Thursday, March 6

ATTENTION PUBLIC: DCFS Boss Erwin McEwen Disregards Taxpayers And The Law?

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WARNING – Director of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services currently employs a Child Welfare Advanced Specialist named Saju Philip. He operates out of the DCFS Skokie, Illinois, office located on the 8100 block of North McCormick Boulevard. Mr. Philip is also considered a caseworker for DCFS with the Division of Child Protection. According to a review of various statements made by Mr. Philip, it is blatantly obvious to many that he is seriously inept as a DCFS caseworker.

The information that I will relate in this public notice comes from a case that Mr. Philip had been handling for more than one-year through DCFS.

Aside from the bizarre fact that Mr. Philip had been working a case for more than one-year that did not involve criminal child abuse of any kind at the hands of the individuals in question, Mr. Philip ignored vital information in a pass-the-buck fashion pertaining to criminal child abuse committed by other adults outside of the investigation. In addition, I will offer you a glimpse of some quotes and other language based on an email conversations between Mr. Philip and a complainant that will seem alarming to many of you.

To protect the minor children associated with this announcement American News Post will omit the family members’ names from this public notice.

Please review the following dialog between the complainant and Mr. Philip (based on their email conversation):

Complainant: You mean that a parent that might have committed a felony while under your watch, which would seriously compromise the welfare of the children in their custody who you are paid to protect, as you put it, is “something which is beyond what I was for the family.”(Quote by Saju Philip)

Complainant: Apparently, the Department of Children and Family Services needs reform. Moreover, a public mention of the breakdown of information and – look the other way – needs to end now. A substantial crime might have been committed on your watch, which might have cost the people that pay your salary (the taxpayers of Illinois) a great deal of their hard earned money; and you simply decided not to “have any intentions to get in to the people’s business.”(Quote by Saju Philip)

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  1. that little twerp saju messed around with my friend and his kids too… he did nothing but waste time collecting a nice state salary.

  2. Furious in Illinois! on

    You mean to tell me that DCFS looked the other way when they could have stopped a potential fraud or help prosecute a scammer?!?!

  3. Give Me a Break on

    Is Saju Phillip the complainant? Or is the quote attributed to Saju Phillip in the article made by the complainant, thus hearsay? I guess the minutes of Phillip’s actual conversation would be more telling. However I do agree all DCFS and in fact all government employees both Local, State and Fed should be on the lookout and report all types of criminal activity, actual or suspected.

    • Dear Give Me a Break,
      I have personally read the email communications involving Saju and the complainant. Saju is not the complainant.
      Perhaps I will advise editing to clarify it better. Thank you.

      • Give Me a Break on

        Have the persons accused of welfare fraud been reported to agencies other than DCFS by either the complainant or you? And if so how has it been resolved? Also can you post a copy of the email (minus names)of any minors of course for us to read?

        • Dear Give Me…,
          An additional clarification was made to the article this morning to address your earlier question on what role Mr. Philip played.
          I am uncertain if anyone reported this matter to other agencies. Personally, I am unaware of particular details, which causes me to carefully consider making a report to other agencies, at least not until I understand more. I hope the issue will be resolved soon.
          I will look into your request for a copy of the email to be posted, however, American News Post has to be conscious of various privacy laws. Emails are like phone calls in some cases. In Illinois, you are precluded by law from allowing someone to listen to a phone call without the other side’s permission. We could intelligently assume that Mr. Philip would not authorize us to publish the email.
          A copy of this article was sent to Governor Quinn yesterday. I am confident that that will get the ball rolling. And if I am wrong, American News Post will write about it.

          • Dear Give Me…,
            From what I understand, the potential Welfare fraud might have ceased. It seems that it took place from April 2010 through September 30, 2010. However, the amount of money involved is purportedly in the 6-digits.

          • Give Me a Break on

            Thanks and I realize publishing the email may not be legal. Guess I’d be more interested seeing the fraudsters get justice than Philip. Welfare fraud is a pet peeve I’d need counseling and a lot of it to leave alone.

          • Dear Give Me…,
            I feel the same way. However, Mr. Philip should be ashamed of himself for not reporting evidence of welfare fraud. Only one fraudster committed the fraud from what I know.
            I wish to inform you that a full report regarding the suspected fraud indicated in the article above was reported yesterday via the Illinois State website that takes complaints based on suspicions.