Friday, March 28

ATTENTION PUBLIC: Dr. Hollie Sobel, Ph.D., Is Named In A Disturbing Complaint

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Dr. Hollie Sobel

Dr. Hollie Sobel

WARNING – Dr. Hollie Sobel, Ph.D., an Illinois based physician who helps children with psychological issues, was recently named in a Professional Regulations complaint filed last week with the State of Illinois. According to the complaint, it is alleged that Dr. Sobel inappropriately elected to refrain from reporting a cigarette burn on the hand of a child to DCFS after the child admitted to receiving the cigarette burn from an unsavory source, as records purportedly indicate. The name of the patient has been omitted to protect the identity of the minor.

The complaint against Sobel comes in the wake of last month’s arrest in Wilmette, Illinois of Dr. Joshua Baron, MD. Until his arrest last month, Dr. Baron was helping children with neurological disorders. According to TribLocal’s John P. Huston, Dr. Baron was arrested in Wilmette on Jan. 13 for allegedly attempting to trade prescription drugs for sex through a Craigslist ad. Baron allegedly agreed to provide an undercover officer posing as a young female with a fraudulent prescription for Adderall in exchange for sexual acts.

Dr. Joshua Baron

Dr. Joshua Baron

According to sources Baron joined a pediatric neurology division of a Chicago hospital in July 2006 and focused on epilepsy, ongoing trials in examining sleep symptoms in children with epilepsy, and studies to evaluate novel pharmaceuticals.

American News Post endeavors to bring awareness on matter such as the ones indicated in this article. Readers please be advised that American News Post is offering a cash reward for any helpful information leading to the discovery of a physician who is engaging in unlawful and/or unprofessional conduct, especially conduct that endangers minors. Please visit our contact page. Thank you.



  1. Give Me a Break on

    Why is the identity of the ‘unsavory source’ (the person who burned the child) protected but the doctor who failed to report him/her is high lighted? Once again your process of assessing blame is a bit odd to me. The calling of the child abuser an ‘unsavory source? is equally odd. IMO

    The second doc should have his licesne revoked forever once he gets out of jail.

    • Give Me a Break,
      The identity of the offender would expose the family name of the child; therefore would jeopardize exposing the child’s identity. I am sorry for not making that clear in the article. Good question and thank you asking it.
      According to the Illinois Department of Professional Regulations website, the second doctor is still licensed to practice medicine in the State of Illinois today. I hope it is a website error.

      • Give Me a Break on

        I’m sorry to be a pest but is the protection of the child’s identity worth not identifying the child abuser. I think like any other person involved in criminal activity him/her (the abuser) obviously a family member or stranger with a common last name is capable of repeating the behavior and thus possibly endangering another child?

        BTW If I were you I’d identify and persecute/prosecute the offender and then worry about the messenger that didn’t send the message.

        • Give Me a Break,
          Great point. Please be advised that all the pertinent individuals involved with the child are aware of the alleged circumstances and the identity of the alleged abuser, unlike the patients and perspective patients of the alleged inept doctor (prior to this article being published). Once the State of Illinois (Professional Regulations Department) gets further along, the alleged abuser will likely be revealed. For now, the alleged abuser’s name will be kept out to prevent embarrassment for the child for as long as it can be prevented.
          As far as revealing the messengers name sooner rather than later, I feel it is worse for someone in a position of trust such as a doctor to allegedly make a poor judgment call when the safety of a minor is on the line. The alleged poor judgment of a doctor could possibly endanger another child as well.
          Thank you for the excellent questions and points.

          • Give Me a Break on

            Thank you and I’m glad the abuser has been identified. Hopefully he’ll end up in prison with a cellie who can’t stomach child abusers. The female Dr. should definately be punished/sanctioned but unlike the other doc I personally don’t think she should lose the right to practice. But will admit if I had a child under her care I’d be uneasy however I can’t even imagine the other creep caring for a child much less mine!

  2. I just watched a situation where a five year old boy was scheduled for an interview due to sexual misconduct in his home and the entire interview was stopped after a high profile former Illinois politician came to the small town they were in and threatened to cut off funding for the center if the interview took place. Turns out it was his grandson and the father just wanted to make sure the problem was addressed properly. Within three hours the police came and took the boy from the father and sent him right back into the exact same home where the incident took place. It was unbelievable. This man has a foundation for children yet he was willing to sacrifice the center to keep his family name from being “tarnished”. Just goes to show that there are many out there that would sacrifice the safety of a child to protect themselves or someone else.

  3. Robert McGrath on

    Dr. Sobel has helped, and is helping, many people. It seems that a mere “allegation” is enough to convince some to pull her license. That would be a travesty. We ALL make mistakes, we ALL have lapses of judgment. As a mandatory reporter, she must adhere to the requirements of the law, and if she failed in this regard, appropriate discipline is required. I’m sure there is more to this story than meets the eye. There always is. When you weigh the magnitude of the risk of harm against the benefit she provides the many, I think that the loss of her ability to practice is way to harsh. The physician, however, should lose his license. But try and get a license from any physician in this state. It’s a joke. Acts of malpractive over and over from the same physician and they do nothing. Their lobby is too strong. Cap on malpractice awards? yeah, right. Save the negligent ones at the expense of the injured, especially those catastrophically injured! I do not know Dr. Sobel, but I do know one of her patients and she has done her best to help. I don’t want to see it end as a result of “possibly” one mistake.