Thursday, March 6

A Message Of Tolerance Marred By Racism

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Does NAACP to apologize for the actions of racist groups like the New Black Panther party, because both groups work to defend the rights of African Americans? Of course not, and to suggest such is ludicrous. Such an attack would only be valid if the NAACP itself condoned racism.

Sadly, they recently have done so.

Aside from what is, after some examination, most likely a politically-motivated attack on the Tea Party movement, it is hard to take the NAACP seriously as it is guilty of a serious act of racism tied to the Tea Party movement.

The story of Kenneth Gladney and his altercation with Elston McCowan and Perry Molens, two members of the SEIU union, at a Tea Party protest in St. Louis has become a jumbled and heavily politicized event. Video shot of the supposed physical confrontation is largely inconclusive, much like the testimony of eye-witnesses. Indeed, it seems relatively impossible for the casual observer to conclusively figure out what really happened that day, so it is now up to the police to sort out the whole affair. Charges of misdemeanor assault were ultimately filed against McCowan and Molens, and they will appear in court to sort out this whole mess.

Not long after the charges were filed, the Missouri branch of the NAACP hosted a rally to support McCown and Molens and demand that the charges be dropped. The emcee for the event was Zaki Baruti, president of the Universal African Peoples Organization. In this video Mr. Baruti, flanked by Perry Molens and standing behind a placard plainly reading NAACP, called Kenneth Gladney an ‘Uncle Tom’ and blatantly stated that Gladney was “not working for our people.”

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  1. The NAACP which was founded by primarily rich white men in 1909 that were also socialists. This being stated one can understand their mission has always been of a divisive and distribution – retribuntionist agenda.
    I wonder is Jesse Jackson Sr still pulling down $400k annually form this organization?

  2. Checkmate race baters!! on

    Illogic I urge you to view the entire video of the NAACP speech and unless you are a fan of journOlism you will see that it shows racist behavior by the NAACP audience. Sherrod ought to have been reprimanded for innapropriate comments. FINALLY WHY HAVE THE NAACP NOT DENOUNCED THE NEW BLACK PANTHERS? WHAT EVIDENCE IS THERE THAT THE TEA PARTY IS A RACIST ORGANIZATION? THE NAACP IS A RACE BATING IRRESPONISBLE ORGANIZATION!!!!!


    • Well here is why:

      The New Black Panthers–There are about 12 members in this organization. Does that seem like something that should be taken seriously? Even Fox News backed off after realizing not everyone is so stupid.

      So you want evidence of the Tea Party being racist beyond the hundreds of dispicable signs portraying our leader elected by our citizens as a witch doctor or what have you, a national tea party leader’s ridiculous op-ed, the fact that its 99.8% white, its leaders are all white, half their members think Obama is Muslim…or from Jupiter…they continue to use the “Hussein” middle name as if it should be viewed derogatory, or that most of those affiliated with the tea party are from states that had segregation a mere 50 years ago? Uh Gee…guess you got me!

      The race card is no longer a liberal mantra. Instead the victim card belongs to conservatives…for all the white citizens are now “victims” of a liberal agenda, liberal media, liberal hollywood…man the liberals control everything! Whenever something doesn’t go our way we are victims…when Palin looks like an idiot for not being prepared its the liberal media!

      This is Breitbart’s second issue with taped videos…remember that multiple states prosecutors found the ACORN videos to be deceptively edited…allowing those alleged of criminal conduct to be vindicated hence why O’Keefe and Giles are up to their eyeballs in lawsuits and no not all those prosecutors were “liberals.”

      Stop with your ridiculous conspiracy theories about “community organizing” and you could not provide me one detail about Obama’s time there beyond what you have learned from Glenn Beck. I actually read that Glenn Beck has partnered with Agents Scully and Molder to investigate liberal “charities” that seem to provide for the poor but in actuality are designed to turn us into 1940’s Germany.

      • Logic meet realilty on

        Really 12 members – please tell me how many official members there are in the tea party?

        Why did ACORN lose its federal funding? Are you in favor of an organization that promotes children as prostitutes?

        As usual you liberals are obesessed with race and gender.

        Finally take the time to read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. The techniques described in this book are what Chicago community organizers use and teach. I wonder did Obama teach this Alinsky ideology when he trained community organizers. I bet he did.

        Who is Glenn Beck and why are do only liberals in media keep mentioning his name. As far as I can recall he was a liberal ten years ago. Will I be calling you a Glenn Beck in ten years?

        Logic you are not logical you are disengenuous at best. Have a lovely day.

        • You are right…there are 12 members in the National Black Panther movement and to the main part of this nation, it seems about 12 members in the tea party too. Just another in a long list of fringe radical organizations.

          Federal funding to ACORN was already reinstated. Were you unaware? After it was declared by multiple district and states attorneys (with no political affiliation) that the videos were deceptively edited, a judge ruled a funding ban was unconstitutional. Hence why O’Keefe and Giles are up to their eyeballs in legal bills right now…they are being rightfully sued for defamation. I suggest you watch the entire unedited versions before jumping to conclusions. Many of these people called police immeidately after these two wannabe activists left.

          Saul Alinsky? Please Glenn Beck…I simply need one thing: Logic. Oh he was a “liberal” 10 years ago? Just like FEMA was running concentration camps in Wyoming? Like Obama has a “deep seated hatred” against white people, though he grew up in a white family?

          Whats amusing is the type of commercials running during Beck’s program…one for “survival seeds.” Yes apparently a company predicts that in the near future, our nation will turn into a savage battle ground and we will need survival seeds.

          Now do the logic. Are you familiar with the term “paranoia?”

      • So only 2 of the 12 members of the new black panthers engaged in voter intimidation during the 08 elections?

        Maybe I should watch the entire video – maybe while they were waving a billy club around they were actually saying “go in and vote as you please…”

  3. "Common Sense" on

    I wonder if common sense stating “we must stop the white man and the Uncle Tom from stealing our elections…” – Shirley Sherrods husband.

  4. "Common Sense" on

    I wonder if common sense is stating “we must stop the white man and the Uncle Tom from stealing our elections…” -Shirley Sherrod’s husband.

  5. Logic meet reality on

    Acorn no longer has federal funding and is on verge of bankruptcy. Try using Google. While you are at it check out; shirley sherrod, the annie hawkins family and the new community inc. There is a piece written by Ron Wilkens a former nci farm worker. Must be only aggravated libs watching glenn beck as no one i know watches him. Logic you are consistent you never let facts influence your opinion.

  6. I found the article it is called 8-2-10 “the other side of Shirley Sherrod” by Ron Wilkins – very interesting!

  7. NAACP President: Americans protesting obamacare compared to Kristallnacht - the very first night of the holocaust! on

    Speaking from the pulpit of a church, Benjamin Jealous likens opposition to the Obama policies to turmoil in the reconstruction era, Kristallnacht and white supremacist groups. This is very different than the Benjamin Jealous who goes on television to insist that the vast majority of the Tea Party members are not racist. It seems Mr. Jealous has one story for a national television audience and another story for the captive audience in a North Carolina church.