Sunday, February 23

Israel Condemned For Doing What Any Country Would Do

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The sickening display of craven finger pointing and spineless condemnation that the world has engaged in this week concerning Israeli behavior aboard the Turkish flotilla that flagrantly broke a multi-national blockade of the renegade state of Palestine is a new lowlight for world relations. That any nation in the world would dare object to IDF troops defending themselves from such a blatant assault is something that only seems to happen when Israel is concerned.

Below is footage shot by the IDF as they tried to peaceably board the final ship in the co-called “Freedom” (excuse me while I wretch) flotilla. You might note how there is a decided lack of peaceful, passive protesters and a decided abundance of weapon-wielding fringe lunatics who were either too stupid to realize they were played Russian roulette with their lives or were purposely sacrificing themselves.

It is worthwhile to note that this was the last boat in the group. Every other inspection had gone perfectly smooth, like they always do. This procedure was nothing new. The flotilla purposely broke the blockade, and then the last ship purposely put up a fight.

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  1. Assaulting a ship in INTERNATIONAL WATERS is piracy! Killing innocent civilians is MURDER! Cement, school and medical supplies are not allowed into Gaza as are raw materials for manufacturing. So the IDF is afraid of Hamas making homes, schools and clinics and shooting them into Israel?

    It is an illegal occupation and blockade of Gaza and West Bank. Israel is simply punishing the Palestinians. They, not Iran, should have UN sanctions!

  2. Translated Israel defending its right to soveriegnty is piracy and an economic embargo on a Hamas(they are terrorists) controlled country lobbing 1000+ missiles over last ten years into Israel is handling them with kid gloves as any other country would have justifiably ELIMINATED HAMAS.

    And why does Isreal have to consult anyone before building on its own land? Wake up they are our only allies in the region.