Eligio Magnafichi became the proud father to his second son, Lee, on January 10th, 1927. The name Lee is the Americanized version of Eligio. Eligio’s son,…
Eligio Magnafichi became the proud father to his second son, Lee, on January 10th, 1927. The name Lee is the Americanized version of Eligio. Eligio’s son,…
From the Great Chicago Fire in 1871 to the Chicago Flood in 1992 (unfortunately, the water came 121 years too late), Chicago has been an out…
In your standard dictionary, the word corruption is listed as such: cor·rup·tion /kəˈrəpSHən/ Noun: 1) the act of corrupting or state of being corrupt. 2) moral…
It has been my long intention to write this piece, though I have been unable to select the right time to focus on it. However, the…
This week’s twit has been the unwitting victim of a terrifyingly complex shell game: Theodore Roe Yes, dear readers – I am that twit. Since I…
James (Jimmy) Kaulentis, Chicago Mercantile Exchange guru, was allegedly very close to the infamous (and now late) Spilotoro brothers, Michael and Tony. Through this connection, Kaulentis…
I recently learned some information that sheds a great deal of light on a matter that I am trying to work out. I am sorry that I…
The following is a public service announcement: WARNING – Please be advised that a Darien, Illinois man has moonlighted as a skip tracer for many years…
For the second time in recent history, Rudy Fratto’s name will be mentioned prominently in Judge Leinenweber’s court room. The first time it was during my…
From Al Capone to the most recent Chicago Outfit Bosses – all have dreamt of the day that a Cook County Democratic Machine‘team player’ would live in the White House.…