If you’ve managed to not watch TV, use the internet or listen to the radio this week, there is an outside chance that you’re unaware of…
If you’ve managed to not watch TV, use the internet or listen to the radio this week, there is an outside chance that you’re unaware of…
Oh callooh, callay! The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II of Jamaica, Canada, Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, Paupa New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia,…
This week’s Twit is the world’s youngest head of state – if the economic wasteland that is North Korea can be considered a sovereign political entity!…
The Iranian government, which has been lovingly lambasted repeatedly by yours truly in the past, made news again the last few days. The Ayatollah’s lackeys, no…
This week’s Twit must have had a Death Panel visit her popularity rating in Alaska! Get ready for some One Nation bus tour style hi-jinks with…