Look upon his works, ye Cubs fans, and despair! Emperor Rahmulus is displeased, and when that happens, subsidies dryeth up. Days after news broke that Joe…
Look upon his works, ye Cubs fans, and despair! Emperor Rahmulus is displeased, and when that happens, subsidies dryeth up. Days after news broke that Joe…
It seems that we can add Outfit Lieutenant Emeritus Michael Magnafichi to the neigh on endless list of people allegedly victimized by the infamous Pusher M.D.,…
This week’s Twit is the world’s youngest head of state – if the economic wasteland that is North Korea can be considered a sovereign political entity!…
This Week’s line-up of numbskulls and idjits is entirely composed of White House folks! Get ready for a buffet of BS so lavish that it makes…
Imagine a town where restrictions on protest signs, unlimited mayoral power to deputize anyone in the service of maintaining order and unbridled use of surveillance without…
Everyone else has written primers for the people of Illinois for the RNC’s primary on Tuesday, so I felt I should help the Democrats get some…
Sometime in the year 2009, a man contacted me via the internet identifying himself as a former police officer who was recently released from prison. His…
In his less than a year in office, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has done a lot to move himself out of the shadow of his predecessor,…
This week’s twit has famously referred to himself as an even-toed unglate with abnormally-large external genitalia. Machine Democrats everywhere should be quaking in their boots as…
This week’s Twit is a local yokel who believes his “part-time” job as a Chicago alderman gives him the right to tax Chicago citizens into oblivion…