Tuesday, March 25


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This Public Service Announcement is for those familiar with the Melrose Park, Illinois, based restaurant named Jack & Lou’s, located at 2001 North Mannheim Road and/or 1929 North 19th Avenue (possible satellite location).

In the spirit of justice, American News Post appeals to the community in seeking information on the following 6 allegations:

1) Allegations that Joseph Celozzi, scion of a family who formerly owned a major Chicagoland automobile dealership, is alleged to be working as an agent for one of the owners of Jack & Lou’s Restaurant in the capacity of unlawfully dealing illegal narcotic/prescription medication to others, including Tony Portillo, son of restaurant magnate Dick Portillo.

Jack And Lou's Restaurant

Jack And Lou’s Restaurant

2) Allegations that one of the purported owners of Jack & Lou’s is alleged to be a convicted drug dealer.

3) Allegations that Jack & Lou’s Restaurant serves as cover for various illicit activities, including the unlawful sale of narcotics.

4) Allegations that the Village of Melrose Park’s allegedly infamous police department has a working relationship with an alleged ‘dirty cop’ (who is purported to have a vested interest in Jack & Lou’s Restaurant) to facilitate various protection methods to ensure that local police ignore any alleged illicit activities taking place on a regular basis at Jack & Lou’s Restaurant.

5) Allegations that Jack J. Indurante is involved with Jack & Lou’s.

6) Information on any allegations of unknown criminal activity in connection with Jack & Lou’s Restaurant and any of its owners, employees and/or agents; and correct address of all physical locations.

American News Post strongly encourages tipsters to contact the United States Drug Enforcement Agency with tips on information indicated above. It would be against DEA rules and regulations to update us after you begin working with the DEA. You may contact the DEA by dialing the following phone number: (312) 353-7875.

However, for those who may insist on contacting American News Post with tips that pertain to helpful information such as names of individuals associated, employed or purported as owners of Jack & Lou’s (more details the better), please send information to the following email address, AmericanNewsPost@gmail.com. You may qualify to receive compensation for delivering your information.

I strongly encourage potential tipsters to report drug deals to the DEA. I would caution tipsters to think very carefully before considering the idea of contacting the allegedly infamous police department in the Melrose Park area. Again, I strongly encourage potential tipsters to report drug deals to the DEA. Again, you may reach the DEA by dialing this phone number: (312) 353-7875.

Thank you



  1. I cruised past this place tonight. It looks out-of-business. No real signage. Just a truck in the parking lot. It does not look like a serviceable restaurant at all.

  2. MerlinTenderpony on

    Why are my comments being blocked? I did nothing abusive. I submitted two substantive comments.

  3. Dear Merlin,
    In my opinion Celozzi’s old man is poor. As Celozzi why he did the Podcast. Who cares. So far, the allegations seem to be generated by two active drug addicts, which is why they wont be mentioned. Therefore, I believe that Mags will be off suspension very soon.