano case! I have those people as proof to bring to other reporters. It’s a shame that the Catalno family as said above from the cousin in Peeps, was seeking help from the Media! This is the type of help she gets. And Joe Fosco got paid with out both families permissino! I still would like to know why you think that you snd Tender should be offensive? Now why would I do that? it’s not a game? Why do you think it’s funny? This girl that many in the area know has gotten similar phone calls and has lost her mind comprehending! How and why do you think that’s funny?> Both families need assistance and closure on there heartach! Why do you feel that there story is yuors? The only reason they are letting you is because they think that they are going to recieve help from the Media! Now if i already told others this happened in facebook, how could I be a liar? This girl went to the States Atty and couldn’t communicate to them and may get killed! As we speak, how do you think that is funny? And how is that offensive. Your in the Media, atleast we think that? How is sending you the fed on the Catalano Missing Peeps offensive? Exactly what other thing on here I have said, do you find offensive? How can I be a liar when when Concerned also said that Mario Gonzelez pushed the Catalano family away! Excuse my Joe but how is that offensive? And what does that have to do with Tender Merlin? To Tender Merlin please take a moment to click into the fed I sent on Catalano Missing Peeps! What is offensive about that? I git to get Katie Grossman in here. This is one track against 2 onnocent families! Do ever think that by Joe doing this story that the 2 families find what he did on them offensive? Even the cousin came in here and let him have a piece of her mind! The news is supposta be about the truth! Why is it that I feel that i’m the only one here telling the truth, Joe? Or why would the States Atty. scare you? It makes no sense to me? Explain it Joe, what’s wrong with the States atty’s Office?

    • Dear SQE,
      From what I understand, a victim/witness begins dealing with the police/FBI for the initial report of the crime(s) and the States Attorney/U.S. Attorney handles the prosecution of the case(s). In other words, I would not be able to go directly to the States Attorney/U.S. Attorney to file the initial report of a crime (as far as I am aware).
      As to your comment that I “got paid;” I respectfully ask for clarification on that.
      Aside form the fact that I was persecuted by the Cook County States Attorney’s Office for using vulgar language in some phone messages to Jack P. Cerone (the lawyer) in 2004 and 2005, regarding death threats made against my life (which were supported by the FBI), I have no reason to be scared of the SA’s office in Cook County.
      Lastly, I only print the truth, which is why I have been falsely sued once for defamation (by Giacchino), and I won the case. Thank you.

      • Special Quest Explorer on

        As for as stories go Joe I am assumming you get paid. The point is that I told Mario Gonzelez about the very popular cop that is my friend’s brother, plus the cop Narcotics cop. The reason we are buffled is because the police brother of Joe Messino has excess to the Tony Ctalano files, case and car. That car is in the pound forever? The brother that the Narcotics cop was speaking may not have been, Tony’s brother. He may have been trying to tell me something about Joe Messino’s brother! The JJ Peppers episode, may not have been a farce! Someone is doing stuff to walk on my hip to let me know they are out there! Sadly to say enough, beat me up in here if you want, but those little things are what motivated me to think Tony is alive! (Joe, I just know you can go in any restaurant with her and she’ll see any police man and they will know her brother!)

    • Special Quest Explorer on

      Who is this Tony that always comes in here? First I have many psychics that say Tony is alive he just has someone he doesn’t like after him! Tony atleast tell me this. Do you think that Joe Messino’s brother the cop tampered with Tony’s car and that’s why the Catalano family was told that there was no finger prints on the car to be found not even Tony’s?

  26. Up and down Harlem in my Mitsubishi 3000 GT on


    These articles should put an end to the mentioning of a certain somebody:


    A Harlem Playboy (there is more than just one)

    P.S. A shout goes out to F*rt on a horsey b*ner for sticking up for me recently.
    Who does this ‘handsome fella’ think he is?
    Saying that he is even better looking than me?

    • Special Quest Explorer on

      Reader in Mittsabi.please respond to this. Knowing your street point of view you have to offer, do you think it is possible that Tony Catalano’s car was tampered with help inside the police station to conceal evidence?

  27. Special Quest Explorer on

    Now,do you understand where i am coming from Joe? Fisrt it was Pooh for thought, that couldn,t be explained. I facedbooked Michele Farrar on that won. Next it was these phone threats to a freind. I faced booked several of the High school friend,s that did this wood search this phone threats. I also talked to a Psychic Cindy Mitnz, who has told me that it was people from this neighborhood and that I should stay away. Cindy told me I was in great danger! This is something that I told cousins and friends of the Catalano family. The point is Joe, is that I didn,t know where the danger came from. I have got to get Kate Grossman the reproter from the Suntimes to know all this! She may have a file to build on for help! There are too many people being turned aweay at the police station for no odd reason. Plus, I did see 2 figures that lurked, I feel I should tell Kathy Defillipps about. We were baffled at the truck chime Joe isn,t that the sound of a Tow truck lift also. I won,t tell this because she might do something irrational and get herself killed. Actually, this Cindy told me that these were the guys that murdered Tony Catalano. She said it was 3 guys,Italian built with hoodies. Now you understand where I’m coming from? So many psychics told me he was alive, but Cindy said he was murdered. The cop that said that this has to do with the brother, may not have been talking about Tony’s brother, he may have been talking about Joe Messino’s brother. (I was thinking Tony may be alive because why bother to send more soldiers for threats. The 2 guys I saw.) This is not a joke, who ever comes in here and makes light of it. Were saying that the cops may not care. Also why would the cousin get information on finger prints but nothing else? Why? Perhaps that part of no fingers not being on his car never happened. Public know this, tha Tony Catalano’s car is in the pound as we speak, and could have been tempered with at any time. How long do the keep the car in the pound? It’s to avoid evidence tempering seekers! Yes, and Michele recieved threats in facebook! She told me that!

  28. Merlin Tenderpony on

    Joe the following remarks are directed to Mr. or Ms. SQE, and are designed to address his/her concerns about my recent participation in the threads.
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Dear SQE,

    Speaking for myself, I’ve grown very tired of your unpalatable prose style and obscure narratives, and I suspect that you are not being totally serious. My interpretation of your conduct in the threads is that you are only pretending to be serious about the matters at hand, so you can horse around in the threads and get away with saying things such as, “sneaky in Sneakyville,” and so on, for your own amusement. Please write more clearly, and proofread what you’ve written before submitting your comments. You should also pay far closer attention to punctuation, and should strongly consider following the conventional spacing rules, etc., of Standard English.

    Yes, your frenzied remarks run together, and they appear as an uninteresting and confused mass of letters on the screen–that is to say: gibberish. And while you may actually be completely earnest in your efforts to get to the bottom of what has happened to these gentlemen, you have to realize that your participation in the threads is self-defeating and contrary to what you purport to be your motivation. So, with the utmost respect and sincerity: stop muddling up the threads, please.

    I apologize for being the one to tell you this, but understand that I’m only stating what other regular readers are probably thinking.
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    Dear Joe,

    How do comments by “Up and down Harlem in my Mitsubishi 3000 GT” fit into this whole puzzle? How are the late John Castaldo (River Forest hairdresser), Harry Gio, and his brother, Nick, relevant to the Messino situation?

    God bless.

    • Dear Merlin,
      Thank you for your help.
      The comments by “Up and down…” do not fit in here. I will remove them in a bit. Again, thank you for your help.

    • Also, to merlin the Migian please, stop reading my position the Catalano case. My position has absolutly no concern to you! Actually, why are you in her anyway? I am a victims advicate! Why do you need me and why do you care? And in what relationship do you have with the Catalano family! As stated many times in these feeds I am a states witness for now both families! What position do hold with either family? What do you want with them? I already told my relationship with both, now what is yours? I don’t understand what do you what? Also “concerned” is another family or friend member, what is your relationship? We are both concerned are you? if so how so? You may be the enemy of both families or why are you with no compasion?

  29. The comments about the cops being part of Catalano cover up is definitly part of this! So are the others in the Catalano family all liars? Explain The whole thing is related! Why wouldn’t it be? It’s their missing person that the Chicago outfit is after1 Why wouldn’t this be proof?

  30. The proof is here and what is wrong with concerns that ye, there is ‘Something Sneaky in SneakyVille? Remember it was concerned that told us that the Catalano family just 10 days ago called up Detective Gonzelez! How is the statement when even used then make for sinister play in here? Are you saying that concerned is fabricating their knowledge of the Catalano family? Since it’s actually the 2nd time I actually used the term, exactly how and where do you feel it’s is used as a sinister term. Pleas copy and paste what you feel where that term is used as non-fit? I am looking for a different computor, I appolgize for the mini lap top errors when frustrated! (I only have a 2″ space to see in!

    • f@rt on a horsey b*ner on


      I have 2 questions. What is Special Quest talking about? And who is Harry Gio, as mentioned in the linked article and a subsequent comment? I hope we’re not staring down the barrel of an emerging Harry Gio spam attack.

  31. Special Quest Explorer on

    Also, to fa@rt (guy above), who is asking about. I am not saying her brother made the phone threats, I am saying that, they found out information about me, because I had told Mario Gonzelez that I knew this friend of mine’s brother. I think they may have gotten her information and due to the fact that, they are the whole Narcotics unit, (that’s why I must be threatened!) Otherwise, how and why does this phone threat business,(that happened to my friend) came about is a mystery. Yet, very serious. My friend’s brother whom, is a narcotics cop may be in trouble, possibly? Also, the friend of Defoe states that they did not make the statement about they were the crew! See, the comments on “Were Anthony Catalano and Michael Defillipps Soldiers for Giachino.” Someones playing games. I told you so!

    • Merlin Tenderpony on

      For SQE’s sake, bear with me while I explain that “a computer” is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format. And, while a computer can, in theory, be made out of almost anything, and mechanical examples of computers have existed through much of recorded human history, it is universally agreed that in order to refer to something a computer, it must have a screen larger that 2-inches.

      SQE, if you do not have access to a computer, proper, then please consider going to a public library, or Internet cafe, or anywhere else that provides free or inexpensive access to computers, as well as the Internet. I am not sure how well you are able to follow responses to your statements, but please be advised that the 2-inch version of your comments do not come across well and, as such, are ill-received.

      I do not want to focus too much on your actual writing, but the following sentence of yours (copied & pasted from above), “Yet, very serious. My friend’s brother whom, is a narcotics cop may be in trouble, possibly?” is just one example of why are posts are almost indecipherable. Please make the appropriate adjustments.
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

      Rest assured: we are as much concerned about the fates of these two young men, Misters Catalano & DeFilippis, as we are thoroughly astounded and frightened by the recent prowling activities perpetrated against Joe Fosco’s relatives by the subject of this article. Yes, according to recent comments, Joseph Messino was spotted roving about the property of Mr. Fosco’s relatives in an unapologetically predatory manner.

      Unfortunately, based on the information provided in this thread, Joe Fosco has not given any details whatsoever that show that Mr. Messino was anything but unembarrassed by his behavior. It will be interesting to see the video evidence.

      At this point, the only 2 questions that remain are:

      -Is Mr. Messino a member of the Outfit?
      -What is this “laughing academy” that newcomer, Teets, has mentioned? (I admit, I am out-of-the-loop.)

      • Dear Merlin,
        Yes, Joseph Messino is partnered with his father, running their own street crew (Willie ‘Bill’ Messino, Jr), which is under DiFronzo’s leadership, as the late Willie Messino belonged to DiFronzo as well.
        The ‘laughing academy’, I understood to mean to be a lunatic asylum.
        Details on the Messino stalking matter will be in my next article – please stay tuned.

      • Special Quest Explorer on

        To Tender Merlin; The comment box Dear, of a mini lap is only 2 inches. However, you are intitled to your point as I work and don’t have time to get to the Library. Ok. Now that you have that understood, I would like to address something else to your and others on here. The Defillipps family had no clue that this story was going hit. I will tell you why, and again you are intitled to your opinion on it! Infact, I insist,ok only a week prior to this story I found the flyers the family had made with there heart from their Defillipps family, about a reward for anyone that has any information leading to the arrest of the murder of Mikey Defillipps. I have the flyers down loaded in my flash drive. Case in Point; Can you imagine the pain the Defillipps family must feel because the police never told them about there own son being soldiers for Dr.Giachino? Ok why, I came up with this, is because then why the flyers out there saying he had just planned to host a Christmas party. Also, he is my big brother and I love him. (as said from Michelle on one of the flyers)I took these down for copies. Anyway,it’s not for me to judge whether or not the 2 guys were really soldiers, my point is that the parents of the Defillipps family were not told of it! They found out by reading this, and how sad can that be for them? My relationship, with them is that I stood up for The Defillipps wedding, I saw Kathy Defillipps when pregnant with Michelle Defillips. I have met Adele Hiffman Kathy’s mom (now has past) many times, and have been in that household from as far back as I can remember. So, as a educated person would you say in your opinion that I can feel the pain of that family. Especially, if Kathy well, now named Defillipps would talk to my child and think were beautiful also! Ok, as an educated person would you not think it were rude that people in here are rude to me because of those facts? Listen, Mr Merlin the Dr., oh how clever, This is painful for me to watch this happen to my best friends! Also, if you read this Kathy, do you remember Robbin and Franky Flowers? And also Kathy how would I know that your father used roller skate ate at the Hub Roller rink? He would watch us outside from your house then on Ocatavia. Also remember who lived on Olcott? What happened to friend’s from St Celestin’s and Dever? To Merlin tender Dr.Giachino with no compassion for the Defillipps, I watched little Mikey Defillipps in Elmwood Park from the time he was a little boy. I need a day off and can’t to it but, I will go to their address to comfort them. it’s been a long time, and there is no guarentee the family still lives there. I am wondering how other readers respond to this family’s pain of not being told by the police themselves? For proof in the pudding see, the clerk’s in Julie,the bakery, the liquor store at Harlem/Grand for details on when, whom and where these reward flyers were set up. Remember, get the exact week and dates!

        • Merlin Tenderpony on


          If I am reading these comments correctly, it seems as if SQE has accused me of secretly being Dr. Giacchino, himself, while only pretending to be another reader named “Merlin Tenderpony” in an effort to fool everyone.

          Now, Joe, I am sure I don’t need to explain it, but this is not only an offensive accusation, but it is also completely disproportionate. Of course, even if I were Giacchino—whom I obviously am not—the worst I have done here is call for SQE to write more clearly, and, if not, for you to block the comments, so the rest of us here can have an intelligent conversation. Do you see my point?

          Again, I am Merlin Tenderpony, and not Dr. Giacchino.

          Yes, I am very interested in getting to the bottom of whatever happened to Catalano & DeFilippis; however, I do not concern myself with individuals named “Frankie Flowers” or “Robbin” or “Adele Hiffman Kathy’s mom.”

          Is this making sense, Joe? Is it too much to ask that other adult readers write clearly? Harlem Playboy, Black Angelo, and Horsey-expletive all publish extremely peculiar (perhaps even impertinent) material in your threads, but at least they do so clearly. That is to say, they both articulate their bizarre ideas with the utmost clarity, and that allows others to judge them to be very, very off-base

          • Dear Merlin,
            I have blocked a number of comments from an ‘unnamed’ individual because of a serious lack of clarity, far worse than what I have allowed in the thread.

          • f@rt on a horsey b*ner on

            Wait, wait, wait. Joe, you need to hold your horses (no pun intended)!

            I hope that last comment about “blocking” wasn’t pointed at me.

            I really love this blog, but I know for a fact that you’ve probably received some purposely unclear or even combative comments from my IP address before, though it wasn’t me that submitted them.

            We have a ‘T-carrier Internet line’ here where I work, resulting in about 3-dozen (36), or so, computers with the same external IP due to that line. There is a handful (i.e., 4, occasionally 5) of us who read and comment on this blog. All regulars or semi-regulars. I’d guess that only about a third of what is transmitted from here is attributable to me, personally, which is why I try to be consistent with my handle and avatar(s).

            (But keep in mind that there is at least one other person on here that uses avatars, as well.)

            Joe, I’ve always considered myself as having 2 separate but equally important roles as an ANP commenter: 1) read the articles, and 2) engage in meaningful discourse.

            I hope to be able to continue to participate in this capacity, indefinitely.

            If you weren’t referring to me, can you give us a hint who this “unnamed” person might be?

  32. f@rt on a horsey b*ner on

    Are the Messinos made? And if they’re under DiFronzo, and he deactivated his crew, why is he allowing them to engage in alleged criminal activity?

    Joe, it would be interesting to see the comments that are submitted but don’t get published. Do harassing / threatening / libelous comments come through your admin. portal on a daily basis? Fill us in. It would be interesting to know who you think might be behind this kind of material.

    • Dear F@…,
      The Messino’s are not ‘made’ they are affiliates. The late Willie Messino was ‘made’, however.
      Rudy Fratto is proof that despite DiFronzo’s wishes that the Cicero guys control everything, DiFronzo’s defunct crew does still operate. DiFronzo chooses to look the other way as if he does not know anything, but, when he calls them in, they listen.

    • Special quest Exploer on

      To this Fa@rt reader. There is nothing wrong with making a contribute to the deceased families of the stories on here. Please see the story on “Were Anthony Catalano and Michael Defillpps Soldiers in Giachino’s Empire?’

  33. Joe, are you aware of horsey fart’s presence in this thread? Looks like he is up to his old tricks, unfortunately. Too bad for us, isn’t it?


    I did not cite your name in my original post in this thread because your nauseating “name” speaks for itself. Do you want to play with fire? THEN PREPARE TO GET BURNED! Joe and I have no use, time, or appreciation for your sick antics.


  34. Special quest Exploer on

    Joe I have told this Merlin Tender Pony repeatedly to stop insulting me. Now, I hope that you will. Joe there is nothing more clear then what I have stated about my special friendship with the Defillipps family growing up. Also, will you Joe also be giving a tibute to the Defillipps kid, because he also has a birthday coming up soon?

  35. Joe–what is relation of Joe Messino to Clement and Dickie Messino? Are those two still in prison I presume?

  36. Merlin Tenderpony on

    Dear Ms. Susan Nolen and Mr. Joseph Fosco, Publisher of American News Post:

    I have not insulted Special Quest Explorer. All I am asking is that his / her writing improves. Is that a crime? As you know: all of these requests—which you thanked me for—have been met with refusal.

    What is so hard about proofreading one’s writing? We all attended grammar school, did we not?

    When is the Messino prowling article with video coming out?

    • Dear Merlin,
      The hard drive that stores a voluminous amount of surveillance footage is still in the process of being handled by the media company that will magnify the license plate on Messino’s vehicle. Therefore, the article is projected to be published sometime next week. I am sorry for the delay.

  37. I recently used a computer at an internet café in Chicago when I discovered that someone that used it before me had conducted numerous searches on subjects such as “Joe Messino killed sisters boyfriend.” Does anyone know if his sister Dina had a boyfriend that was murdered? If so, I would not rule out his father Bill as a suspect as well.

  38. Mr. Jingledonkey on

    “I recently used a computer at an internet café in Chicago when I discovered that someone that used it before me had conducted numerous searches on subjects such as “Joe Messino killed sisters boyfriend.”


      • Mr. Jingledonkey on

        Sorry Joe. It isn’t laughing matter, you’re right.

        But the idea of just happening to use a computer that the previous person was using to search “Joe Messino killed sisters boyfriend” seems pretty far-fetched, no?

        • Dear Mr. Jingle,
          Yes, the coincidence that is described does seem far-fetched. However, if one looks beyond the presentation, perhaps the real question is of some importance.

  39. Special Quest Explorer on

    I would consider video captures a perfect subject as evidence to bring to the States Atty. Joe? I would think you’d find your way faster to the FBI by going to the States Atty! Isn’t that the way to big bust? Especially, if Joe Messino is pushing pills?

    • Dear SQE,
      Thank you. Unbelievably, I will be getting the video back today. If you recall, the license plate had to be enlarged. It has taken a considerable time, but it is finally done.

  40. Harlem "Don the Jeweller" Playboy on


    I have 2 questions. When are we going to get the next Messino article containing video footage and an enhanced image of his license plate? And when can we expect that article you promised us long ago about Nik Gios and his brother, Harry?


  41. this guy was involved in an accident with one of my family members. He threatened, yelled and screamed at them when he was at fault. This guy sounds like bad news. I stumbled upon this page on accident when searching for an address. How scary.. Why isn’t this guy in jail yet?

    • Joseph Fosco on

      Dear Anonymous,
      He is not in jail because most of his victims are too afraid that he will kill them. I am endeavoring to bring him to justice, regardless of his intimidation tactics.

  42. May I also make a suggestion to Anonymous? I beleive we are all on the edge of our seats, when it comes to finding out what Joe Messino looks like! If you can find a way to get a picture and possibly down load it on here; it would be great! Or at best, tell us all on here, where Joe Messino can be working at. Perhaps if even one of us may be able to even as much as draw his picture; That would also be great!

    Importantly, if you have something that can be emailed. Most of the higher up detective’s email generally have the first initial, then last name (@ what ever police station) then a (.org)!
    It’s like text messaging! Great, if you do not want to talk to someone directly!

  43. Here is number to call for victims of violent crimes and Homicide support groups for families as well;

    1877 846-3445 press #5.

    Also call; States Atty’s Office at 1-773 869-5454. (Crime victims hot line)

  44. Please be advised that recent rumors suggest Joe Messino is living on a third floor apartment located on the 3700 block of North Harlem Avenue in Chicago, Illinois, directly across the street from a café called Café Cappuccino. Thank you.


  45. Special Quest Explorer on

    To the commenter Lonstar, you had made reference to Joe Messino hanging at Piazza cafe, located at Addison and Forest Preserve Dr. I am curious, do you know Frank the owner?  Do you have anymore updates on Joe Messino?  Is there anything that you can share with the detectives that would help prosecute  this Joe Messino?

    My concern, well I told of this group two years ago to the CPD, and  that Tony Catalano hung with the very group that hung at Cafe Piazza. Yes, it is on the CPD tapes. I believe it is all recorded?  But, so is the fact that many of the detectives themselves hung at the 3 Oives lounge, which is the place I hung with this group at?

    Please, know this , that there is noone, absolutey, none of these guys that ever told me a thing about anything. Infact, I havn’t seen them for 2-3 years.

    I have stated a ruthless Andrea Russo to the CPD. Again, on CPD tapes. This Mario Gonzelez, didn;t care about anyone in that group, he did ask me if I knew Tony’s friend Joe though.  I said “No, I didn’t!” This is news, that Joe Messino would hang with this same group! Please, keep us informed and help the DA find charges on this hurtless killer! SQE