Recently I shared a comment about a pardon that I find questionable that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn issued to Chicago First Ward Politico Juan “Johnny” Elias,…
Recently I shared a comment about a pardon that I find questionable that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn issued to Chicago First Ward Politico Juan “Johnny” Elias,…
Who knew the fate of the presidential election would tip on the number of women voting as if their lady parts depend on it? Early on…
The Teachers’ Retirement System is broke and it is largely the fault of the state government, at least according to TRS Executive Director Dick Ingram. According…
This week’s Twit is a local yokel who believes his “part-time” job as a Chicago alderman gives him the right to tax Chicago citizens into oblivion…
After much hemming and hawing, The Donald has finally (hopefully?) decided not to throw his hat into the 2012 Presidential race and support one of the…
Yes, I’ll say it: Jon Huntsman is the only Republican (currently vying for his party’s presidential nomination) that could even remotely stand a chance of defeating…
This week’s Twit must have had a Death Panel visit her popularity rating in Alaska! Get ready for some One Nation bus tour style hi-jinks with…
This week’s Twit wants to ride his submissive (but not subservient!) wife’s coat tails into the White House. Get ready to have your gay washed away…
This week’s Twits are a bunch of snot-nosed, whiny brats who don’t have any concern for others (and no, it isn’t Congress!). Please cease your game…
Conrad Black, victim of the infamous Hollinger Special Committee Report, once faced more than a dozen felony charges, millions of dollars in forfeitures and dozens of…