Barack Obama has stolen the spotlight yet again, and he did it with the joyful help of the Republican party. The Luddite evangelical fringe of the…
Barack Obama has stolen the spotlight yet again, and he did it with the joyful help of the Republican party. The Luddite evangelical fringe of the…
This Week’s line-up of numbskulls and idjits is entirely composed of White House folks! Get ready for a buffet of BS so lavish that it makes…
Imagine a town where restrictions on protest signs, unlimited mayoral power to deputize anyone in the service of maintaining order and unbridled use of surveillance without…
Everyone else has written primers for the people of Illinois for the RNC’s primary on Tuesday, so I felt I should help the Democrats get some…
If you haven’t picked it up yet, Game Change, an expose of the politicking behind the 2008 presidential election cycle, is an interesting look at how…
This Sunday the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints made a point of admonishing its members to respect the rules concerning their ritual of…
Rahm Emanuel is a man of many names. Some call him Rahmbo. Others prefer Emperor Rahmulus. He was Richard J. Daley’s and Clinton’s financial hitman and…
The Obama White House has occasionally been refereed to as the 51st Ward, a fictitious (and evidently far flung) section of the Chicago political map. While…
Yes, I’ll say it: Jon Huntsman is the only Republican (currently vying for his party’s presidential nomination) that could even remotely stand a chance of defeating…
This week’s Twit must have had a Death Panel visit her popularity rating in Alaska! Get ready for some One Nation bus tour style hi-jinks with…