This week’s Twit is part of a complex prisoner exchange involving President Obama’s reputation and a tasty post-employment book deal. We Will Never Forget… Chuck Hagel…
This week’s Twit is part of a complex prisoner exchange involving President Obama’s reputation and a tasty post-employment book deal. We Will Never Forget… Chuck Hagel…
Here we are, back at the beginning. Four years ago I wrote an article, Panem Et Circenses On The Potomac, chronicling the epic overindulgence of the…
In one of the most clear-cut, decisive victories I have ever seen in a televised debate, Vice President Joe Biden utterly trounced Paul Ryan. The defeat…
This Week’s line-up of numbskulls and idjits is entirely composed of White House folks! Get ready for a buffet of BS so lavish that it makes…
If you haven’t picked it up yet, Game Change, an expose of the politicking behind the 2008 presidential election cycle, is an interesting look at how…
Joe Biden, the foul-mouthed mental midget that is currently the Vice-president of the United States, went out of his way to prove, yet again, that he…