My steady viewers know that I have been staying clear of mafia-related material as of recent. However, when the opportunity to interview a well-known expert like John Binder came along, I could not resist.
My steady viewers know that I have been staying clear of mafia-related material as of recent. However, when the opportunity to interview a well-known expert like John Binder came along, I could not resist.
Recently I shared a comment about a pardon that I find questionable that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn issued to Chicago First Ward Politico Juan “Johnny” Elias,…
In his less than a year in office, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has done a lot to move himself out of the shadow of his predecessor,…
The Iranian government, which has been lovingly lambasted repeatedly by yours truly in the past, made news again the last few days. The Ayatollah’s lackeys, no…
WARNING – According to very close sources of Robert and David Meyers (from the Coralville, Iowa area), both men have purportedly swindled Chicago-based business consultants during…