It began with the ouster of Viktor Yanukovych, the President of Ukraine and personal puppet of the Kremlin’s current autocrat-in-chief (everyone’s favorite Virile Vampire) Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.…
It began with the ouster of Viktor Yanukovych, the President of Ukraine and personal puppet of the Kremlin’s current autocrat-in-chief (everyone’s favorite Virile Vampire) Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.…
As if we needed another reason to turn the president out of office, Bloomberg News recently released an internal analysis of the Obama administration’s criminally (both…
Word has come that Bashir al-Assad’s illegitimate regime has begun moving stockpiles of chemical weapons within Syria. There are a few hopeful pundits floating the idea…
No matter how much lipstick you smear on these sows, the PIIGS aren’t getting any prettier… or less expensive. Any conversation about which is the ugliest…
This Week’s line-up of numbskulls and idjits is entirely composed of White House folks! Get ready for a buffet of BS so lavish that it makes…
The Iranian government, which has been lovingly lambasted repeatedly by yours truly in the past, made news again the last few days. The Ayatollah’s lackeys, no…
This week’s Twit must have slipped into a time machine set for October of 1962, because he thinks a Russian threat of a missile strike might…
This is a beginning of a series of articles on today’s dictators and despots currently making life miserable for anyone that isn’t them (or their immediate…
The term Silent War has often been applied to submarine combat. One can easily imagine the endless cat and mouse games under the sea that took…
What are we going to do to stop terrorists from striking again at the United States? If they do hit us again, killing thousands of innocent…