Israel is in yet another conflict with Palestine, and, like many of the previous ones, it a mess almost entirely of their own making. Israel’s continual…
Israel is in yet another conflict with Palestine, and, like many of the previous ones, it a mess almost entirely of their own making. Israel’s continual…
A great national tragedy befell the United States yesterday evening. George Zimmerman murdered a boy named Trayvon Martin and a jury decided that Mr. Zimmerman, despite…
If his goal is to avoid U.S. prosecution and thoroughly annoy his former bosses, Edward Snowden couldn’t have chosen a better place to go than Moscow.…
Here we are, back at the beginning. Four years ago I wrote an article, Panem Et Circenses On The Potomac, chronicling the epic overindulgence of the…
Today’s topic: Political chicanery with a Christmas twist! Dreaming Of A Working Government by Theodore Roe Three years ago I wrote a little ditty about how…
Editor’s note: Welcome to a new feature here at ANP, Roe v. Raed. In these columns Theodore Roe and Lucy Raed will both address a recent…
Last week Mitt Romney yet again proved what a tremendously terrible president he would be. He chose to make political hay over how a local embassy chief expressed a message of religious tolerance hours before a riot broke out, and laid the blame for this chief’s actions squarely at the feet of President Barack Obama. Rarely have I seen this level of idiocy displayed on the national stage.
Paul Ryan may have made the greatest mistake of his political career yesterday when he publically admitted to the crime of being stupid enough to jump…
Sweet, sweet sucrose-injected, fructose-laced damnation awaits us all, at least according to a recent article in Nature magazine. Three researchers in California have produced a report…
Theodore Roe: Good to see you again, Joe. Joseph Fosco: Thank you, Sir. It is always a pleasure to speak with you. TR: Let’s dive right…