Sunday, February 23

Israel Condemned For Doing What Any Country Would Do

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So in self-defense the IDF strikes back at these idiotic pawns. Yes, these firebrands were expendable pawns dumped in the fire for the sake of the bigger game of world opinion. Anyone on that boat or involved with this Turkish-based operation that possessed a lick of intelligence knew what the IDF’s reaction would be, and the whole thing still went down. The Israelis acted predictably and entirely in the same way any country would have, and the world comes smashing down on them. Russia can kill hundreds by accident during an operation against Chechen rebels and the world hardly bats an eye.

I am not the greatest fan of the Israeli government, but this case is so cut and dry it beggars the imagination that anyone would dare raise an objection to the actions of the IDF. So when I saw the nearly universal condemnation of Israel over the raid, it literally blew my mind. What other country, faced with the constant threat of a belligerent enemy state which has openly avowed war against it, would not take every precaution it could to make sure war materiel does not enter their enemy’s borders? That’s like saying the United States should not check a convoy coming out of Waziristan to Afghanistan for weapons. The American military would never allow that, and the IDF should never allow it either.

It isn’t like this blockade was a new thing, either. It has been in place for years, and it also involves the Egyptians, who are just as concerned about weapons getting into Gaza as the Israelis.

On top of this, Israel still allows all legitimate aid to enter this belligerent enemy state, despite the fact they are technically at war (at least as far as Palestine is concerned). Israel has shown incredible care for the civilian population of the Gaza strip, going to terrifyingly extreme lengths to shield the innocent from causalities, while Hamas uses the innocent as shields. It is time to face the fact that Palestine, particularly under the leadership of Hamas, is a failed state. Radical steps need to be taken to reorganize this shattered, abortive attempt at a country to bring it in line with the rest of the world, and it needs to happen soon.

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  1. Assaulting a ship in INTERNATIONAL WATERS is piracy! Killing innocent civilians is MURDER! Cement, school and medical supplies are not allowed into Gaza as are raw materials for manufacturing. So the IDF is afraid of Hamas making homes, schools and clinics and shooting them into Israel?

    It is an illegal occupation and blockade of Gaza and West Bank. Israel is simply punishing the Palestinians. They, not Iran, should have UN sanctions!

  2. Translated Israel defending its right to soveriegnty is piracy and an economic embargo on a Hamas(they are terrorists) controlled country lobbing 1000+ missiles over last ten years into Israel is handling them with kid gloves as any other country would have justifiably ELIMINATED HAMAS.

    And why does Isreal have to consult anyone before building on its own land? Wake up they are our only allies in the region.