Saturday, March 29

The 9/11 Hijackers Were Not Muslims

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Are we going judge a massive, global religion with nearly 1.5 billion adherents, the vast majority of whom have nothing to do with Muslim extremist groups, by the deeds of men like Mohammed Omar and Moktar Ali Zubeyr? It makes so little sense it is practically mind-boggling. Condemning all of Islam because of the acts of men like the 9/11 attackers would be like condemning all Christians for the deeds of Fred Phelps or Jim Jones. Somehow Americans are able to separate the concept of the Westboro Baptist Church from the rest of mainstream Christianity, yet separating the Taliban from mainstream Sunni Islam is impossible. Why? There’s no reason to, aside from simple prejudice.

So when I hear a little pig-faced bigot say that America should not allow this mosque to be built since “there are no churches or synagogues in Saudi Arabia” I feel myself die a little inside. Is this miserable thug actually saying that we should hold ourselves to the standards of one of the most oppressive Muslim monarchies in the world (fun fact: Wahabbism, the fundamental basis for the beliefs of the Taliban, comes from Saudi Arabia!). Shall we also not sell alcohol or pork until it runs free down the streets of Riyadh?

Doing business with the Saudis never seem to bother this little piggy when he was in the House of Representatives for two decades. If this sniveling idiot actually gets the GOP presidential nomination in 2012, I might have to change my registered party.

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  1. Does it matter where the controverisal muslim leader (emod? or something like that) is getting the $100 million to build this several story Mosque?

    Is there any significance to choosing the name Cordoba for the Mosque?

    What about this Emod?s strong desire for Sharia law in America?

    Subverting Constitutional law (by promoting Sharia) and questionable funding certainly make this a deeper issue than just the 1st Amendment.

    • Controversial or conspiracy-driven dribel coming from the fear-mongering right again?

      If he was appointed by President George W. Bush to essentially be an advisor and ambassador to the Middle East, then you can assume he was vetted thoroughly by agencies you probably haven’t even heard of. Its baseless claim.

      Sharia law in the US? Like “death panels” and comparing Obama to Hitler, its another baseless conspiracy claim meant to drive fear and unfounded conspiracies. He never said he wanted to do that or that this mosque would be a direct result of that.

      Regardless, I can’t go to the liqour store to buy booze on a Sunday in Indiana because of the religious implications. That’s Shia Law already, just insert “Christianity” for “Islam.”

      • Higher learning from the NYT on

        Logic thought this might interest you:
        “President Apostate” by Ed Luttwak NYT OPED 5-12-08 – I know how much you appreciate NYT OPEDs!

  2. The common thread of terrorism against the United States in the last 20+ years has been Radical Muslim Extremism (and no – no one thinks all 1.5 billion Muslims are terrorists and to even have to mention that fact is silly and shows how ridiculously politically correct we have become!) – to ignore Radical Muslim Extremism is akin to not identifying our enemy.

    If we had been attacked by people with last names Hatfield or McCoy again and again and again would we not identify our enemy as possible relations of the Hatfields or McCoys.

    Why is this Imam or Emod or whatever now on a US taxpayer funded Ambassador-like trip abroad. Are you fffing kidding me????

    • Actually there has been a large amount of right-wing terrorism in the last 20 years in this nation. Tim McVeigh, David Rodier, the hate groups who have tried to kill Obama, etc…we’ve seen militias pop-up like Hutarree, Palin-endorsed candidates holding rallies where people show up with assult rifles and increased violence-laden rhetoric from this tea party, that while insanely entertaining (like Jersey Shore) its making most of us a little uncomfortable.

      Even the DHS took the right-wing terrorist threat seriously enough to issue a public warning.

      So should we start paying more attention to radical extremism from the right or frame right-wing activists as whackjob terrorists? Maybe stop the building of evengelical Christian churches that preach hate and anti-gay rhetoric, or produce crazies like David Rodier?

      We certainly could…goes both ways buddy.

    • Now ask me if I’m writing to you or whether I care what you read, given your main reading material is probably an X-Files blog about aliens and Stalin. 🙂

      Let’s just both be glad you didn’t skip reading lessons in 1st and 2nd grade as education overall seems to have such “liberal bias” in your opinion.


  3. Muslim Man rapes wife repeatadly - NJ liberal activist Judge lets him off citing "religion" ie he was practicing Sharia Law. on

    Surprise surprise – another liberal embraces a terrorist.

    Please Logic tell us about your other admirers – Hugo Chavez… Mao…Kim Jong Creepy.

    • “Liberals are very broadminded: they are always willing to give careful consideration to both sides of the SAME side” on

      I don’t read Logic’s responses–especially when I have something more important to do, such as scour my toilet bowl.

      Ha ha … Mao, etc. Totalitarianism with a human face. Creepy indeed.

    • Timothy McVeigh, Nativists, Nazis, The Puritains, Joe McCarthy, Hutaree, The Militia Movement, Salem Witch Trials, The Taliban, hell I could go on with a list of evil conservatives all day.

      So comparing me to extreme left-wing terrorists or dictators, what does that accomplish when there are just as many right wing whackjobs burning in hell from your side? Seriously?

      Do you realize that those in the middle east pushing Sharia Law are “conservatives?” By instituting laws based on a religious tradition that has been around hundreds of years, you are conservatives. Now insert “Christian” for “Muslim” and we find ourselves in Texas or Utah.

      Highly doubt the liberal feminist movement, sexual revolution, equal rights for gays and other LIBERAL social movements would find any footing what-so-ever in the Middle East or under Sharia Law.

      So explain to me how liberals, the party growing increasingly SECULAR, would ever support such laws based on RELIGION?

      I thought it was conservatives who need to defend religion? Is Islam not a religion? Oh I get it…just Christianity counts right?

      For the record, I strongly support this Mosque’s right to be built on 911 sacred ground. However, I strongly believe they shouldn’t do it out of LOGIC as they will further scorn their image within the US for not respecting something so tragic and close to our hearts.

      Thus in the end I believe LOGIC will knock these idiots square in the face when they realize that their entire image as a religion in the US is a little more important than one Mosque.

    • Christian Man Rapes Wife Repeadetly --TX Evangelical Judge lets him off citing "religion" as he was practicing the Bible on

      Do you know what the closest thing to Iran we have in the US is? Think about it hard…what place in the US allows religion to trump common logic or science, where it affects even the education of our children through their textbooks and where religion exists in common laws.

      Answer: Texas. Isn’t that disturbing?

  4. Don't buy the 1st Amendment Strawman on

    Yes the 1st Amendment is important but it doesn’t trump everything because Islam is involved.

    How many times have other religions been denied prime locations because local municipalities would much rather have a sales tax paying entity in a location rather than a tax exempt church.

    Funny when a Mosque is involved it suddenly becomes a huge 1st Amendment issue.

    A Catholic church too bad that’s a prime location our municipality needs sales tax revenue.

    • Annoying "Facts!" on

      I bet you can’t find one example though can you? PS–Ciy council and local residents voted for the Mosque.

  5. Isn’t it strange this is projected completion date of this 13 story Muslim Community Center.

    Yeah they just want to practice their religion in peace and not bother anybody.

  6. Is logic really baghdad bob? on

    Logic is lucky there is no content accuracy requirement for comments… otherwise I imagine most of his/her dribble would not make it through moderation.

    • Nope they just went to college and continue to use logic and rational thought…I know…sounds crazy…

  7. I mean I would address his/her comments but they are literally made up, lack coherence and are constantly changing the subject.

    There are however some constants. Like Conservatives are bad and racist, fiscal responsibility is bad, individual responsiblility is bad, individual liberty is bad, corporations are bad, liberals are smart, Christians are bad but Muslims good?, I mean he/she is a cartoon character.

    Logic have a lovely day arguing with yourself.

    • Nope that’s just your interpretation of what I’m saying and you avoid responding to the criticism most likely because you realize you don’t have any facts.

      The constant you don’t seem to see is the PARANOIA of the right wing and baseless fear mongering tactics that any rational being should have the ability to see through…though somehow each of you can’t.

      Yawn–how do you know no one reads my comments? Obviously you do right?

  8. I like how logic doesn’t understand that the accepting part of liberalism orginated from liberatarianism (that promotes individual liberty doesn’t sound like a modern liberal ideology to me were not many Clan members Democrats and were not Southern Republicans integral in repealing Jim Crow laws).

    Libs like to coopt anything and everything as their own.

    • Too bad neo-conversative libertarians like Ron Paul no longer practice the “accepting part.”

      Anyone with a basic college education will point out the obvious…during the civil war, republicans were once the urban dwelling social liberals and southern planters were social conservative democrats. Lincoln was a republican.

      Conservatives became republicans after the conservative coalition began opposing FDR’s “New Deal.”

      Annoying “facts” 🙂

      Why would you ever think the that conservatives, opposed to rights for the gay community, opposed to entitlement programs for the poor and overall social progress, would advocate equal rights?

  9. the thing about all liberals is that they know so much that isn't so... on

    Don’t personalize an arguement with a liberal.

    • Thing About Conservatives Is You Can Make Up Anything And Sell It As Truth on

      I agree on this point…some of you seem a little radical and I’d rather we don’t get personal.

  10. double standard on

    funny the greek orthodox church that was near ground zero is not being allowed to rebuild their church.

    why does this country cater to muslisms?

  11. double standard on

    where was the 1st amendment outrage years back when an activist judge ordered a simple cross honoring ww1 veterans taken down from the mojave desert? reason given was that other religions were not represented at that site.

    a cross in a desert does not enjoy 1st amendment rights but a provactively placed mosque at ground zero where 3000 americans were murdered is something to rally behind.

    i very much enjoy theos writing but this one i can’t agree with.

    • Was the desert public land? Did the builders of the cross purchase the land like the builders of the Mosque have?

      I know…facts are so annoying.

      You conservatives sure are victims of discrimination…first they controlled Hollywood, the media, higher education, the internet, the goverment…they hate white people and hate Christians…but conservatives will sit there crying “victim” while still continuing to oppose equal rights for gays and other religions.

      Now ask why this country will never buy this image of the “white conservative victim.”

  12. On behalf of the American people thank you logic for re-enforcing with each comment why your side as you call it should be voted out in November! on

    Yes liberals they all know so much that isn’t so…

    • Considering the vast majority of the country didn’t agree with you a year and a half ago, we’ll see if the fear mongering paranoia tactics of the right really work on mainstream America and those without logic.

      My guess is that citizens of this great nation won’t like to be motivated on fear, but rather by achievment.

      Also interesting to see how some of these trainwrecks like Sharon Angle/Rand Paul continue to embarass themselves and their parties on national TV.

      In the meantime, please keep Sarah Palin front and center will you? 🙂

  13. Imam Obama you had me at "we are the ones we have been waiting for..." on

    Imam Obama says the HAMASque should be built.

  14. "we are the ones we have been waiting for..." on

    umm dubai port deal was insensitive according to hillary and schumer to 9/11 families but a hamasque 600 feet away thats something the dems can rally behind!

  15. "we are the ones we have been waiting for..." on

    interesting nancy pelosi probably wont investigate where the $100 million to fund the hamasque will come from but she is willing to investigate hamasque critics.

    • Paranoia is a Disease and There is Medication...It Doesn't Affect Us All on

      Interesting this Imam in charge of the Mosque was already used by the FBI as a means to investigate terrorism, yet you are still alleging conspiracy?

      Are you smarter than the FBI? Do your resources (Fox News) tell you something that the FBI, CIA and Bush Administration wasn’t able to find?

      Or are you just paranoid and generally bias against non-Christian, non-whites?

      You realize that Muslims are like you. They are social conservatives who vote Republican. They hate gays and women’s rights and want to turn society back to the 1800s…just like you.

      Considering all other minorities are turned off by the GOP, you would think a rational Republican like yourself would welcome any sort of support. Yet your paranoia gets the best of you…

      • 8-18-10 gallup 41% approve 51% disapprove of obama on

        you are aware only 20% of this country identify themselves to be liberal while 40% identify themselves as conservative (that’s conservative not republican)

        oh and by the way most americans agree with our presidents stance on no gay marriage – yet you strike at those you don’t know and call us bigoted yet your messiah aggrees with us.

        again you lack any sense of logic.

        hows that economy working out – are you in the still blaming bush for everything or are you in the we are in transition camp (apparently free market capitalism to centrally planned economy)?

        i am starting to feel sorry for how little you understand about the magnificant country you live in.

        • Gallup–Obama’s approval rating of 44 percent is still much higher than Bush’s final Gallup approval rating of 34 percent. And the recession hadn’t even hit its worst yet under Bush! Care to explain that?

          Who is my messiah? Obama? Is your Messiah Glenn Beck then? He seems to be more identifiable with your party than any single politician.

          Whose facts are those about where the majority of this nation lies? Fox News? If that were true, then how did Obama slaughter McCain so bad? How did Dems come to control Congress and the Senate?

          Why does hollywood, the media, higher education, schools and society in general have the “liberal bias” that YOU always seem to be complaining about? You would think they would go with the “majority” right? These are rational questions that a logical person must ask.

          Can you provide a fact stating majority of Americans don’t agree with gay marriage, or are we just spewing whatever we want these days?

          Economy is working fine…getting back on track and most of the bailout money was paid back. Fox News doesn’t report that type of thing. Companies are reporting strong earnings but we still have a ways to go…more importantly is that the global economy is also recovering. But you sound like you have some economic facts that I haven’t read, so I encourage you to produce them.

          The “magnificant” country I live in? You mean the one where the majority of citizens are educated and can think rationally without being punished by religious rules and laws? The one where we take care of fellow citizens?

          I love this country…but the wedge issues are splitting us apart.

          PS–Thought it was obvious by now, but you need facts in these debates with me.

          • Ground Zero Imam: America is Sharia Compliant State on

            Do you dispute the fact that your messiah Barack Obama and most of America does not support gay marriage?

  16. Light skinned and hardly any negro dialect!!!!!! on

    Barack Obama… ‘he is light skinned and speaks with a negro dialect only when he chooses’…

    Q Was this said by a member of the GOP, a tea party member, Ted Nugent?
    A Nope HARRY REID Senate Majority Leader – he’s a Democrat!

    God these Democrats are so open and accepting of others – I mean they really set an example for the rest of us.

    I couldn’t help but notice logic is still making stuff up – certainly this individual cannot expect anyone to engage someone claiming to represent logic while their comments clearly indicate they reside in an alternate reality.

    Logic please tell me where you attended college and what major?

    • College and major? Why would I tell you that? Given the mistruths from Palin, Beck and others on your side, sounds like you are the gullible ones…not me.

      You take ONE comment from Harry Reid and try and compare it to the hundreds of comments that come from the right wing? Does that really make sense? Reid was probably trying to calm your types down about it.

      What have I made up sir? Please provide exact points. Again, I respond to facts, that baseless claims like these.

      • Ground Zero Imam: America is Sharia Compliant State on

        You are aware Harry Reid the Democrat majority leader and based on that position and that only he is one of the 5 most powerful individuals in this country.

        I would think you would care what one of the most powerful Dems has to say about your messiah!

        • Ground Zero Imam: America is Sharia Compliant State on

          Talk about paranoid who said you were gullible?

          And since your comments are not based on any sort of fact and often make little sense I have better things to do than try and educate you.

      • Dear Logic,

        You have to hold yourself to the same standards of fair play and proper discourse that you hold everyone else to on this thread.

        By the way, I laughed my balls of at this statement:

        “Reid was probably trying to calm your types down about it.”

        I’m noticing that you’re repeatedly throwing dust in our eyes, like the sophist you are.

        You are aware of who the sophists were, aren’t you? They were dismissive of the rigors of logic, reasoning, and objectivity.

        Annoying “facts” 🙂

  17. "one of the prettiest things on earth at sunset..." Senator Barack Obama referring to the Muslim call to prayer which begins with 'Allah is great Allah is great Allah is the only God' - in a March 6, 2007 NYT interview with Nicholas Christoff on

    He also recited the evening call to prayer in a Muslim accent.

    I guess only Christians in America are ‘bitter clingers’ and Muslims are to be revered.

    Well since we already had our first black president (Bill ‘free willy’ Clinton) I guess we now have our first Muslim president.

    • You people are literally like what we in Bridgeport used to call “Spaccones” or suckers that would believe anything we told them…you are a financial scam artists dream and are probably providing your credit card info to anyone who asks.


      Let me ask you your feelings on Big Foot and can you describe for us your alien abduction?

      • Ground Zero Imam: America is Sharia Compliant State on

        From where I come from spaccones are show boaters or braggarts without cause sort of like you with you claim of logic, knowledge or your so called facts.

        You would describe Rev Wrights church as your typical Christian church – interesting.

        • Ground Zero Imam: America is Sharia Compliant State on

          Has the president or his family even chosen a church to attend? No not unless you call 18 holes at whatever golf course he plays every sunday attending church.

          And no I don’t care if the president plays golf – actually I wish he would play 72 holes with Pelosi, Reid, and Emanual every day as it would mean less damage to our economy.

          • What does it matter what church he attends? Is that a prerequisite for the Presidency or written in our constitution?

            They go to a variety of Churches including Baptist and Episcopal and thats well documented. (Maybe you have this fantasy about an underground Mosque built under the whitehouse…BigFoot also attends right?)

            And sorry, but Obama hasn’t come close to taking nearly as many vacation days or golf outings as Bushie.

            Damn facts again!!

  18. "one of the prettiest things on earth at sunset..." Senator Barack Obama referring to the Muslim call to prayer which begins with 'Allah is great Allah is great Allah is the only God' - in a March 6, 2007 NYT interview with Nicholas Christoff on

    This interview has been pulled from the NYT website – once again the NYT cheerleading and covering for liberals.

    • Wow the guy likes sunsets? He’s complimenting another religion?



      Wait a minute…why is everything so bias if we are a majority conservative nation? Read my name guys…use logic…deep breaths and really think this through.

      • Ground Zero Imam: America is Sharia Compliant State on

        For someone calling themselves logic you are stupid –


        By the way Gallup poll was cited which is considered liberal by I guess liberals cause CNN uses it.

        Personally I don’t care if he is a muslim or an orange carton I care that he is destroying this country economically!

        • Wait how do you know so much about the Muslim Evening Call to Prayer? Maybe you are a Muslim? As if that’s a bad thing…I feel bad for people so easily paranoid such as yourself. Life must be miserable when you are this scared and upset about delusions, let alone real dangers.

          CNN is the only network generally down the middle. Thats why no one watches it. MSNBC and Fox are the bias channels. The division in this nation is only getting deeper.

          Stop calling us “liberals” as if we are not Americans and the monicker is negative. You are conservative, I am liberal and we both love and work hard in America. I may live next door to you or down the street. Why hate me because my views differ from yours?

          Where does this anger and hate come from?

    • Maybe he’s a Muslim…but then he couldn’t be communist…

      I think he’s a muslim-communist-socialist radical-white bashing-feminsist-marxist who hates white people, men, Jesus, business, NASCAR and the state of Alabama.

      Wow I just made myself paranoid 😉

  19. Ground Zero Imam: America is Sharia Compliant State on

    Check out youtube for this 2004 lecture where the Ground Zero Imam compares our country’s founding priniples with sharia law.

    This is same sharia law the makes a wife the property of her husband, blames the rape of a woman on the woman, adulterers particularly women (noticing a trend yet) are stoned to death, sanctions honor killings of ones own children and on and on and on…

    That all sounds like our founding principles to me!

    Public outrage will stop the hamasque from being built. Get engaged people!

    • Get the facts first people! Don’t give in to paranoia!

      This guy was used by the FBI and Bush Administration to counter terrorism. If there was even a small ounce of radical terrorism in his body, it would have been uncovered already.

      Giving public speeches and discussing the application of Sharia Law in the US amid an intellectual setting means very little. Actions speak louder than words and this man has been a patriot for his actions on behalf of our government.

      Sharia Law is an extreme form of the laws that take place amid Christian sects of Mormons in Utah and Texas…where men take multiple wives, wives are forced into marriage at 16 and have little to no rights. Yes this happens in America, only they are white and love Jesus.

      Women also cannot become equal in a number of other Christian religions, including Catholocism.

      Christianity doesn’t have a good track record either on women’s rights.

      • Ground Zero Imam: America is Sharia Compliant State on

        Why is anothers opinion that the hamasque should not be built at the ground zero site so important to you?

        I did accurately describe sharia law and you say christians practice sharia law – that does not make any sense.

        If I now said I agree with everything you say would you then take an American position?

        Are you aware that you are submitting your comments and not just mumbling them outloud like a dementia patient?

        And if so you aren’t the least embarassed are you?

        Do you have some sort of vanity issues?

        Maybe the FBI should use you to annoy terrorists and other criminals cause I can see no other value in your behavior?

        • I certainly am not out to argue for argument’s sake, but more or less clear up false facts and ridiculous rumors. I support a lot of views and opinions on this website.

          However, you cannot deny the right wing’s fear mongering paranoia tactics are laced with conspiracy theories and general Islamaphobia. Mosques throughout the country are being protested, with tea party backing. Too many people in this nation believe Obama is a Muslim because of the various birther/conspiracy crap. Its sickening.

          Frankly if you post mistruths and blatantly false information because its the only way you have to criticize an individual, you should be the one feeling embarassed.

          • hillary clinton invented term right winger to distract from bills 'intern' problems on

            literally nothing you post is factual all allegations the tea party this the tea party that… blah blah blah.

            and your last paragraph applies to you!
            “Frankly if you post mistruths and blatantly false information because its the only way you have to criticize an individual, you should be the one feeling embarassed.”

  20. It's the Economy Stupid on

    muslim, marxist, socialist, liberal, progressive whatever our president is does not matter as his policies aren’t and will not work.

    this economy will not respond regardless how much or our childrens money the dem majority spends ‘reviving’ it.

    as far as the ground zero mosque. why on earth would any american be in favor of a mini skyscraper trophy for the muslim world?

    this is not a first amendment right. yes this is america you can build whatever you want but not anywhere. sure local govt oked the mosque. this can be undone. and there is mosque currently three or four blocks away so no one is denying muslim right to worship or causing a hardship of traveling to worship.

    we will remember was not a bumper sticker phrase!

    Our country men and women were murdered at ground zero and an imam that cavorts with hamas should not be given a green light politically to trounce on the dead!

  21. Logic,

    You spelled “Catholicism” wrong.

    “Women also cannot become equal in a number of other Christian religions, including Catholocism [sic]”

    I’m just letting you know.

    • You are right and I apologize.

      Now see pointing out spelling errors doesn’t make you an “elitist” after all now does it? Its actually in good form and I’m glad you did that.

  22. Ground Zero (moderate -ha ha) Imam uses "N-word says US worse than alqueda..." on

    Someone should check out the movie the
    “Stoning of Soraya M”

    Why are people like Pelosi so hell bent on this mosque?

    Why are Christians ‘bitter clingers’ in the eyes of liberals and islams somehow en vogue?

    Remember this in November.

    Where does the liberal hate for God fearing country loving Americans come from?

    May God Bless America and our troops!!

  23. “Where does the liberal hate for God fearing country loving Americans come from?”

    –Because you try and inject this fear of God to everyone including those who don’t believe in your God. YOUR GOD. Say that out loud. Abortion, gay marriage, progressing society, that offends YOUR GOD but if we don’t believe in your god, then shouldn’t we have the freedom not to be subjected to his rules?

    “Why are Christians ‘bitter clingers’ in the eyes of liberals and islams somehow en vogue?”

    –Its because Muslims and Christians are one in the same to us. The Taliban are religious conservatives and many of their rules parallel societal rules for radical evangelical christians. Yet you fail to see this and continue to tell us you are “right” and they are “evil” when realistically, you are not that far off. Our thinking is that if you can do it, they should do it too. We don’t hate Christians…we just don’t want to give Christians any preferential treatment over Muslims and that’s what America is about (and also what you can’t handle).

    ““Stoning of Soraya M”
    –Seen it…its disgusting…so are you saying these Muslims are the same types who would worship at the Mosque near Ground Zero? If not, then why bring that up? There are no stonings in the US and just as many whackjob murders who kill “for the sake of Christ” as they do for “the sake of Allah.” For every Muslim terrorist, I’ll name a Christian radical right wing terrorist.

    “May God Bless America and our troops!!”
    –May all and any God bless America and our troops!

  24. Ground Zero (moderate -ha ha) Imam uses "N-word says US worse than alqueda..." on

    Wasn’t the stoning of soraya m about sharia law in iran – logics favorite country? Hasn’t the ground zero imam promoted sharia law and expects the US to one day comply with sharia law?

  25. Who hates America more liberals or islamic terrorists? Talk amongst yourselves! on

    Interesting Obama plays more golf in 18 months than Bush played in 8 years yet Logic states the opposite as fact. By the way Bush vacationed in Crawford TX at a 1200 sq foot ranch while Obama jet sets around the country on our dime for Democrat fundraisers – gee is somebody’s party in trouble this fall?

    I thought logic was Catholic yet he now compares Christians to Muslims that follow sharia law. Hope you are not choosing to receive communion this week.

    What does it say on our money – in God we trust – no need to state what God- it also says ‘one of many’ and they weren’t referring to liberals were they?

    Is America prepared for the experiation of the Bush tax cuts on Jan 1, 2011. This will mean an accross the board tax increase for ALL Americans. I thought Obama and Pelosi and Reid were not going to raise our taxes – more lies from liberals I guess.

    No you are not an elitist are you? Why would preferential treatment of Christians or muslims be yours to give – this is America and I have about had it with you liberal creeps.

      • His articles already run on and a few other BigFoot/UFO forums.

        I believe Joe and Alex would rather stick with those who use FACTS when allowing guest authors.

  26. Think Jesus was a Muslim-bashing NRA Member? Only in your fantasies. on

    “I thought logic was Catholic yet he now compares Christians to Muslims that follow sharia law. Hope you are not choosing to receive communion this week.”

    –I am but I’m realistic. I look forward to communion this week as I try hard to live a peaceful, campasionate life the way Jesus meant for us. I don’t however have hate in my heart, jealousy, envy or ill will towards those who do not think as I do. That’s obviously what you have and so I hope one day, Jesus forgives that hate and anger.

    “What does it say on our money – in God we trust – no need to state what God- it also says ‘one of many’ and they weren’t referring to liberals were they?” –This doesn’t make sense so provide clarity and I’ll respond. Yes the dollar says that but the constitution states very clearly the separation of Church and State and that one religion will not be favored over others.

    “Interesting Obama plays more golf in 18 months than Bush played in 8 years yet Logic states the opposite as fact. By the way Bush vacationed in Crawford TX at a 1200 sq foot ranch while Obama jet sets around the country on our dime for Democrat fundraisers – gee is somebody’s party in trouble this fall?” –Wow a little 12,000 sq. foot ranch? What a modest man! Surprised that’s all Daddy gave him actually. You are right that OBama has cost taxpayers nearly $2 M on fundraising trips. A 2006 report for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform found that during 2002, political campaigns reimbursed the federal government for $198,000 of the $6.5 million in flight expenses racked up by campaign-related stops made by President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. That’s 3 percent of the total cost. So Obama has some catching up to do…damn Facts! Also, we are pulling out of Iraq now in case you only watch Fox News. How much $ does that save our government?

    “Is America prepared for the experiation of the Bush tax cuts on Jan 1, 2011. This will mean an accross the board tax increase for ALL Americans. I thought Obama and Pelosi and Reid were not going to raise our taxes – more lies from liberals I guess.” –Gonna take a wild guess here…you probably don’t make $1 M a year. Yet families earning more than $1 million a year saw their federal tax rates drop more sharply than any group in the country according to the CBO in 2007. So how did they affect you in the first place?

    Now Democratic leaders will only extend the breaks benefiting individuals earning less than $200,000 per year and couples making less than $250,000. Now do you want to say thank you? See what happens when you don’t read facts? You end up looking like an idiot.

    “No you are not an elitist are you? Why would preferential treatment of Christians or muslims be yours to give – this is America and I have about had it with you liberal creeps.”

    –Please move then. I STRONGLY urge you. According to conservatives, liberal creeps run hollywood, the media, higher education and the internet. Guess its just not friendly for you anymore.

    And actually if compared to people with such hateful rhetoric and ridiculous false claims who don’t take the time to review facts, then yes I’m elitist and believe frankly, you are too dumb to live in our country.

    Now I bet you anything this liberal culture and progress of society won’t penetrate Iran. Have you considered moving there? 😉

    • Danny Huckleberry on

      Joe, this a good example of how implementing a message board format such as vBulletin could really benefit American News Post. It’s way more organized.

  27. Who hates America more liberals or islamic terrorists? Talk amongst yourselves! on

    RE 8/25 @ 9:22 There is something seriously wrong with you.

    Interesting how you make moral equivilencies to justify your radical beliefs.

    • Tolerance for other religions and repealing tax cuts on wealthy are “radical?” 🙂 What country are you living in? North Korea?

      I guess using “facts” to prove you wrong is also “radical” then right?

      You conservatives complain about the “racist” monicker being thrown around, yet fail to see the hypocracy in throwing around “elitist” and “radical” …maybe thats all you have left when FACTS prove your theories and beliefs wrong….

      So elitist…radical….what’s next…”heretic?” 😉

  28. Dear Logic–also known as Burstein,

    Do you think Fat Victor Stramaglio (your #1 obsession) would make a good politician?

    • Ha here we go again with this Burnstein conspiracy…;)! Did Glenn Beck do a special on his blackboard and expose me?

      Dear Whiner-Also known as Agent Scully–have you found Obama’s birth certificate yet or are you still looking? I suggest you keep looking.

      And I also bet you order take-out from Olive Garden and watch Casino before you read this blog…great to see folks from Arkansas so interested in the great city of Chicago!

  29. The reason I’m saying that you’re Burstein is because 1) you two are the only 2 people I’ve ever heard talk about Fat Victor Stramaglio; 2) most EVERYTHING you write on here is false and taken right from his chart and book, which he cowrote with Sam Giancana.

    • Seriously what is wrong with you Agent Moulder? The “truth” is not always wrapped up in some conspiracy. You realize Fat Vic is a real guy right?

      Now if I was to create some sort of chart, guys like Joe Belli Jr., Little Augie Monteleone and Aldo Piscitelli would be on there…so I don’t agree with the guy’s chart ok whackjob?

      Why don’t you ask Joe’s opinion on whether I’m this mythical “Burnstein” you seem so obsessed with or whether he thinks I’m a regular guy who grew up with a few of these folks?

      I will concede…not too many Jews in the area I grew up…you would be hard-pressed to find a Burnstein. Were there many Jews in Arkansas?

  30. Holocaust survivor cursed out by ground zero mosque supporter! on

    This actually happened and there is video of it.

    Gee logic is this the type of progressive you represent fits with the comments you make.

    Remember one thing logic I am an American I will not be moving any place nor do us Americans intend on surrendering our country to a bunch whiney mambi pambi liberals such as yourself.

    Once again I ask are aware that you are actually posting these comments – and if so please reread them as your lack of knowledge and ability to comprehend what you are debating must be embarassing?

    • Interesting…why do heavyweights within the Jewish community support the Mosque building then? Try as you might, you cannot divide the country with unfounded conspiracies.

      Imam Rauf delivered a moving speech at the 2003 memorial service held in a Manhattan synagogue for Daniel Pearl, the Jewish journalist murdered by Islamist terrorists in Pakistan. He’s also a strong supporter of Israel.

      Sorry…facts get you again! 😉

  31. Democrats are hardly democratic on

    I doubt there is a more race bating, eco/enviro terrorizing, excluding, societal dividing entity than the democrat party.

    Logic I am glad you have a religion you believe so dearly in – but I am afraid you worship a false phrophet – liberalism.

    • Sorry but I’ll have to borrow some of your words here…

      I doubt there is a more hateful, paranoid, violent-laiden, hypocratic, excluding, societal dividing entity than the republican party.

      I don’t worship “liberalsm.” Instead I merely subscribe to peaceful ideals that push progress in society.

      Again none of you ever provided great societal acheivements of the conservatives…equal rights, women’s rights, gay rights, the sexual revolution, etc. all could not have been acheived by a “societal dividing” party.

      In 2 years throw “gay marriage” in there too. Instead of continuing to get burned by progress, I suggest your kind adapt to it…assuming you are allowed to use the word “adapt.” 😉

      • Wow “hypocrtical” is what should have been said there…don’t want any “elistists” correcting me.

  32. Obama will have plenty of time for vacation when his one term is up -Dave Letterman on

    How do you feel about the adjective ‘independent’ democrat? I say there is no such thing.

    How did bat face pelosi get her job as speaker of the house? Oh that’s right all the dems in the house decided she was the most qualified to lead them. That offers more comic relief than legic comments!

    • Well for one, she doesn’t have half the scandals and ethics investigations that predecessor Hastert had when it was obvious he was allowing lobbyists to do what they pleased.

      Why do you hate Pelosi so bad? This is something I find trouble understanding…please provide one solid example of why you people have such distaste for her.

  33. Obama will have plenty of time for vacation when his one term is up -Dave Letterman on

    Gee logic are the Dem talking points emailed to you or do you subscribe to one of the George Soros funded websites that clearly violate IRS regs for non profits – just wondering.

  34. Dear Logic,

    Please stop “defending” liberal values because you are making a damn fool of yourself and disgracing our cause.

    Your foolishness has reached a point where it is becoming clear that you can only be a conservative who is pretending to be a liberal because no true, college-educated liberal would publish such insincere, manipulative and condescending arguments purportedly in favor of his own ideologies.

    Another thing that I would like to address with you is that I find your fixation with gangsters to be a another cause for concern. Mr. Fosco and other readers seem interested in discussing organized crime in the context of local or–in Joe’s case–family history. Joe has an interesting story, and I understand people wanting hear details about his life.

    But, it is clear from your activities in the threads that, unlike the rest of us, you have some sick desire for there to be a murderous and prosperous Italian-American criminal organization existing and thriving in Chicago. What is the matter with you?

    Why is this? Is it because you are jealous that these gangsters can act with little or no self-control and conscience, or is it because associating innocent human beings (victims) with prey puts you in touch with some weird, primal, predatory instincts that you may harbor?

    You need to understand that these gangsters are people who should not be idolized in any way. They are sick individuals who need to be rooted out and imprisoned for the greater good of society. The mob is a terrorist organization, and it really needs to stop. This is the 21st century.

    (Do not even try to deny that you have a mob fetish. It is so obvious that it is sick.)

    Joe Fosco is obviously in a position to know the current state of the Chicago Outfit. He says it is reduced to a few bookies, poker machines in the suburbs and really only one single street organization operating out of Cicero. This is cause for celebration and not self-delusionary retorts about how the Outfit is still powerful but remains in the shadows.

    [And I hope you realize, Logic, that your position in support of our local terrorist organization—i.e., the Chicago Outfit—sharply contradicts all of your (false) positions (supposedly) favoring governmental and social justice, as espoused in the political threads.]

    One last thing, and this is a minor point:

    It is so embarrassing to witness you masquerading as a liberal intellectual (and a piss-poor one, at that) in the political threads and then switch over to the crime threads where you refer to mobsters by their nicknames and freely (and unconvincingly) use street language. Sometimes it is funny, but it is usually nauseating.

    And please stop using that lame 🙂 at the end of all your nonsense comments. Thinking that they improve your barely-intelligible mess of words is like thinking you can polish a turd.

    Give it up.

    • Dear Joe & American News Post staff,

      Please publish an article by this person, Liberal Lion, who published the above comment.

      Thank you.

      ~Ned Curly



    • I think we should have an article published by Logic who seems to hand everyone their asses. Its sometimes good to hear opposing viewpoints.

      I personally find Logic hillarious and while I don’t agree with his views, I must say he does pretty well at mockery.

  36. I’m offended by Logic’s heavy-handed [mis]use of Italian idioms. But I admit that it is funny how he starts talking like a tough guy street guy (mobster?) on the Outfit blog comments.

    PS: “spaccone” (LOL)


    • You obviously didn’t grow up in Chicago did you? I’ve heard Jews call people spaccones here…its a neighborhood thing smart guy…and better believe thats not a bullshit word.

      Stick to your small town buddy.

    • Spaccone is a cocky guy who flashes money around like he’s something, yet deep down, is nothing but a sucker. Fairly frequent word in Italian families like “marone.”

      Kind of ridiculous you trying to mock a guy about something you don’t understand because you disagree with his politics IMO, specially about things you know nothing about.

  37. Some people are whipsmart... on

    We have had Dems in charge of Congress since 2006 and what has it gotten us virtual bankruptcy, the ugliest brauds in government (Kagan, Napalitono, Thighs -Hillary), $900 billion tax hike in jan 2011, a mosque at ground zero – strongly supported by stretch Pelosi but not Scary Reid, national health care – good luck with that one can anyone say hello Costa Rica, recession with FDR like policies to deepen it – yes check your history FDR managed to maintain double digit unemployment while running large deficits for 8 years until WWII wow what a genius he was, government ownership of GM, Chrylser, numerous banks, student loan program… simply put your killing me America please vote these liberal idealogues out!! And no McCain, Lindsey Grahamnesty, Charlie Crist and the likes are not the answer!

  38. Tea Party Whackjob on

    I smell a tea party whackjob. Relax Glenn Beck…life really hasn’t changed much since since 2005.

    Such hate and distaste for FDR, a great American president who essentially died under the stress of the Presidency (A Great American) becuase of his political party? What the hell is wrong with you?

    No one wants their country full of such mindless hate.

  39. Alex/Joe–would you guys consider doing a piece on the shadowy billionairs financing the tea party, David and Charles Koch?

    Seems they have some extremely unfavorable associations and motivations and be interesting to see a conservative take look behind the curtain.

  40. who is the conspiracy theorist now... the tea party is a grass roots effort inspired partly by Rick Santelli's comments in Feb 2009 from floor of CBOE! on

    And partly inspired by being taxed into oblivion by Libs in Congress… TEA stands for taxed enough already…

    Who is Glenn Beck I heard he had a hope, religion, honor rally over the weekend is this correct and if so why was Al Sharpton The ‘racialist’ (the racialist is coming to the CBS this fall after the mentalist) leading a counter rally… Well I guess Beck is not an official Race leader yet then.

    • Yet where does their financial backing come from? You are the conspiracy theorists who refuse to ask the same questions about yourselves…one of the many reasons why the majority find it a joke.

      Rupert Murdoch and David and Charles Koch are the muscle behind the Tea Party and that the roots of the organization go back to the founding of The Liberty League in 1934 and also through the John Birch Society, where the Koch brothers’ father was a guiding hand.

      When David Koch ran for vice president on the Libertarian ticket in 1980, he called for the elimination, according to Koch, of Social Security, all regulatory agencies, welfare, the FBI, the CIA, and public schools.

      Those are actual facts…they created conspiracies during the time of FDR accusing him of being a secret Jew radical…someone should ask Glenn Beck about these billionaires, but he probably doesn’t want to lose his money stream.

      Besides its more fun to dress up in costumes and parade around yelling about our lack of “freedoms” in a setting where you can say anything without using facts and specifics to back it up.

  41. So much for journalistic integrity on

    88% of ABC NBC CBS employees contributed money to Dems and Obama – but there is no media bias right?

    It would be conspiracy theorizing to link political contributions and bias toward liberals.


      If I’m lying then provide a link showing ootherwise…I know you won’t…it doesn’t exist.

      Seriously where do you people come up with the audacity to think you can say whatever you want and then call someone an “elitist” for pointing out you are completely false and lying?

      Again…maybe I’m elitist…I can’t stand liars among our society and believe they should leave.

  42. Glenn Beck wore a bulletproof vest for his honor rally.

    Really Beck you wish someone would want a assasinate you, you are a carnival barker for crying out loud!

    • He’s laughing all the way to the bank…the paranoia he’s created among the undereducated rural class is literally filling his bank accounts…more books, survival seeds and gold coin endorsements (for fradulent companies) on the way!

    • A. I find that word offensive and a direct attack on me, and my family.

      B. I guess name-calling is the best way to argue with someone who has just proved you wrong? Put up facts or shut up.

  43. What a jagbag on

    Doesn’t this person know that liberals are the racialists, sexists and retardists? And other political presuasions should refrain from making judgement or comment on these class categories. Liberals see people in terms of what class they fit into whether it be race, sex, sexual preference and mental ability etc.

    • Liberals see people in terms of class? If that were true, then conservatives would be the one denying basic rights based on class, race, sexuality, etc.

      Oh wait they already do…

      PS–the only ones obsessing on Obama’s race and religion appear to be conservatives. The rest of the country could care less as long as the guy does his job.

  44. Ground zero imam - "US and Al qaeda like quarreling married couple; imam like marriage counselor" on

    A marriage quarrel with 3000 murdered?

    Would someone please admit this imam is a mother f-ing creep!

    • Haven’t you learned yet that Brietbart’s videos are deceptively edited? Don’t you think that if this guy truly was the Muslim “Anti-Christian” terrorist you make him out to be that the FBI and CIA would be a little more concerned than you? Or that George W. Bush’s administration would have known that?

      Where is your logic? Think rationally…Andrew Brietbart and the conservative media know more about this guy than our own government agencies? Say that out loud with a straight face…:)

      Nope…you just continue to take random comments out of context…anything you can find to continue to push the conspiracy…drive the paranoia…sad to think some people have this much hate…how can you go through life so paranoid and hateful?

      Life really must be a struggle for you people.

  45. Yawn more of logics verbal vomit... on

    Do you actually believe simply because you post a comment that it represents truth or fact?

    • Since I post truth and facts, yes I do.

      Other readers also believe this when your only response to these facts and truth is trying to call me a girl.

    • Not what-so-ever. Using logic, 9/11 was Al Qaeda, not a US conspiracy, Obama is a citizen, Bigfoot is a myth and the Holocaust obviously happened.

      Now back to Imam Rauf being linked to terrorism and the FBI/CIA/Bush Administration and various other government agencies not catching on to that…sound logical? Obviously not.

  46. Who said anything about breitbart? on

    isn’t it funny all the msnbc hosts (all of them are white) chastizing the tea people and beck rally people for being made up of primarily white people. I guess msnbc can’t find any liberals of color (or aren’t trying) to spew their venom.

    • Breitbart released this story about the Imam phrasing 911 as a “marriage quarrel.” Given his history with ACORN and Sherrod, I’m just glad to see Fox finally learned a lesson and didn’t endorse this crap.

      Since MSNBC hosts are all white, they therefore can’t call other whites racist or expose racism among their own race?

      Say that out loud and see if it makes any sense. 🙂

  47. I didn't call you a girl I called you an hooker! on

    The reason is there is little difference between liberals and hookers as both take or redistribute wealth while providing comfort, compassion or the “feel good” illusion some seek to satisfy their own short comings.

    When will the US offer Christian outreach similar to the muslim outreach – you know where a muslim imam goes and talks to imams in other countries. Which makes very little sense.

    • Sounds like you have a personal bias against hookers and women in general…not sure this forum is the right place to air that sort of laundry if you get my drift.

      Christian outreach? Aww poor babies…white Christians are always the victims…everyone is just out to get them!

  48. I didn't call you a girl I called you an hooker! on

    Your 1142 comment makes even less sense than most of your other comments. What a surprise as I didn’t think that was possible.

    • You don’t like responding intelligently to people whose opinions differ from yours, do you? You realize how much of a jackass you look like right now right?

  49. A Former Young American on

    Dear former President George W. Bush,

    If you are reading this, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for kicking some major ass while you were in the White House. Of course, I am not talking about warfare. Instead, I am using “kick ass” as a way of describing how successful you were at being an exciting and effective leader who was capable of actively motivating us, the American people, to believe in American again.

    Thank you, sir, for keeping us safe. And thank you for not playing grab-ass with any White House staffers or groupies.

    May God bless you.

    -A Former Young American

  50. Dear Barack Obama on

    Thanks for signaling in an exciting and effective manner to the enemy precisely when troops will begin withdrawing from a war zone.

    Really thanks we haven’t seen leadership skills like this since Custard!

    A Proud American that pays taxes, believes in God and votes!

  51. Surprize the Discovery Channel hostage taker is a flat earth, global warming radical - anothers words a liberal!!!!!!!!! on

    This guy was like pro choice on crack!

    • Its true…he’s probably a leftist radical…now for every leftist radical we can probably find 10 conservative radicals who have actually killed people.

      Until you see liberals running around in the woods in military fatigues in “militias” marching with guns at political rallies or believing in whackjob conspiracies, I think its safe to say they won’t make the DHS list anytime soon 🙂

  52. Clarence Sissypants on

    Dear President Obama,

    If you are reading this, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you looking like child in the recent candid vacation photos of you in which you are riding what appears to be a women’s bicycle, while wearing a youth’s helmet. Also, thank you also for appearing on the “View.”

    (How embarrassing for the Russia Federation that its Prime Ministers never fail to exude virility, gravitas and self-confidence. How dare they command respect in this day and age!)


    Clarence Sissypants

    • Dear Concerned Citizen–

      Good points of criticism. His bike was too feminine for you? The maturity and class of your party continues to do wonders for your national image.



  53. Gene Peckertouch on

    Dear Mr. Glenn Beck,

    If you are reading this, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for never failing to be in a state of frightening and unnecessary hysteria. And sincerest gratitude, sir, for lacking any worthwhile hobbies and for not pursuing adult education–the latter of which might possibly put you in the novel position of someday having an idea of what you’re talking about.

    How so very fortunate for us, Mr. Beck, that all the events of your mysterious and troubled life recently culminated in the entertaining (and very ironic) dog and pony show, billed as: “Restoring Honor.” Sir, we will always hold you in the highest regard for having a well-known Catholic-hater, John Hagee, in attendence, front and center.

    Above all, Mr. Beck, I want to thank you for having the double ‘n’ at the end of your first name, which is inspiration to those of us who completely lack any interesting or remotely unique personal qualities and are looking for something…anything…no matter how trite…to draw attention away from the fact that we–like you–wet our pants.

    Much love,

    Gene Peckertouch

    • Well written. Thank him also for igniting the current culture of paraonoia launching this nation back to McCarthyism.

    • His whackjob personality, history of alcohol abuse and ongoing cries for attention combined with his instant reaction to claim “victim” I’m sure prove he was indeed raised by conservatives.

  54. Logic would you consider those serving in the military to be conservative radicals – just wondering?

  55. So my tax dollars are spent for muslim outreach in which muslim imams from US meet with imams from middle east – and for what purpose. But Christian or another religions outreach are not paid by taxpayer dollars. That does seem right. I would actually prefer no tax dollars be used for any sort of religious outreach especially those who murdered 3000 of my countrymen.

    • What is Muslim outreach? Christians overseas are not developing radical sects that want to kill people in the US…hence why we didn’t need the outreach. It was done in efforts to prevent continued attacks and to prevent entire regions from hating us. Here in the US we believe in common decency and that all men are created equal, regardless of religion. If you do not agree then I would look into immigration policies to other countries who don’t practice these sort of values.

      Also thank Bush for that outreach, not Obama.

  56. I think ANP should hire logic to live blog the November election night results – I would love to hear the rationalization, misdirection, accusation and effect of supposed ‘fear mongering’ on why exactly liberals will lose the House and possibly the Senate.

    • I guess we will see…half the candidates the GOP is putting up are tea party whackjobs who don’t believe in science. I guess this country’s level of education and logic will be put to the test.

  57. So Rahm Emanuel can call people retarded – throw tantrums when he does not get his way and because he’s a liberal no one says boo.

    To avoid any confusion this comment was for all non retarded people.

    • Wow really reaching to attack liberals at this point aren’t we…and I believe the idiot goddess Sarah Palin cried a little harder than “Boo-hoo” when it was alleged he said “retard.” However, Palin didn’t have a problem with the right-wing talk radio show host saying the n-word 12 times…in fact she supported it.

      Amusing how stupid your neoconservative leaders assume you all are to continue supporting them.

    • Now this is a topic where facts can’t simply be made up and where conspiracies (aside from Cubs curse) have no relevance.

      The Sox…southside born and raised.

  58. Liberals like to own the language on

    It wasn’t alleged Rahm Emanuel called the house dems “a bunch of fucking retards” for not getting obama care through when he wanted.

    • Did they have a tape? When people talk about something that they witnessed another person doing, it is “alleged.” We don’t “own” the language, we just use it properly.

  59. Just as I suspected on

    Every Sox fan I have ever met argues the same way – ie no matter what talk about the Cubs – which I don’t necessarily blame them it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

  60. Joe – this Bill CLinton letter is hilarious. What’s sad is that it’s true. Do you agree?

    This funny bogus letters to D-Presidents is really something that I can get behind.

    Please do more of them

  61. Q Why can't liberals find facts? on

    A Cause they aren’t looking for any.

    RE a recent ANP thread debate over tax cuts and tax revenues.

    It’s called “Tax Cuts INCREASE Revenues, They ALWAYS Have Increased Revenues” by Michael Eden

  62. Burn the Quran? on

    So if the mosque at ground zero is a constitutional right what about burning the quran and will liberals defend this right with the same verosity as the ground zero mosque?

    I say both are nasty things to do!

    Fox hires beck a former drunk that believes in God and CNN hires eliot spitzer who believes not in the Mann act rather paying early 20 somethings for sex accross state lines. Which network is morally challenged? And what about this CNNs rick sanchez a vehicular manslaughterer while under possible influence – don’t know for sure as he left the scene of the accident oh and there was a death (apparently homeless people don’t count) attributed to sanchez hit and run!

    So really which net work is creepier I say CNN.

      • calculator kid on

        A logic course is usually part of a philosophy curriculum–“symbolic logic” is usually the gateway course, and if you can’t pass that, you can’t pursue philosophy as a major. Arts departments have “critical thinking,” which basically teach argument “structure” (e.g., modus ponens, modus tollens, etc.) and logical fallacies. Neither of these is compulsory the way English-comp. classes are. Perhaps, they should be.

        This is a good topic to bring up because ANP commenter “Logic” claims to use logic, per se, which he usually is not. That said, while I don’t agree with “Logic,” I will admit he usually argues intelligently–not necessarily logically, per se. Especially when he is engaged in personal attacks (a logical fallacy known as “argumentum ad hominem” – arguing at/to ‘the man’).

        If you want the truth, out of all of the presidential candidates of the last 10-years or so, the one who constructs the most technical and logically precise arguments is Alan Keyes. The problem is that in the process of explaining some of his more rigorous syllogistic arguments, his interviewers and opponents almost always get lost in the process. Keyes also has the unfortunate tendency to get into the minutiae of frivolous arguments, revealing a lot of embarrassing personal information about himself in the process.

    • Considering the parent company of Fox News, News Corp., has the main financial backer of this Mosque as its second largest shareholder (second to Murdoch) I would say Fox News is much more creepy and open to wild conspiracies.

      Fox however is confident that their viewership is too dumb to realize this.

      But please continue drumming up conspiracies about one of your largest shareholders Beck and O’Reilly…and keep Palin in the spotlight please.

  63. While your large words are impressive and may have others thinking you are an “elitist,” you need to provide specific examples when trying to point out my errors, as I do, if you would like to argue with me.

    Alan Keyes is interesting…though anyone who actually brought a lawsuit up questioning the birth of Obama is not an intelligent person.

    Here is logic for you: Do you really think Obama could sneak by so many various government, military, secret service and intelligence agencies with a fake birth certificate? Is that really rational?

    Keyes is a joke now and always will be.

    Regardless, I wonder whether the tea party whackjob right wing would view another African American as a way to further their contrived paranoia of anti-white, anti-Christian bias in this country, or question Keyes’ allegiance, religion and nationality as they have done Obama. Might someone bring their own lawsuit against Keyes for not believing the birth certificate he’s shown is legitimate?

    • I think the point is that there is academic logic, and then there is common sense. The claim here is that you’re either confusing the two, or only have the latter.
      There is a difference between academic logic (natural language arguments, mathematical/”symbolic” logic) and what you are doing, which is arguing in a way that’s dependent on you consider to be facts.
      The problem here is that if your facts are wrong, which they may be—even if you think you are right—then your conclusions are wrong. Since this blog has such an obviously partisan, hard-headed readership, neither side is going to admit that they are wrong or are going to accept the other sides’ “facts.” Arguing in these threads is pointless.
      As for ad hominem… everyone on here has engaged in name-calling and personal attacks. When you do that, you automatically lose the argument.

  64. If what you are stating is correct (not likely) are you implying that fox news should not allow someone to be a shareholder in their company? Are you a facsist?

    • Facist! Socialist! Communist! Can’t Make Up My Mind! Listen whackjob…they can have whoever they want as a shareholder…I just don’t believe it makes sense for them to then turn around and criticize another organization for taking donations from their own shareholder (which if you think about it…is essentially what they have done).

      The Saudi prince has a large financial stake in both the Ground Zero Mosque and Fox News….oh the conservative paradox.

  65. thats funny the ground zero mosque doesn’t have proper funding yet. what saudi prince there are about 100 of them. show me foxs ownership

  66. i think they were questioning the ‘logic’ of funding a mosque that was known to have been proposed to be built a mere 600 feet from where 3000 people were murdered (yes some were even muslim)

    CNN, NBC, MSNBC may have backed off because of this alleged investor but a network with journalistic integrity would still question the logic of funding a mosque let’s call it the ground zero mosque a mere 600 feet from where 3000 were murdered – maybe if i keep repeating myself you will see the how illogical supporting your position is not likely but ill give it a shot

    • Fox News parent News Corp’s second-largest shareholder, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, is the main financial backer of this Mosque He has a stake Carlyle Group, which has done business with the bin Laden family.

      Yet Fox News must believe you are too stupid to realize this…especially when they say things like:

      “The imam has been tied to some shady characters,” Fox Business Channel’s Eric Bolling recently said, “so should we worry that terror dollars could be funding the project?” Blogger Pamela Geller, who has become a regular talking head on Fox denounced the mosque, and has noted Rauf’s involvement with a Malaysian peace group that funded the group that organized the Gaza flotilla under the headline, “Ground Zero Imam Rauf’s ‘Charity’ Funded Genocide Mission.”

      You see we on Planet Earth find all of this rather amusing…but please retain your ignorance as its as entertaining as Jersey Shore.

    • You see when presented with facts, you just don’t seem to want to change your minds…your mind was made up already…ever wonder why the term “IGNORANT” is mostly used on conservatives?

  67. Logic's lack of legitimate facts and inability to articulate his/her arguement of support for muslims could be used as a recruiting tool for terrorists! on

    Try harder logic!

    So it doesn’t matter that GE the parent company of NBC & MSNBC does business with Iran who has supplied IED materials (improvised explosive devices) to Iraq counterinsurgents which has led to injury and death our US military personal in a war zone.

    But you keep chasing your tale with Fox news conspiracies et al.

    By the way the NYT is owned by the Japanese and they also accepted a loan from slim “shady” a Mexican that controls 90% of Mexican telephone industry (another ‘free market’ country that liberals love?).

    • That’s because NBC isn’t alleging Iranian conspiracies…the NYTimes isn’t alleging Japanses conspiracies…see the difference yet?

      I bet if you try hard enough…you can.

      Use your head…use LOGIC 🙂

  68. Logic's lack of legitimate facts and inability to articulate his/her arguement of support for muslims could be used as a recruiting tool for terrorists! on

    The mosque does not have funding and the Imam’s current “mosque’ is a 700 sq foot apartment where he apparently has 1000 followers (and receives $ donations from these followers) my point if he were Christian the IRS would be investigating him.

    • Do you know that forsure or are you just alleging conspiracy? Remember…you need facts or you look dumb.

      Everyone is just so mean to Christians! As a white and a Christian, its impossible to even walk down the street without being discriminated against…life is sooo unfair.

  69. Logic's lack of legitimate facts and inability to articulate his/her arguement of support for muslims could be used as a recruiting tool for terrorists! on

    What about bill clintons $500,000,000 foundation and library which $100,000,000 came from Saudi Arabia maybe the same jerk off you have mentioned and hillary is what Secretary of State is this not a conflict of interest?

    Bottom line Democrats have way more connections to shady characters than anyone maybe even the outfit. I mean has obama bowed to anyone who wasn’t muslim or a dictator?

    • Both Clintons support the Mosque and aren’t calling the Mosque a terrorist organization or alleging “questionable funding.”

      See the difference between them and Fox News yet? Come on try harder…almost there…

      Use Logic! 🙂

  70. Logic's lack of legitimate facts and inability to articulate his/her arguement of support for muslims could be used as a recruiting tool for terrorists! on

    Isn’t that cute the FL Pastor and the FL Imam have gotten together and seek a meeting with the NY Imam (terrorist imam) to resolve the ground zero mosque/ quran burning issues.

    Gee if I had listened to the media I would have thought all muslims want – need this mosque on ground zero!

    • Yeah quite the presence that FL pastor had haha…:) I bet he’s like you and doesn’t let the media or facts or influence his thinking…pretty soon you can have 50 followers and IRS issues too!

  71. Logic's lack of legitimate facts and inability to articulate his/her arguement of support for muslims could be used as a recruiting tool for terrorists! on

    Hillary has said one thing I agree – she sang a (jokingly) parody of a 60’s song with lyrics “bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb iran…”

  72. another creepy liberal heard from on

    Great news Michael Moore another smart witty liberal elitist now wants the ground zero trophy mosque built ON ground zero otherwise he states ‘this is no longer America’

      • Gay jokes Joe? Really? If he were here should he have responded with a comeback about glue and rubber? Or I know you are but what am I?

        We don’t call James O’Keefe and Andrew Brietbart homosexuals as if its derogatory…we simply make fun of what they lack: Facts!

        • Dear Logic,
          I was not poking fun at Mr. Moore. However, I will retract my earlier statement and offer this one. Michael Moore should simply find himself someone special and relax at some romantic get away.

          • Are you not a fan of his work? He seems to woo critics and has academy award nominations and the third highest grossing documentary of all-time. While I didn’t like “Capitalism” so much, I think he’s done well at exposing things many of us should be aware of.

            You might call him the Andrew Brietbart of the right, but I don’t see Michael Moore ever being caught deceptively editing…then again I don’t see Andrew Brietbart’s “investigative journalism” winning awards and acclaim like Moore.

            Now let’s see how many of you can use the “liberal hollywood/media/popular culture” bias crutch to explain why Moore is so successful?

      • Clever…its a wonder conservatives and te partiers are viewed as ignorant, uneducated hicks by mainstream america.

  73. Logic's lack of legitimate facts and inability to articulate his/her arguement of support for muslims could be used as a recruiting tool for terrorists! on

    Logic you have made me a believer in what Ron White once said ‘you just can’t fix stupid!’

    And since I know you somehow think you are scoring points with your debate style??? and substance???

    I will emulate your messiah -‘let me be clear’ I am referring to you logic – you really are not a bright person.

    • I smell conspiracy…maybe the water there created some sort of extreme hate and need to get attention through hate…either that or the pastor just realized how easy it was to get attention and book deals by saying…literally anything to get a rise out of people from watching Beck and Limbaugh and went for it…lets see if it works.

  74. Nope logic is so smart that he/she is stupid on

    Patient like the grim reaper…thanks for playing along logic this is for you –

    “Intelligence can work for one or against one.

    If one commits oneself to the truth, the smarter you are, the better.

    But, however, if one commits oneself to a radically false and perverted worldview (e.g. secular humanism), the smarter you are, the stupider you become.

    That’s because you engage in incredibly sophisticated rationalizations for why the thing you WANT to believe is true. You end up with these massive rationalizations that require groupthink to buy into.

    In a weird way, your liberal intellectual elite hate the real empirical world; they want to be gods over the abstract theoretical worlds that they create. And they love Utopias, such as what Karl Marx offered them.”

    • Again why do you call liberals the “elite” when most of the wealthy in this country vote GOP? Why do you say “intellectual” as if its a derogatory term?

      Keep Googling and reading Glenn Beck to see what you can find out idiot but honestly exposing how moronic you sound is like shooting fish in a barrel…and honestly I bet a lot your NRA card carrying tea party brethern do that sort of thing in their rural communities…shoot fish in a barrel. 🙂

      • truth is the mother of all hatred on

        logic once again i have raise your ire –

        the sting of any rebuke is truth.
        Ben Franklin

    • Now you honestly still believe this whackos videos after the ACORN sting was a proven hoax and the Sherrod thing became a circus? Maybe instead of editing the video this time he paid the actors?

      Seriously…how many times do you need to be hit over the head with something before it sinks in? Can you define IGNORANCE?

  75. michael moore is a god/seiu astro turfers are knowledgeable and beck and breitbart are ignorant on

    logic please read the sept 13 719 pm comment!

  76. michael moore is a god/seiu astro turfers are knowledgeable and beck and breitbart are ignorant on

    creepy marxist liberal progressive update michael moore has raised $50000 for the building of the ground zero trophy mosque – he agreed to personally match up to $10000.

    wow his various fraudumentaries must be paying off well!

    • I’ll just repeat my previous comment here dumb dumb 😉

      Now you honestly still believe this whackos videos after the ACORN sting was a proven hoax and the Sherrod thing became a circus? Maybe instead of editing the video this time he paid the actors?

      Seriously…how many times do you need to be hit over the head with something before it sinks in? Can you define IGNORANCE?

      • ron white was right! on

        i hope you dont abuse alcohol or drugs as your though process is pretty ‘strung’ out already. i mean if you already have a deficit of brain cells you shouldnt go out of your way to kill more. right. use logic.

        so it doesnt bother you at all sherrod and her husband in the 70’s exploited black farmers or did breitbart set them up way back then just to expose them some thirty years later?

        no in this case the seiu paid the participants

        however heres the daily show with jon liebowitz exposing unions using nonunion labor to picket.

        • How did Sherrod “exploit” black farmers in the 70s Mr. Conspiracy? What bothers me is some idiot who already got caught using edited video…doing it again and ruining the reputation (and career) of a good American…good worker. Then it becomes a ridiculous balloon boy media circus and he continues to not take blame…though I know she lawyered up so I hope he gets the piss sued out of him…serves him right for using Giles and O’Keefe (who are deep in debt with their own legal bills from INNOCENT citizens who were fired from ACORN). But hey keep escaping reality…

          So the unions are up to dirty tricks…read my Outfit posts here and read about Joe’s father…ever heard of Jimmy Hoffa? The unions have never been squeeky clean and have been corrupt for decades…so what is Brietbart proving and what are you proving by posting videos from this hack?

          • who made up the term middle class - karl marx on

            what bothers me is some ‘idiot’ on anp posts comments portrayed as logic and fact based when that is not the case!

            and yet he or she keeps posting like a dementia patient – happy alzheimers day yesterday logic!

            check around there is non breitbart sourced info on the sherrods charade.

            so ‘you’ say unions are dirty and where historically have unions directed there political donations the democrats right logic –

            actually seiu a union made up of janitors, public employees – gave the dems and obama some $80,000,000 in the 2008 elections –

            somehow i think union members money couldve been spent better like maybe taking care of unfunded pension and healthcare liabilities etc but thats just me i use logic.

            i would ask why you are disparaging joes father i am speaking of the seiu which in my opinion will set all unions back years in the public eye.

            the seiu is a bausch and lomb union with the majority of members are government (local munis, federal etc)employees.

            while the teamsters i know little about sure you bring up jimmy hoffa great a guy the kennedy clan and their camelot media demonized for years all while hiding the fact the joe kennedy sr was a well known to finance bootlegging and other illegal activity.

            as i have said before you know little of the great country you live in.

          • who made up the term middle class - karl marx on

            in addition based on what you post about your ‘logic’, your ‘facts’ on politics, history of America why would i even read your outfit posts.

            i mean really – you cant be serious!

  77. You tea partiers need to understand one thing: no one in the American mainstream finds what you are doing any different than what the far right has been doing for decades. Glenn Greenwald sums the tea party perfectly, for their lack of judgement in constantly letting real colors show through. Characteristics of the far right include:

    beliefs which have long shaped the American Right:

    Reagan-era domestic policies

    Blinding American exceptionalism and nativism

    Fetishizing American wars

    Total disregard for civil liberties

    Social and religious conservatism

    Hatred of the minority-Enemy du Jour (currently: Muslims)

    Allegiance to self-interested demagogic leaders (Beck, Palin)

    Hidden exploitation by corporatist masters

    Divisive cultural tribalism.

    Now each of characteristic cited here is largely exemplified through the protests of the Mosque, Palin, Beck, paranoia, unfounded conspiracies (Obama the Muslim, Obama the Communist) the fear mongering, paranoia surrounding Latino immigration, the harsh steadfast defense of BP after the oil spill and the constant insistance that America is a CHRISTIAN/Judeo nation…not to mention the social conservative stances of so many of these backwards candidates like Christine O’Donnell who has come to represent the latest tea party idiot. When we chastize your leaders for using bad English in public discourse, making fools of themselves, not understanding political/economic/foreign policy concepts, you call us “elitists.” You see you simply cannot stroll through your local Wal-Mart and identify any of these “real Americans” to run for office. You simply cannot sit here and deny that education and overall competance play a significant factor in being a successful and just public servant.

    • ron white was right! on

      as i have said time and time again we have had 1 1/2 years of obama reid and pelosi jamming the liberal progressive marxist statist agenda down our throats – tell me where it ends –

      seriously when will you creeps have ‘transformed’ or seized enough wealth, private property and liberty that you will be satisfied?

      just tell me when is enough? what are the limits?

      • Yes because so many billionaires and millionaires have “distributed their wealth” to the middle class and are now broke right? Name one.

        If you make under $250 K a year, as 98% of Americans did, you didn’t see Federal taxes increase under Obama what-so-ever…what “liberty” has been stripped from you? How is your “freedom” being taken away Sam Adams? Stop using rhetoric and start naming REAL EXAMPLES.

        • who made up the term middle class - karl marx on

          last years 47% of Americans did not pay any income tax!

          i say when everyone is paying some income tax then you can demonize the job creators the consumer spenders – the wealthy –

          and since when is 250k+ wealthy you do realize that is gross income not net so you can have a small business owner grossing 250k + while they may only be netting 50-60k a year. hardly wealthy and hardly creating an environment for these business owners to expand create more jobs etc.

          race, sex, class warfare is all you libs know.

          • taxes we dont pay no stinking taxes on

            yes 47% of America last year paid no income tax whatsoever – thats right zilch, nada, zero!!!

            didnt biden say it was patriotic to pay taxes.

    • America hangs by a thread on

      “While America’s liberal elite have not reached the depths of tyrants such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Hitler, they share a common vision and, as such, differ only in degree but not kind. Both denounce free markets and voluntary exchange. They are for control and coercion by the state. They believe they have superior wisdom to the masses and they have been ordained to forcibly impose that wisdom on the rest of us. They, like any other tyrant, have what they see as good reasons for restricting the freedom of others.

      Their agenda calls for the elimination or attenuation of the market. Why? Free markets imply voluntary exchange. Tyrants do not trust that people behaving voluntarily will do what the tyrants think they should do. Therefore, they seek to replace the market with economic planning control and regulation.

      Why liberalism has become an ugly sight, as Krauthammer claims, is because more and more Americans have wised up to their agenda.”

      from “Liberal Crackup” 9/14/10 – Wally Williams

  78. to tea party or not to tea party on

    Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.
    —Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    • God will also not hold you guiltless for pushing paranoia and witholding the rights of others. So what will you do when you are standing at those pearly gates acknowledging how you witheld gay rights and programs from the poor or pushed baseless conspiracy theories? God provided us “logic” and “rationality” for a reason…your movement lacks both.

  79. one final question senator turbin where shall the mosque be? on

    little dick Durbin: “It’s a matter of American justice” to pass the illegal alien student bailout. marxist senator says ‘what’?????

    uttered ‘logic’ style from the floor of congress today! love when they tell us who they are!!!!!

    • Yes because Karl Marx wrote extensively on illeagal immigration…its all rhetoric and tea party BS from you people…nothing with substance. Thank god most of this nation is educated.

      • who made up the term middle class - karl marx on

        marx liked central planning – simply deeming illegal aliens citizens or citizens rights is a form of central planning and not following actual law regarding immigration.

        does it bother you your or actually now your kids and grandkids tax (as we are out of our tax money) dollars may be used to fund an illegal alien student bailout?

        • illegal alien student bailout? What are you talking about Agent Scully? The X-Files was fiction…stop the conspiracies and baseless claims.

          Karl Marx is nothing but tea party rhetoric at this point…you act like experts on Marx, yet would probably guess the guy is Russian (Clue: he’s not).

          What’s wrong with the middle class? Marx didn’t invent the middle class, he focused on the “working class” smart guy.

          What bothers me is my kids and grandkids living in a puritainanical country where education, rational thinking and logic are out the window. Take Texas…my God what in the hell is wrong with you people…you obviously didn’t turn out “anti-Christian” yet used the same books in school.

          I know we say God created all man equal, but listening to the ridiculous things you people believe really challenges my faith in that statement…if you think we are all “elitists” for using our brains, then I think its time the “elitists” purging small-town idiot hillbillies from this nation.

          • karl marx begot saul alinsky begot barack begot logic on

            you are consistent in only your lack of knowledge and facts regarding the lovely country we share

          • karl marx begot saul alinsky begot barack begot logic on

            fyi last year Texas created more jobs than the other 49 states combined –

            oh thats right you libs dont like creating employment or wealth you only
            like reducing or taking it away!

            i dont know why you keep mentioning God arent you a secular humanist – isnt that the most logical thing to be?

    • You idiot how do you even know its him? Brietbart has been caught lying before and you aren’t the least bit suspicious of this? When you get strange emails from people in Nigeria needing financial help, do you immediately provide your credit card information?

      Boy Joe why don’t the DiFronzo brothers start using these tea party idiots to do their bidding and give up their cash? Imagine how easily the mob could make money by asking for donations from tea party members to fund “freedom camps” and “anti-socialist/communist/muslim movements.” Obviously they are dumb enough to buy Beck’s goldline without thinking twice…sad these people.

      • should bill maher resign for using n word on larry king show on

        idiot really please tell me you arent this foolish?

        ever hear of slander or defamation of character surely the seiu has plenty of lawyers on bankroll meaning for no cost at all they could sue but they won’t as they know this is theyre guy got with his pants down!

        • Think its time you went back into your bomb shelter to prepare the coming White Christian revolution whackjob…

          Are any of you embarassed to have these conspiracy idiots on your side 🙂

          • context of their character on

            apparently you are a conspiracy racialist – when will bill maher utter his next political gem about a republican so logic can have an intellectual wet dream.

          • Actually according to some of the politicans you idiots elected (CHristine O’Donnell) a wet dream (or any sort of lust) is a sin and I may go to hell for that. You talk about “freedoms” being taken away, but elect people who want to make masturbation a crime. (cue space music)

      • should bill maher resign for using n word on larry king show on

        also i hope you arent implying i am joe as i will just laugh at you however he may sue you.

        • Are you aware of the CONTEXT in which Bill Maher used the N-Word? What is it with you it is:

          “How are they going to out fire-breathe each other? I mean where this rhetoric has gone to at this point? It’s only 2010. And we’re having Newt Gingrich, as we were talking about before, calling [the president] an anti-colonial Luo tribesman. Luo tribesman,” Maher said.

          “That’s the new Kenyan, Larry. And Kenyan, of course, was code for [the N-word]. But that’s where they are. They can’t say it out loud. But that’s where this whole campaign is going to be.”

          So now use the brain Jesus Christ gave you and tell me why this is different than a radio host who says the “N-Word” is not offensive then goes on to say it over and over again 12 times…

          You see if you don’t want people mocking you or making you look dumb, you need to use the noodle a little harder before you post here 😉

          • context of their character on

            didnt martin luther king say something about people being judged by the context of their character oh wait no that was content of their character…

            once again libs think they get to decide the proper context of when the n word shall be uttered.

            personally i choose not to use the n word but apparently its logical to use it in the proper context. gee thats logic isn’t it.

          • Libs don’t decide when the n-word should be used…african americans do. And they decided Maher wasn’t at fault, but Schlessinger was. I know…its just not fair is it? You want to say that word sooooo bad that it tears you up inside haha 🙂 Its amazing how much you people obsess over a word…is it that hard not to do things others find offensive, especially things that have no bearing what-so-ever on your lives?

  80. should bill maher resign for using n word on larry king show on

    well logic somewhere you had pretty strong feelings about palin supporting a radio host who has since retired after using the n word what about bill maher.

    but i guess since neither him or larry king have any viewers maybe no one even heard it?

    or thats right they are both liberals so that makes the card carrying racialists free to use the n word at will! right logic.

    • Answered this above…also given the network and type of A-list guests he gets to come on his show, I think anyone with a rational mind can deduce he probably has a large amount of viewers…

      Now go ahead and say it…its because hollywood and everything else in America is liberal and you are a victim right?

      Crocodile Tears is your new name Cowboy 🙂

      • should bill maher resign for using n word on larry king show on

        bill maher an intellectual lightweight much like yourself!

        really he has a lot of viewers so how many is that like 700,000 – wow you are right this guy is popular –

        a listers really how many times can jeanine garafolo call Americans racist tea bagging homophobes before it gets old?

        • Jeanine Garafalo? Nice come back smarty-pants… 🙂 Not sure if you guys know this, but HBO can be hooked up now in your trailors through digital cable…its a wonder…the entire tea party could be exposed to “cable.”

          • And what about your mocking of “elitists” living well and seeking good educations, intellectual approaches to issues and moderate poltics? Here you are mocking gays, libs and probably anyone with an education, yet get your feelings hurt when someone mocks you back.

            Since when did conservatives become the cry-baby victims? You are the “all american badasses” with Jesus and guns on your side right?

            Jesus and guns 🙂 …say that out loud in the same sentence and tell me how thats not an oxy-moron.

  81. dont ask dont tell them youre a conservative on

    logics panties must be in a twist because dont ask dont tell didnt pass this week –

    gee dont the dems hold a majority a near super majority – but obama tells them to go blame the republicans why not blame bush?

    and didnt clinton usher in this genius policy in 1993. so libs pass a foolish measure for the military to follow then some 17 years later its suddenly bad policy and additionally its the republicans fault.

    you just cant make this stuff up.

    • Gee another Christian minister was caught having a gay affair. That’s what you just can’t make up…the amount of gay-bashing Christian “spiritual leaders” or “family values politicians” that get caught with their pants down in mens bathrooms after just discussing how gays are ruining society. George Rekers, Ted Haggard, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Glenn Murphy…heck at this point the educated in America come to accept that if you preach anti-gay whackjob religious rhetoric, you are probably sneaking out to gay clubs wearing leather on the weekend…in other words…you are flaming.

      But please keep living in alternate realities…Ted Haggard who has been caught multiple times having sex with younger men can apparently just “pray it off” and make it right. You idiots are stupid enough to believe this rhetoric.

      Gay marriage…DADT…like all other civil rights is inevitable…according to predictions, your great-great grandchildren will also likely not be pure caucasian, given the shifting racial makeup of this nation…evolution…it must be torture for you people having to live with that reality. 😉

      • more gay from logic on

        sorry i do not have this knowledge of gays, gay sex or fringe christian leaders. i will defer to you as i guess you are some sort of expert.

        does that change clintons/powells enacting the policy of dont ask dont tell? or the fact that now libs dont like the policy they put in place – is it not gay enough?

        what if someone in the military likes straight sex with multiple partners should they too have a special swinger policy – why are libs always obssessed with sex?

        when you join the military you give up your civilian rights (you become property of the US military) so why on earth should gays have special rights?

        • Fringe Christian leaders? Ted Haggard led Bush’s weekly prayer sessions…are you accusing Georgie boy of being “fringe?!!” And you also must have skipped past all the anti-gay politicans elected by registered republicans who were later caught giving blow jobs to other men (sometimes underage boys).

          “when you join the military you give up your civilian rights (you become property of the US military) so why on earth should gays have special rights?” –Good point…I agree with you to a certain extent and actually am undecided on DADT. However, I believe gays should have the same rights as you and I, including marriage.

          • logic a trained monkey for the left on

            i dont like hypocrites do you-

            you are aware your president doesnt agree with you on gay marriage.

            does that make him a tea bagging homophobe?

            and if not why are tea party peeps singled out because they dont agree with you and your ‘side’ on every single issue?

  82. hows that hope and change working out for you on

    “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.”

    (wtf… this is what his teleprompter told him to say… intellectual giant more like gnat!)

    “As a citizen, and as president, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. That includes the right to build a place of worship (the Cordoba House) and a community center on private property in lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.”

    (place of worship aka trophy mosque!)

    “This is America, and our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakable.”

    (unless you happen to be Christian)

    Barack Obama

    • obamas alternate reality on

      “I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth.”
      – Barack Obama

      • lets break that down and take a look at those annoying little “facts” shall we?

        Well polls indicate America is viewed more favorably internationaly since Obama took office…(anyone who has travelled overseas in the last 2 years will back that up) the Iraq War did end (though not sure Fox reported that) and healthcare passed providing care for the sick.

        Vast majority of major corporations and utilities have enacted major changes and commitments to reduce their CO2 voluntarily, so slowly, the planet is healing.

        There haven’t been terrorist attacks on the general public under Obama’s time in office.

        So at this point guess there is one more promise he hasn’t yet reached…jobs…but wait…he’s only half way through his term and has another 2 years. 😉

        What reality do you live in Billy-Bob?

        Use your noodle…reality must bite for you people 🙂

        • what color is the sky in the universe in which you take up space? on

          “The artist whose poster of Barack Obama became a rallying image during the hope-and-change election of 2008 says he understands why so many people have lost faith.

          In an exclusive interview with National Journal on Thursday, Shepard Fairey expressed his disappointment with the president — a malaise that seems representative of many Democrats who had great expectations for Obama.”

          • hopey changey frabba jabba on

            “for each according to their need from each according to their ability.”

            barack obamas new reality

          • Liberals love one thing about conservative patriot women= teabagging. Must be a result of all that “freedom” they fight so hard for. 🙂

            A little kid could mock you idiots…and they do I’m sure.

        • oh and by the way the obama and libs strongly support a trophy mosque at/on ground zero on

          everythings swell right!

          “In any event, I recently compiled a list of crises that were gripping the country during the period that Obama was gripping a golf club a few weeks back:

          » Jobless claims rise to highest level in 9 months.
          » Pre-owned home sales drop 27.2% to lowest level in 15 years.
          » New home sales fall 12.4% to weakest level since 1963.
          » 1 in 10 homeowners with a mortgage are at risk of foreclosure.
          » US foreclosures up 4%; top 300,000 for 17th straight month (Obama’s been president for 19 months).
          » 14.42% of all mortgages either delinquent or in foreclosure.
          » Foreclosures jump 25%.
          » New durable goods orders excluding transportation post largest decline in 1-1/2 years.
          » Frightening trend: Commercial Property Owners Choose to Default.
          » 401(k) hardship withdrawals, loans SOAR.
          » Dow Jones dips below psychologically-important 10,000 level.
          » Nightmare ‘Hindenburg Omen’ triggered, but economic fundamentals just as scary.
          » US unemployment figures increase fears of double-dip recession.
          » Taliban in Afghanistan strengthening, spreading; violence surging.
          » Top Marine General says Obama Afghan deadline gives sustenance to enemy.
          » Spending baseline has increased $4.4 trillion under Democrat control.
          » 2010 Federal Deficit Second Largest in 65 Years (2nd only to 2009).
          » Trade gap widens, largest increase in imports in 26 years.
          » Weak GDP raises fears, with Fed running out of options.
          I want you to go back over that list and see how many of these disasters are basically under the banner of “worst since …” And that many of these go back several decades.

          Does that make it sound like we went through the rough patch and come out the other side? When less than a month ago we saw the jobless numbers at their highest in 9 months, pre-owned homes sales sink to their lowest level in 15 years, new home sales sink to their lowest level since 1963, durable goods orders sink to their lowest level in 1 1/2 years, the federal deficit soaring to its highest level in 65 years, the trade gap rising to its widest margin in 26 years, and so on?”

          M Eden website

          • Half of this happened before Obama took office idiot 🙂 Also, do you realize that Obama hasn’t even been in office for 2 years? Time must move slower when you are a redneck. Now shall I go through issues we dealt with in the first two years of FDR’s presidency during the last depression? Of course its not all flowers and cake…Who the hell do you think this guy is supposed to be? God? Go ask Jesus if he can come run our country and fix it all magically.

            So in answer to Obama, let’s elect idiots who don’t know math…shall we?

      • Do ACORN or Sherrod know this? The criminal organization and racist (that wasn’t?) After Sherrod’s lawsuits and those from Acorn, we’ll see if Breitbart starts charging you for these websites. 🙂

      • logic a trained monkey for the left on

        Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and guest Laura Ingraham on Sept. 23 highlighted the left’s latest line of attack on Tea Parties: that they’re crazy. Ingraham characterized the attacks as an attempt to distract from the liberal record and said the critique “doesn’t work.”

        “As you may know, the Tea Party was racist for about six months as the far left tried to demonize the movement,” O’Reilly said when introducing the broadcast’s “Top Story” segment. “But now things have changed; the Tea Party is simply ‘crazy.'”

        • Rational American on

          Yeah thats not very hard to prove…anyone with a rational mind can deduce that based on the ridiculous rhetoric coming out of these “events” that these people have a screw loose. Seriously…comparing Obama to a Nazi? Come on 😉 Are people really that crazy? Well ask how many of them believe he’s a Muslim or non-citizen and you will quickly realize. Its sad really that there is so much hate in our nation and such a lack of rational thought.

          • liberals 'rebranding' on

            they take an idea or premise that doesnt work and call it something else –

            logic has rebranded herself/himself as ‘rational’ American

          • Conservative American on

            Did you unlock the ultimate secret that we can change names when we make comments whenever we want and are you that positive your idiot compadres are not also doing that?

          • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

            go ahead call yourself an ‘orange carton’ its of little consequence as im sure you will still post the same intellectually incurious nonsense.

        • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

          “The number of Americans who say they identify with the Tea Party has remained remarkably consistent — and not declined as the liberal media had predicted.

          A recent Gallup Poll (taken Aug. 27-30), finds that 30 percent of Americans say they are supporters of the Tea Party movement, while 27 percent say they are opponents – a 2 percent increase in support since March. The remainder were neutral or did not have an opinion.

          The finding is consistent with what Gallup has found in four separate polls this year.

          In March, (Mar. 26-28) Tea Partiers were 28 percent of the population. But in two others, one in May (taken May 1-16) the other in June (taken Jun. 11-13), Gallup said 30 percent of the population identified with the Tea Party movement.

          According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large — virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status.”

          -so nice it had to be said twice!

          • Rational American on

            Representative of the American public only in age, race, employment status…but Gallup says nothing about VIEWS. Thus the vast majority of Americans do not share the VIEWS of the tea party.

            Funny you should bring up Gallup though…they also released a survey showing the vast majority of the tea party identified as conservative republicans.


            Since the vast majority of this nation is not conservative Republican, looks like you are wrong.
            Similarly, more partisan organizations have noted the tea party represents merely the fringe lunatics:

            Facts…ruining conservative arguments since Galileo 🙂

          • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

            re irrational American 448 pm

            the point is the stereotype that the tea party is monochromatic (or because you are a liberal and likely have a room temperature iq) the tea party is not made up of all white people.

  83. i love when the left tells us who they fear! (breitbart) on

    HeyDigDiggy @billmaher Dear Mr. Maher, Please eat that asshole Andrew Breitbart’s lunch for him Friday. Thank-you in advance.
    about 7 hours ago via TweetDeck in reply to billmaher

    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 4 others .33Greeper @AndrewBreitbart You are NOT a journalist; you are a seditious traitor to your country!
    about 13 hours ago via web in reply to AndrewBreitbart

    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 5 others .JustinSnyderFL I call @AndrewBreitbart exactly what he is, a racist and those who message me in his defense are his minions from the far right. #shocking
    about 14 hours ago via ÜberTwitter

    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 5 others .johnholz Holy crap, @SethMacFarlane and @AndrewBreitbart are on Maher this week. I think we have a mid-season sitcom being born.
    about 14 hours ago via web

    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 10 others .JustinSnyderFL @AndrewBreitbart continues 2 spew hate filled rhetoric. Why? Just like any other failing public figure- needs 2 stay relevant. #p2 #tcot
    about 14 hours ago via ÜberTwitter
    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 2 others .NowDig Andrew Breitbart is a GiantFag, FlamingHomo, FrigginFruitcake, FudgePacker (RT @ChristopherGary: @AndrewBreitbart)
    about 15 hours ago via TweetDeck

    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 4 others .ChristopherGary Andrew Breitbart Is a Giant Fag, A Friggin Flaming Homo, He Should Be Ignored Because He Is A Friggin’ Fruitcake,…
    about 15 hours ago via

    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 6 others .Shocking that NBCNEWS @chucktodd legitimizes Leftie citizen journo publishers Arianna & Markos on MTP, yet ignores/marginalizes Right ones.
    about 15 hours ago via mobile web from West Los Angeles, Los Angeles .Hey

    @chucktodd! Loretta Sanchez thought she could race-bait on Spanish-language TV. But we uneducated rubes caught it!
    about 16 hours ago via mobile web from Brentwood, Los Angeles .Another reason Left freaking out on Tea Party: Its led by strong women. Tonight is ‘Fire from the Heartland’ premiere.
    about 16 hours ago via mobile web from Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles .bighollywood ‘Fire From the Heartland’ Premieres Tonight in DC: Filmmaker Steve Bannon and Citizens United Productions are foll…
    about 16 hours ago via twitterfeed

    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 5 others .vermontaigne ‘Fire From the Heartland’ Premieres Tonight in DC /cc @feedly
    about 16 hours ago via feedly

    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 6 others .Hey objective NBC NEWSman @chucktodd. For transparency, will you release your conservative bashing session at the GE Reagan memorial event?
    about 17 hours ago via mobile web from West Los Angeles, Los Angeles .Should NBC NEWS @chucktodd in part blamed for network news precipitous ratings drop?
    about 17 hours ago via mobile web .GayPatriot SHOCKER!!! —> RT @CharlesWinecoff @AndrewBreitbart Caught in Gay Scandal! – // Oh the humanity!
    about 18 hours ago via web

    Retweeted by AndrewBreitbart and 2 others .What was Jeffrey Immelt thinking when he invited @chucktodd to rip into core of conservative movement at a GE event honoring Reagan?
    about 19 hours ago via mobile web .Unbiased @chucktodd at event in honor of REAGAN’s GE relationship rips right wing media – avoids MSNBC/HuffPo/DailyKos criticism.
    7:22 PM Sep 21st via web .Unbiased

    @chucktodd over at NBC NEWS calls for ‘accountability’. Then release your ECOMAGINATION® TeaPartyGOPLimbaughPalinBeck Bash-A-Thon!
    7:13 PM Sep 21st via web .Unbiased

    @chucktodd over at NBC NEWS rips into Limbaugh & Drudge, too! What a tour-de-force, Chuck! Let’s get GE-NBC video for all to see!
    7:10 PM Sep 21st via web

        • Its official…the right is now comfortable with the term “hick” implying they are uneducated and outright dumb.

          But keep watching for socialists and boogeymen in the meantime Agent Scully…the truth is out there…I want to believe…

          • interesting even the left now identifies themselves as socialists and now we are the hicks makes perfect sense.

            so if a white doesnt agree with you politically they are called hicks –

            what about a black – oh thats right black conservatives are beat to a pulp by seiu union thugs like in st louis.


            please feel free to let me know when your ‘side’ as you call it has finally creeped you out for the last time.

            we Americans will welcome you back. we dont hate anyone however we will never surrender our country to the liberal progressive socialist marxist statiest movement.

          • Rational American on

            Well if a left doesn’t agree with you we are socialists or elitists right? You see the namecalling is juvenile coming from both sides.

            Shall I find one lone example of conservatives attacking a black man and post it too? What about the right-wing militias that have been put in prison for plots against Obama? What does that prove hick? Tell me what one “lone” example proves…thats the problem with people who don’t really understand anything…internet links and conspiracies, you only have one view and only read materials that supports that one view.

            If the world was going black you would sit there in the dark telling yourself over and over again that you saw the light and everyone else who accepted reality was apart of some conspiracy or “socialists…” you see the human mind can rationalize anything…some of us just like to keep our minds independent and balanced.

          • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

            sophist much!

  84. A Patriot goes down to DC on

    Mr. President,

    I write this letter as a patriot, a taxpayer, a lifelong resident and as concerned citizen of what I consider to be the greatest nation ever known to man, the United States of America.

    I am Caucasian, so let’s get the racial aspect out of the way to start with. This letter has nothing to do with your race. I lived through the cruelty of Jim Crow and segregation and learned early on in my life that the color of my skin does not make me better or worse than any other man.

    We all remember Martin Luther King, Jr.’s statement about judging people, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character, and I believe that with all my heart.

    I believe that America is an exceptional country. We have been liberator, benefactor and leader of the free world for centuries. America is an example of what can be achieved by free people living under the free enterprise system.

    We have led the world in technology, industry, science and medicine for a long time.

    Our capitalist system guarantees that those who explore new worlds and bring us new products and better techniques are amply rewarded for their efforts, and this is as it should be.

    A person who is the first one to get there and the last one to leave, who burns the midnight oil and never gives up until they realize their goals, are a boon to humankind. They’re the ones who discover new cures, start new industries and create jobs.

    These people deserve to be rewarded for their hard work and for the products and services they bring to make life better for all mankind.

    Mr. President, it is my personal opinion that you want to take the well-earned rewards of these people and give it to those who have done nothing to deserve them.

    It’s really redistribution of wealth, and it’s nothing new. It’s been tried many places before and it has miserably failed in every one of them.

    It’s called socialism.

    Am I calling you a socialist? Yes, I am. I firmly believe that you are a socialist and a globalist, and that you think America should have a comeuppance and have our playing field leveled to match those of other countries not as industrious or as innovative as we are.

    Mr. President, how can you support the building of a mosque in the very same area where Islamic radicals murdered so many Americans?

    Just who’s side are you on?

    Am I accusing you of being a Muslim? No I’m not, but the jury is still out a little bit on that subject in my mind, because many times your sympathies seem to lean in that direction. You need to watch who you bow to Mr. President.

    You have betrayed a whole generation of African-Americans who voted for you because they really believed all that junk about “hope and change,” they really thought you were going to do something great and the only thing you’ve done is to make their jobs disappear and their health insurance go up.

    You and your party have corrupted duly elected officials in an effort to get your legislative agenda passed. Remember the “Louisiana Purchase” and the “Cornhusker Kickback,” and that’s just a couple we know about, but you bought off a bunch of congressmen and senators, knowing that you were going against the will of the majority of Americans, because you think that you and your arrogant friends know more about what’s good for America than the citizens your disastrous actions effect.

    Am I accusing you of being an elitist? You bet.

    I don’t believe you take the Islamic threat to America nearly as seriously as you should. You use semantics like “Overseas Contingency Operation” and “Man Caused Disasters” to soften your rhetoric toward people who would like nothing better than decapitate the entire population of America.

    And Mr. President, if you’d really like to know the kind of warriors who are fighting the “Overseas Contingency Operation,” and you would like to really know about what kind of enemies they’re fighting, you should read a book called Lone Survivor by a brave, young Navy Seal named Marcus Lutrell who went to hell and back for his country, and is still a dedicated patriot. I think you’d find it enlightening, Mr. President and after you finish it would you pass it on to Janet Napolitano? And by the way, tell her that my invitation to take her to Iraq and show her some “Man Caused Disasters” is still open.

    Am I calling you naïve? Absolutely.

    You seem to think that America has an endless supply of tax dollars for you to waste and give away, and the debt you’ve piled up could well bankrupt the greatest nation on earth.

    Am I calling you a failure, Mr. President? With all due respect that’s exactly what I’m doing.

    Charlie Daniels

    • Rational American on

      Dear Charlie–

      Who classifies you a “patriot” aside from you?

      Try whackjob. Try idiot. Anyone with your contrived and factually wrong attitudes and beliefs does not deserve to have his voice heard.

      You speak for African Americans as if you are one. You buy into ridiculous conspiracy theories as a 5 year old buys into Santa Clause. Oh the jury is still out on Obama being a Muslim? Who says that other than yourself and your compadre of paranoid undeducated bigots?

      Paranoia has really set in for you hasn’t it…and you rejoice in this sense that November will bring a “magical revolution” where we will wake up in the 1950s again.

      The fact is that taxes are at a historic low. Yet paranoia is at a historic high…you’ve bought right into it and finance the lavish “elitist” lifestyles of Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and all the other talking heads who call themselves “blue collar” at your rallies, then take your donations and hop on private jets to the Hamptons…laughing all the way to the bank. How does it feel to be so stupid?

      I’m embarassed to call you countryman. Its the ignorant and outright false people like you who give the tea party a bad name. I hope Charlie Daniels is a fake name…though since you exemplify such little common sense, I’m scared it actually is.

      Sit down and shut up until you know what you are talking about.

      -Rational American

      • “Charlie Daniels, Unsung Singing Hero
        Charlie Daniels, a talented musician and a true patriot, does what he does, not for the tributes, but because he loves America and wants to honor the military by performing at the Freedom Concerts, which benefit the children of our fallen and disabled U.S. soldiers.”


        i ask you ‘rational’ American just whose side are you on anyway?

        • Rational American on

          Well that’s nice he has a little profile on a right-wing whackjob website…what a true patriot. I bet he’s made his own wikipedia page also.

          I’m on the side of America…the vast majority of us Americans are moderates…you have trouble understanding that not everyone believes your radical whackjob beliefs (in fact only a small percentage of you people do.)

          • i doubt wikipedia has anything good to say about any conservative patriot.

            wrongheaded is no way for a rational American to go through life or is it?

          • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

            ‘moderate is what you get when you combine a democrat and a human being’

          • Rational American on

            Wikipedia has a conspiracy against conservatives too? Well since its user-generated, how can that be, especially if the vast amount of the nation agrees with your whackjob beliefs?

            Its like everything you write is literally an oxy-moron or paradox. If that is your meaning, then you are quite clever and quite good at appearing to be an idiot 🙂

          • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

            no wiki pedia is moderated by liberals – its not a conspiracy its their choice – i dont think many regard wikipedia as more than a psuedo social whos who encylopedia.

          • Rational American on

            You think wrong…Wikipedia has become one of top websites visited in the US.


            Furthermore, Wikipedia is about as good a source of accurate information as Britannica, the venerable standard-bearer of facts about the world around us, according to a study in the journal Nature.

            They probably just don’t report on your conspiracy BS. I know…facts are so annoying to your way of thinking. 😉

      • "dissent is patriotic"... orwellian double speak on

        uttered by nancy pelosi in 2006.

        by the liberals dems leader assertion would not charlie daniels be a huge patriot?

        or did she mean dissent she agrees with is patriotic? is that rational? is that a liberal double standard?

        • Rational American on

          Dissent based on a good reason…Charlie’s are based on false beliefs and conspiracies…thus no not a good reason. Sorry to burst your “patriotic” bubble.

          • dissent based on a good reason anotherwords a good reason that libs agree with otherwise it is considered a false belief or conspiracy.

          • Take your comment…along the opposite premise…and insert “conservs” for “libs” and realize what you are saying “I know you are but what am I.”

            What if I said only patriots want healthcare reform…only patriots want tax breaks for the middle class and not the wealthy…only patriots want business regulation…pretty dumb of me isn’t it?

            Just sayin…:)

          • Rational American on

            Well if you don’t agree with us then what happens? Are we not patriots? It seems its a word only you can define then right?

            You seem so above this partisanship.

          • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

            i dont think dismantling or supporting the dismantling of the greatest country on earth is patriotic.

            its my opinion however i think you will find that there are many that agree with me.

            personally whether you call yourself an orange carton or patriot is of little interest to me so long as America as founded remains intact.

            i ask you this what about this country do you love the most?

            and is there a more exceptional country than America in the entire history of the world?

          • Rational American on

            In my view its not “dismantling” but making it better. And America is about progress and creating a better society. We are a better society now then we were in the 1950s before Civil Rights. Did Civil Rights “dismantle” America?

            While there are many that agree with you, there are many that agree with me. Remember that Obama ran his campaign on these promises and won by a LANDSLIDE.

            What I love most about America? That we are an example unto the world in tolerance, society and civil justice. There isn’t another country in the world as exceptional as us…but doesn’t mean we can go around taking people’s lunch money and giving wedgies to other countries whenever we feel like it…

            We respect the rules of the world like everyone else…we just try and lead by example (not force or military action).

            I feel like slowly…you are realizing liberals love America too and that we are just as patriotic as you…we just have different ideals. Now admit you are learning from me 😉

        • welcome back carter on

          wake up Reagan won elections by landslides obama won by 6 million votes or 4% hardly a landslide.

          civil rights – the repealing of the jim crow laws was because southern republicans helped pass them much to the dismay of southern democrats.

          are you aware the recently deceased senator byrd was a former leader of the kkk? arent democrats so tolerant and compassionate?

          keep voting for the democratic plantation and the republicans will have to keep cleaning up your messes.

          America is about tolerance but only by the grace of our strong military and supporting of our founding documents which espose liberty and freedom for all citizens.

          if we lose either our strong military or support of liberty and freedom our country will just be another eurotrash socialized country.

          you cant love America or your decendents if you willingly impose a sub par socialized health care system that hasnt worked any place on earth so far.

          the history of the world is tyranny and not liberty so why on earth should we follow any rules but those found in our founding documents which clearly state mans God given rights.

    • for the record i posted a copy of this open letter to the president from charlie daniels – meaning i also correctly labeled him a patriot.

      someone calling themself a rational American irrationally disputes this label. additionally i am sure this so called rational American has never told anyone to sit down and shut up.

      simply put self proclaimed ‘rational’ American you can kiss my grits!

      • Rational American on

        And I’m sure you eat a lot of grits…anyways thats your view this is mine. Welcome to America.

        • difference is im right and youre wrong –
          yes in America you can cherish your wrong opinion till your hearts desire.

          however when your misguided idealogy (aka bonehaeds of the majorities in congress) raises my taxes (a family of four making up to 80k will pay 2-3k more in taxes next year when the bush tax cuts expire), weakens our healthcare system, lessens our national security and on and on.

          we will speak up and we will be heard and most importantly we will vote in november.

          and simply labeling us hicks, racists, homophobes etc will not deter anyone.

          we are not a country of moderates – so libs can have your (our) colin powells, john mccains, lindsey grahamstys, olympia snows et al.

          welcome to America!

          • Rational American on

            No actuall you are wrong and I am right. I am rubber and you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. Make sense?

            You complain about “libs” calling you hicks, racists, homophobes and bigots, yet label us commies, socialists, anti-American or tie us all to conspiracies at the drop of a hat.

            We will also speak up and we will also be heard (even in November).

            We actually are a country of moderates…not everyone has extremely one-sided views (though you have the right to keep telling yourself otherwise).

            Thanks for your welcome into your version of America…now welcome to “reality.” 🙂

          • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

            it is a one sided argument as you either agree and support (thats patriotic!) with the founding of America (and our founding documents) or you dont.

          • Rational American on

            You interpret the founding documents and ideals of America mnuch differently than I and a large portion of America does. To us, you are not patriotic and you do not get to define what “patriotic” means.

            Make sense?

      • welcome back carter on

        our founding documents arent some egyptian artifacts or drawings open to interpretation.

        America is defined by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution not by a lefty with a pc and access to this blog.

        • You realize the Constitution permitted slavery correct? So are you sure it shouldn’t be “updated” dumb-dumb?

          Think! Logic! 🙂

          • PS high school seniors usually learn that…did you not make it that far? Education is for elitists! Real patriots don’t need GEDs!

          • welcome back carter on

            well troll our Declaration of Independence written mostly by Th Jefferson made clear that all men are created equal with God given rights.

            troll this clearly paved the way for the end of slaverly.

            unless of course you do not believe that all men are created equal with God given rights.

  85. maybe obama should start hanging out with biden again? on

    Obama’s Fire Sale
    by Gail Sheehy Info

    Six weeks before the election, President Obama couldn’t fill the ballroom at the Roosevelt Hotel, despite cheap tickets on offer. And then he was met by hecklers.

    Who would have thought that six weeks before a cliffhanger election, President Obama would have to reach down to the D list to fill a room to listen to him? Most of us low rollers arrived early to see President Obama up close and personal. Our tickets for the general reception at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York were only $100. Some thought the email invitation was a joke. Some bought tickets for $50 from their desperate Democratic committeeman. Some bought the same day.

    “It’s Filene’s,” enthused Sharon Douglas, reliving her heady days as a volunteer in Obama’s 2008 campaign. The doorman beckoned conspiratorially and ushered us out one door and in through another to stand at the back of the $500 line. Their crowd came from Wall Street in car services and killer heels. Our crowd came on subways in flats and scuffed teacher’s shoes.

    Only after I received four email invitations and two personal calls imploring me to come did I call Speaker Pelosi’s office to check the admission price. “You mean, to be in the room with the President of the United States is now on fire sale for $100?”


    “How long do we get?”

    “Half hour.”

    “How many $100 givers have rsvp’d?”

    “Mmmm 250.”

    “Do we need to line up early to get in?”

    “That’s not necessary. Everybody will get in.”

    And everybody did—450 people in a room that holds 650. Even Obama’s fire sale didn’t sell out.

        • are you a hickaphobe? soon us hicks will get a lobby and be a protected class like you mambi pambi liberals!

          • Rational American on

            Calling us “progressives” is really not derogatory. Since when has “progress” ever been a bad thing? The other names are just in your head…McCarthyism is a stain on American history, not something we celebrate. So have at it buddy.

          • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

            progress is great – is that what you call the last 1 1/2 years or better yet the last 4 years since dems have had the majority in congress.

            is it ‘opposite’ decade and i didnt get the memo.

    • "According to Gallup, people who identify with the Tea Party movement are representative of the public at large -- virtually identical in terms of age, race, educational background and employment status." on

      it gets better obama travels to madison (where he drew 17,000 in 2008 – and had trouble filling the room today) wi today for a feingold fundraiser and for the second time in less than a month feingold blows him off.

      ill repeat obama was in town to raise $ for feingold and feingold doesnt even show up.

      yep obamas still got that midas touch.

      is there anyone in the administration that hasnt announced they will be leaving?

      • Rational American on

        What fills your little heart with so much hate against one man? May I ask you honestly? He is the President of the United States. We’ll see if universities across the nation reject his bid for a Presidential Library, like they did George W. We’ll also see if a major motion picture is made about his sheltered upbringing like W. Finally, I don’t view Obama going into seclusion as W obviously has done. While I disliked his policies, I didn’t wish failure on George W. He was the President of the United States and I supported him…

        …now can you continue spouting off about you being a “patriot” who wishes failure on Obama (and our nation)?

        What a paranoid and angry little world you must live in…

      • welcome back carter on

        sorry i dont admire incompetence as you do.

        i dont wish someone who is trying to remake America to his
        (liberal socialist marxist statist progressive) likeness which he has stated time and time again success.

        i hope he fails and he has failed America so far. he has on the other hand managed to push much of his agenda through to the dismay of most of this country. which will hurt dems in the coming november election.

        you must have been in a bomb shelter for the last year to not see the Conservative ascendency happening before our very eyes.

        • Rational American on

          Nope I’ve actually been in a US city…where 80% of this nation inhabits. I’m sure in your small town things seem a little different.

          Ever heard of Senator Joe McCarthy? Just curious 🙂

          • yah! Rick Sanchez mensa member and former drunk/vehicular manslaughterer is fired from CNN. on

            80% not likely – interesting how you libs progressives seem to think the ‘fly over states’ do not matter and we will submit to whatever creepstore policies the obama pelosi reid will jam down our throats.

            joe mccarthly identified communists in America during the 1950’s a while it is now portrayed as a witch hunt i think he was more than likely accurate in his iding marxists or communists. and a mere decade later we were sitting ducks with soviet missiles 90 mi off our shores in cuba. no hollywood communists didnt enable the soviets to place missiles so close to us.

            but isnt it odd hollywood types like say sean penn oliver stone the black guy from mel gibson movies cant get enough of tyrannical dictators like hugo chavez.

            have you read the ‘daily worker’ a communist periodical – very interesting the strong support they show for the current dem majorities agenda. and they call it what it is ‘socialism’. also they cover much of seiu activities you know the union that gave obama $80,000,000 for the 2008 elections. by the way the nea also gave almost as much of their members dues to obama and the dems in 08.

            so when marxists, communists and socialists are calling your dem agenda what it is marxism, socialism et al ism… if it walks like a duck….

            or maybe anyone that disagrees with you is just a nativist bed wetter?

          • 'it must be G W Bushs fault' or 'socialist went down to DC' your choice! on

            “For the second month in a row, the number of Americans who identify themselves as Democrats has fallen to a record low.

            In September, 34.6% of American Adults identified themselves as Democrats. That’s down nearly half a percentage point from a month ago, a full percentage point from two months ago, and is the smallest percentage of Democrats ever recorded in nearly eight years of monthly tracking.”

            c/o rasmussen

            in 2008 nearly 40% of Americans identified themselves as democrat.

            i guess when you take your party and run it into the ditch (socialism) you lose American support.

            thank God i keep the faith in Americans remaining the resilant liberty loving people i know they are.

          • Reality sucks. The last census to report the majority of the American population was living in small rural towns was in 1910. Today, 2/3 of the population (81%) live in metro areas. Thus, fly-over states matter, but the nation goes with the majority and that’s how the founding fathers envisioned this nation.

            Its simply fantasy to believe the majority of Americans are small town NASCAR fans like yourselves.


            See how I post facts? 🙂

            I’ve never read the “Daily Worker” and am sure the circulation is about the same as “Daily Alien Worshipper.” Its fringe idiot. But go ahead and act as if its anything different.

            WHAT IN THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE SUCH RIDICULOUS DRIVEL? HAS CHRISTINE O’DONNELL CASTED A SPELL ON YOU ALL? HOW CAN YOU SERIOUSLY BE THIS DUMB? But please continue because aside from pushing more people away from your side, its actually quite entertaining…in a Jersey Shore sort of way. 🙂

          • i think this explains logics recent absence on

            2/3 = 81% really on what planet. guess thats why you are a fan of keynesian economics!

            the United States of America is a Republic not a pure democracy which is what you are describing by majority rule – the founders realized that pure democracy would lead to tyranny – mob rule.

            i bet you had to put down your copy of the daily worker to post that dribble!

            if i told you where i was actually from you wouldnt believe i am content that you believe i am a red neck!

          • You are right in the sense that America is not driven solely by majority rule. Hence the electoral college and fact that the US President isn’t determined by a majority vote. Also the separation of powers.

            Yet the course of society and ultimate passage of vast social rules and laws is indeed determined by the majority. Actually, the United States is a mixture of the two systems of government (Republican under Common Law, and democratic under statutory law). The People enjoy their God-given natural rights in the Republic. Tea partiers spout on about Hobbs vs. Locke as if they understand, yet only want to use “unalienable rights” when it suits them. In a democracy, the Citizens enjoy only government granted privileges (also known as civil rights). In a Republic, citizens enjoy unalienable rights. Thus the hypocracy is giant purple elephant in the room when conservatives rally against abortion, gay marriage, right to speak your foreign language, etc….all what a rational person would say is are unalienable rights. So while you don’t want the government forcing you to register your gun, controlling your exhaust or taxing you, you do want them controlling who can get married, who can have an abortion and what language we must speak. 50 years ago you wanted them controlling who could enter specific schools, public transportation and public bathrooms based on the color of one’s skin.

            Doesn’t really make sense when you think about it right? Explain that to me.

          • i think this explains logics recent absence on

            i dont want the federal government to control who gets married, abortion etc rather individual states and their citizens have a right via voting process to determine whether in their state you logic could marry a llama or whatever other non speaking mammal the would be willing to tolerate your ‘logic’ ‘facts’ or whatever other crap comes out of your cake hole.

            anotherwords i would like to live in a state without creeps like you rather than creeps like you attempted to force the entire US to your misguided ideology.

            once again your president does not support gay marriage! one thing i aggree with him on.

            im shocked i thought that evolved secular humanists would be more educated than you are. i mean i could find a more knowledgeable individual in a goat or chicken down the block in my trialer park.

            all that you should be concerned with is the US is a Republic and will remain a Republic.

            i dont know why you keep bringing up past racism dont we have a black (1/2 guess that doesnt count) president? the most racist entity in this country is the democrat party.

          • Why is it you people think having Obama in office automatically cancels any form of racism? Say that out loud…does that make sense? If so, then how? You realize millions voted against him or didn’t vote right?

            States rights? What about abortion should that be state’s rights? Foreign language? Should Florida change everything to English and Spanish and have the right to do that? States rights were the argument against segregation. The Federal govenrment had to step in and stop these backwards states. Yet within a Republic, even states can’t deny unalienable rights…thats by definition. So what gives?

            Go ahead form a state predominantly white and christian…see how many people flock there. You did…Utah and Mississippi and the “bible belt” boast the lowest populations in the US where as liberal states create urban cities and boast higher populations. That will always be the case..

            The culture wars…I think its just a difference of opinion, but you obviously find it a crusade.

        • Yes because any real socialist would have bailed out Wall Street and Big Finance. Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, AIG…man they aren’t capitalist right? They are all about “distributing wealth” and not getting all the profits themselves right?

          Seriously…do you people use common sense before you post, or are you too busy cruising the internet for BigFoot conspiracies? Man I bet the Discovery Channel’s “Monsters” is on non-stop in your trailer homes. 🙂

          • welcome back carter on

            no your girlfriend doesnt like monsters.

            troll what exactly are you responding to with this particular dribble.

            whats the difference between forcing banks to make bad loans to people that will not be able to repay them (jimmy carters community reinvestment act of 1970’s which clinton expanded in late 90s)and forcing banks to take money in form of bailout that most didnt want.

            is either a practice of free market capitalism?

            no its a form of facsism whereas govt controls private entities business practices.

            hence the reason i label you liberal progressive marxist stateist facsist et al take your pick its all a form of big government control over citizens and private enterprize only through different tactics.

            none of it is American as founded!

          • “Forcing” banks to take bailout money? Which ones didn’t want them exactly? The ones that would have gone bankrupt without them (and pleaded for them?) You realize TARP was enacted under Bush right? And what “bad loans” did Obama force?

            Post facts…one news story thats not on some whackjob conspiracy site for everyone to see…I DARE YOU 🙂

            Troll you need to come up with facts here before simply posting conspiracies and whatever your little narrow mind wants to believe.

            Obama ensured free market capitalism could continue by keeping these banks in business…most have paid back bailout money (earning our nation millions on interest I might add) and are again posting enormous profits and awarding massive bonuses. So where is the “socialism” aside from in your head?

            America was founded by educated individuals…if you refuse to accept facts and reality, you don’t deserve to have your voice heard in this nation and obviously don’t understand what it is to be “American.”

          • i think this explains logics recent absence on

            i was not in favor of bush or backboneless mccain (halting his campaign really that was genius – still a war hero just in my opinion has not shown backbone since he was in the hanoi hilton) for these bailouts – they were bad policy under bush and obama.

            obama ensured free market capitalism by taking over the banks, auto industry, student loans, and health care. very interesting how you think.

            get a clue!

    • i thought obama told us not to watch fox news on

      TUES., SEPT. 28, 2010

      FOXNEWS O’REILLY 3,154,000
      FOXNEWS HANNITY 2,306,000
      FOXNEWS BECK 2,161,000
      FOXNEWS GRETA 2,115,000
      FOXNEWS BAER 2,049,000
      FOXNEWS SHEP 1,744,000
      MSNBC MADDOW 1,018,000
      MSNC OLBERMANN 999,000
      MSNBC O’DONNELL 860,000
      MSNBC SHULTZ 711,000
      MSNBC HARDBALL 663,000
      CNNHN GRACE 561,000
      CNN COOPER 560,000

      • welcome back carter on

        add to that weekly radio listenership:

        Rush Limbaugh 25,000,000
        Sean Hannity 13,000,000
        Mark Levin 7,000,000
        thats 45,000,000

        oh by the way the leftys air America had 168,000 weekly listeners last year the week before it went bankrupt.

        America likes good ideas and will reject leftist marxist statist progressive liberal crap time and time again.

        • Rational American on

          Radio? Shall we compare Model T’s next?

          “Marxist statist” seriously do you have a bombshelter in your basement Mr. Paranoia?

          • yah! Rick Sanchez mensa member and former drunk/vehicular manslaughterer is fired from CNN. on

            study history my friend statist is a term made up by a greek philospher to describe their “liberals or progressives” big goverment type people of greek ancient times.

            thats what cracks me up you libs think you have ‘new’ ideas but the arguments for tyranny and big government are as old as time and again have never worked. yet you claim they are progressive and the like. now you want to talk models ts?

          • The arguments for bigotry and the wealthy are as old as time (and also haven’t worked). Progressives have passed civil rights, equal voting rights for women, minimum wage, workers rights and ensured the workplace doesn’t discriminate.

            What have conservatives done since passing prohibition? And we all know how successful that was…seriously name one meaningful piece of social legislation…

            …I’ll be waiting 😉

          • All you really had to do was name one successful social movement that conservatives are responsible for. Was it that difficult?

            I’ll just consider that a forfeit. 🙂

          • i think this explains logics recent absence on

            conservatives are responsible for ensuring liberty and freedom which is under contual assault by mambi pambi liberal progressive stateist fascist marxist lefties like your self.

            i guess if i could state some it would be the founding of this country, the end of slavery (Lincoln also started the republicans party) repealing of jim crow laws (which many democrats fiercly supported) and not having the longest serving member of the senate a known leader of the kkk like robert Byrd (democrat) – and then having it explained by bill clinton as byrd doing what ‘he had to do to get elected.’

            i suppose you think lbj great society which was to end all poverty in this country and has cost us the taxpayers to date $7,000,000,000,000 (is that 7 trillion i dont know hard to tell from my trailor) and has created a dependent welfare state in this country and has not done anything to end poverty.

            you liberals are real creeps. i know it goes without saying…

            and these breitbart videos are not all made by breitbart rather posted on his web site – most are from youtube, naked emporer news and many other sites breitbart in fact probably has not made on video posted aside from the one you starred in or are you @green goddess

            again i know facts dont matter to you do they?

          • Your “facts” are not facts idiot.

            You are showing your lack of education by using “republican” and “conservative” in the same sentence when discussing the 1800s. Do you really think the southern planters who owned slaves were the liberals? Southerners were predominantly Democrats from the time of Andrew Jackson (1820) until 1976. The Republican Abe Lincoln was president when the south seceded and when the Civil War ended in 1865, confederates came back to the US as Democrats. During one election, a repatriated confederate was asked who he would vote for and uttered the famous line ” I sooner vote for a yellow dog than vote for a Republican” .

            From the time of reconstruction until the 1960′s the old Democratic Party was coalition of mid-west farmers, northern labor, and segregationist ‘conservative’ southerners.

            When the the Voting Rights Acts and Civil Rights became in law in the mid 1960′s, southern racist Democrats left the party and joined the Republicans who welcomed a block of voters who could restore the political power the GOP lost in 1932 when FDR defeated Hoover. Union workers in the north fell into the GOP column in 1980 when Reagan defeated Carter.

            So “conservatives” did not end slavery. Liberals did. Obvious to most, but apparently not you.

            Go ahead…look it up.

            You provided one single Democrat who was a member of the KKK. Shall we let readers dictate which party the KKK voted with after the 1970s? (Hint: Probably not the one who enacted civil rights and put a black man in the white house) 😉

            Call me any name you want…I’ll just continue to make you look dumb on this site. And you can believe plenty of people are reading my words and learning from them.

          • “It’s peculiar that liberals would consider themselves poor articulators inasmuch as they are indisputably the best speakers in politics. The Democrats have deftly managed to distance themselves from inarguable historical facts that, if widely believed, would deter entire groups of people from ever pulling the lever for Democrat candidates ever again.

            For example, the Democrats are so gifted in the realm of articulation that they have managed to wipe away an entire history of their inextricable relationship with the Klu Klux Klan. Even though the KKK was created to function exclusively as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party prohibiting blacks from voting for antislavery Republicans, through very clever revisionist history, liberals wrote off that entire phenomenon with this great talking point: “The parties switched places. What was once the Democratic Party is now the Republican Party, and what was once the Republican Party is now the Democratic Party.”

            What this talking point fails to explain, however, is why the former KKK member Robert Byrd was not notified about this massive party change and sat for over fifty years in the Senate as a member of the Democratic Party. Surely, after fifty years, someone could have tapped him on his shoulder and told him he was sitting on the wrong side!

            This is a behemoth lie that liberals have forcefully repeated so often that it has now become accepted political reality — and invertebrate Republicans have noiselessly sat with foolish deference and allowed it to become political wisdom.

            Similarly, left-wingers routinely marginalize Reagan as an economic right-wing extremist for doing nothing less than enacting capitalistic policies that engendered a massive economic boom, while genuflecting before Clinton for enacting similar policies under the duress of a apoplectic country and a Republican majority Congress.

            Although it is true that the Clinton era did see economic prosperity, it was Clinton’s incredibly far-left politics that caused an angry Republican insurgency in the 1994 elections, with the Republicans taking back both the House and Senate, rendering Clinton’s liberal ideas feckless, making him the titular head of the country who merely signed bills Newt Gingrich put on his desk.

            It was Gingrich’s 104th Congress that created the Contract with America, which spurred the economic prosperity that Democrats took sole credit for, an act which Republicans happily allowed. To this day, Clinton is credited for the economic growth that happened during the ’90s, yet we hear very little about his failed attempt at nationalizing health care under the auspices of his beloved wife, Hillary.

            Democrats have a long history of being able to create wholly fictitious narratives and to glibly explain their way out of seemingly inescapable historical tight spots — all while claiming absolute credit for successful policies that they were demonstrably incidental in implementing. With the media in their pocket, Hollywood in their corner, and prestigious colleges functioning as brazen citadels of liberal thought, Democrats have mobilized an entire propaganda machine that makes the dissemination of their talking points painlessly easy.”

            “The Democrats Latest Talking Point”

            To liberals the truth is a conspiracy theory.

          • 3 Miliion?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

            Woooooowwww…that’s almost as hits as the HuffingtonPost gets (each day). 🙂

          • welcome back carter on

            by the way after breitbart was assistant editor of the drudge report in mid to late 90s he then helped huffington launch her website.

          • Realy?!?!?!?! Arianna will be the first to acknowledge that. See liberals actually read about people and get facts, so you are not educating me. Did you know that he was adopted and raised in the Jewish faith? He also claimed to be a “secular liberal.”

            Glenn Beck was actually gay before he found Mormonism and read the constitution. That sounds about as believable.

          • i think this explains logics recent absence on

            what year did you have a severe car accident, brain trauma, bike wreck, or lobotmy?

          • Clever comeback. You probably consider “education” an accident don’t you. “Dem damned learned city folks and their books and facts!!!” 🙂

      • Rational American on

        Actually its well documented that liberals use the internet for their news much more than television. Shall we compare circulation of liberal websites vs. conservative websites? Don’t use the excuse too many of you don’t have internet access either.

        • yah! Rick Sanchez mensa member and former drunk/vehicular manslaughterer is fired from CNN. on

          yeah the huffington post is a great website full of reliable factual information for leftys to propagate onto others.

          • How come its just liberal websites that are trying to “propagate?” If Breitbart, WMD and all the BigFoot conspiracy websites aren’t also trying to spread their beliefs, why do they exist?

            Oh I get it…you used “propagate” and it makes you think “communist” right? 🙂 Idiot.

          • welcome back carter on

            sophists such as yourself propagate false information as ‘logic’ ‘facts’ and even ‘rational’ thinking.

            another words there is a big difference between beliefs (ie your religion of secular humanism) and facts (conservative principles)

          • Look at you using these big words…”sophists” and “secular humanism” as if you A). Understand what they mean and B.) Understand me.

            I’ve pointed out Italian/Catholic heritage on this website multiple times and yet you think I’m a “secular humanist” because only conservatives can be Christians according to your narrow little mind right?

            Sorry but I view Jesus as a lover of peace and helper of the poor…not the Islam-fighting, gun-toting, gay bashing defender of your ideal society. 🙂

            Reality sucks for you doesn’t it. But hey keep posting Breitbart videos and living in fantasy land….and do yourself a favor and never leave your small town…real America would absolutely scare the S**** out of you.

          • i think this explains logics recent absence on

            so you know less about your religion that you do about US history and politics. amazing!

            how can you claim to be Catholic and still believe in abortion, partial birth abortion (infanticide), and late term abortion?

            yeah i have no idea what sophist and secular humanism mean i found them on wikipedia when i looked up logic, rational American and those who keep telling people of their facts, facts, facts, facts, facts.

          • Well late term abortion is illegal in vast majority of US states, so not sure why you brought that up. Same with partial birth abortion.

            As for early stage abortion, while I don’t believe in it, I don’t pretend to act as if people share my beliefs. Jesus died for our sins and those are their sins to bear. In many cases its called for (incest, rape of a child, threat to mothers life) but you people fail to understand those who disagree believe in science and that groupings of cells are not human life. If you take a breath and try to understand the other side instead of immediately bashing it, your blood pressure actually might go down. Ever consider it?

            Who says you know more about “my” religion than me, (aside from you 🙂 ) If you were to read the Bible literally and interpret it as many do, Glenn Beck’s LDS faith is herecy (like Islam and other forms of religion) and he is going to hell. Do you know Mormons believe God is tied to aliens and heaven is a planet? Yet you will each forget that as long as he continues spouting the nonsense you want to believe so badly.

            I’m not sure where you found these complicated terms…nor do I care. Secular humanism makes a lot of sense (using facts and evidence to support theory, calling for individual understanding of our world around us not influenced by others), though my religious faith does not allow me to follow that to a T as I do tend to rely on God through blind faith (a blind faith I’m willing to support). Yet I encourage others to find their own way and don’t wish my Christian values on them…forcing my religion and beliefs on others is what they do in Iran. Ever consider that?

          • And I find it hillarious you question my obsession with Glenn Beck after having posted over 20 Breitbart videos. 🙂

            But please continue…I soon may start posting clips of Jersey Shore.

          • i think this explains logics recent absence on

            believe in science i bet you also believe in global warming?

            as a secular humanist how can you not believe humans are ruining the planet and the US is obligated to share the wealth with countries who have not used their natural resources to better themselves.

            you are exactly as i have described your a sophist and a poor excuse for a Catholic making you more of a secular humanist than you are willing to acknowledge.

            why dont we discuss black liberation theology which jermiah wright spent 20 years preaching to your messiah obama?

            i mean GD America right. the chickens have come home to roost… shall i find video of jermiah wright yelling like a mental patient and your president who attended this church for 20 years never heard this nonsense.

            ok and liberals arent liars yeah right.

            you every video you claim to be made by breitbart could have been easily found and posted via another site youtube etc however realizing what a fixation you have with breitbart i hope vids continue to be posted with attribution given to .

          • i think this explains logics recent absence on

            so terminating a fetus with a heart beat, finger prints, ability to move, clearly identifiable arms, legs, and hands isnt murder because according to your ‘sceince’ this human fetus is not a human being.

            sorry your “logic, facts and now sceince” are creepy and misguided.

            ill stick with my conservative principles.

            you logic remain an ‘open minded’ advocate for baby murdurerers, false phrophets like obama, false science like global warming, subpar national healthcare, nationalizing our industries, tax funded abortions, higher taxes, bigger government you know the soup of the day ideology whether it be marxism, stateism, fascism, liberalism, progressivism, globalism, redistributionism et al.

            the rest of us will remain Americans!

          • i think this explains logics recent absence on

            fyi my blood pressure runs 120/75 with a heart rate of 50-60 even while reading your dribble.

            i give you no more effort or thought than i would any other village idiot.

            you liberals are a bore.

          • Your version of Jesus holds a gun in one hand, a bible in the other. Mine just holds the bible. I’ve proved you wrong in every instance:

            Obama hasn’t nationalized any industry, aside from reforming healthcare. The banks are still independent, paid the government back (with interest) and are making the giant revenues they made before the bailout. GM is planning an IPO that will be the second largest in history, allowing our govenrment to benefit from its investment and pull that investment out.

            Vast majority of scientists agree global warming is real and vast amount of major corporations have already scaled back their pollutants because of that. While you are obviously a smart guy, I’m gonna stick with my gut and trust the scientists, NASA and the billion dollar-funded R&D departments at major corporations instead of you. But hey you believe your “version” of truth and I’ll believe what I want.

            Government hasn’t gotten larger and is not the enemy. Government is the people and the people there were put in place by us. None of your rights under Obama are any less or different than those under Bush or Clinton. Aside from the economy, life really hasn’t changed since 2002, or 2005. But you keep using rhetoric without real examples and see who looks smarter.

            Baby murderers? Let me ask you something: Will Jesus send an 11 year old girl raped and impregnated by her father to hell for having an abortion? Will the aborted fetus go back to heaven and have Jesus say “well you had your chance..sorry it didn’t work out.” Jesus died for our sins and even if you believe abortion is murder, murder is a sin. You don’t decide who goes to hell or not. He does. Do think you do is blasphemy. Murder as a definition does not save a life, but we know abortion will in some cases. Pure and simple logic my friend. Pure and simple logic. That’s all it takes.

          • Aren’t you the judgemental one 🙂

            Here let me help you off your pedastal almight one.

            Reverend Wright? But you and the tea party say Obama is Muslim? What was he doing listening to a reverend? Black libertarian theology? Have you sat through Wright’s sermons over the last 20 years or are you just assuming? Also, I thought Obama publicly distanced himself from Wright after it become quite clear Wright had a radical agenda when given the spotlight. Why is that not good enough for you? George Bush’s prayer sessions during his first term were led by Ted Haggard, who admitted to smoking meth and having sex with teenage males in his congregation. Which is worse? I’d probably rather sit through a Wright sermon than be alone with Haggard…maybe you are different though 😉

          • 42% of Americans are Conservative 20% are in a creepy cult (liberals) on

            yes the lovely gallup – 42% of Americans are Conservative and 20% are liberal. (a cult)

            so logic if you are asked to put on white gym shoes and drink koolaid (too late you drank it in 2008!) run as fast as you can away as there is no space ship coming to take you to another planet.

            America dont give this cult another inch vote wisely in November.



    Your “facts” are not facts idiot.

    You are showing your lack of education by using “republican” and “conservative” in the same sentence when discussing the 1800s. Do you really think the southern planters who owned slaves were the liberals? Southerners were predominantly Democrats from the time of Andrew Jackson (1820) until 1976. The Republican Abe Lincoln was president when the south seceded and when the Civil War ended in 1865, confederates came back to the US as Democrats. During one election, a repatriated confederate was asked who he would vote for and uttered the famous line ” I sooner vote for a yellow dog than vote for a Republican” .

    From the time of reconstruction until the 1960′s the old Democratic Party was coalition of mid-west farmers, northern labor, and segregationist ‘conservative’ southerners.

    When the the Voting Rights Acts and Civil Rights became in law in the mid 1960′s, southern racist Democrats left the party and joined the Republicans who welcomed a block of voters who could restore the political power the GOP lost in 1932 when FDR defeated Hoover. Union workers in the north fell into the GOP column in 1980 when Reagan defeated Carter.

    So “conservatives” did not end slavery. Liberals did. Obvious to most, but apparently not you.

    Go ahead…look it up.

    You provided one single Democrat who was a member of the KKK. Shall we let readers dictate which party the KKK voted with after the 1970s? (Hint: Probably not the one who enacted civil rights and put a black man in the white house)

    Call me any name you want…I’ll just continue to make you look dumb on this site. And you can believe plenty of people are reading my words and learning from them.

    • “It’s peculiar that liberals would consider themselves poor articulators inasmuch as they are indisputably the best speakers in politics. The Democrats have deftly managed to distance themselves from inarguable historical facts that, if widely believed, would deter entire groups of people from ever pulling the lever for Democrat candidates ever again.

      For example, the Democrats are so gifted in the realm of articulation that they have managed to wipe away an entire history of their inextricable relationship with the Klu Klux Klan. Even though the KKK was created to function exclusively as the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party prohibiting blacks from voting for antislavery Republicans, through very clever revisionist history, liberals wrote off that entire phenomenon with this great talking point: “The parties switched places. What was once the Democratic Party is now the Republican Party, and what was once the Republican Party is now the Democratic Party.”

      What this talking point fails to explain, however, is why the former KKK member Robert Byrd was not notified about this massive party change and sat for over fifty years in the Senate as a member of the Democratic Party. Surely, after fifty years, someone could have tapped him on his shoulder and told him he was sitting on the wrong side!

      This is a behemoth lie that liberals have forcefully repeated so often that it has now become accepted political reality — and invertebrate Republicans have noiselessly sat with foolish deference and allowed it to become political wisdom.

      Similarly, left-wingers routinely marginalize Reagan as an economic right-wing extremist for doing nothing less than enacting capitalistic policies that engendered a massive economic boom, while genuflecting before Clinton for enacting similar policies under the duress of a apoplectic country and a Republican majority Congress.

      Although it is true that the Clinton era did see economic prosperity, it was Clinton’s incredibly far-left politics that caused an angry Republican insurgency in the 1994 elections, with the Republicans taking back both the House and Senate, rendering Clinton’s liberal ideas feckless, making him the titular head of the country who merely signed bills Newt Gingrich put on his desk.

      It was Gingrich’s 104th Congress that created the Contract with America, which spurred the economic prosperity that Democrats took sole credit for, an act which Republicans happily allowed. To this day, Clinton is credited for the economic growth that happened during the ’90s, yet we hear very little about his failed attempt at nationalizing health care under the auspices of his beloved wife, Hillary.

      Democrats have a long history of being able to create wholly fictitious narratives and to glibly explain their way out of seemingly inescapable historical tight spots — all while claiming absolute credit for successful policies that they were demonstrably incidental in implementing. With the media in their pocket, Hollywood in their corner, and prestigious colleges functioning as brazen citadels of liberal thought, Democrats have mobilized an entire propaganda machine that makes the dissemination of their talking points painlessly easy.”

      “The Democrats Latest Talking Point”

      To liberals the truth is a conspiracy theory.

      • national debt figures:

        09/30/2000 5,674,178,209,886.86
        09/30/1999 5,656,270,901,615.43
        09/30/1998 5,526,193,008,897.62
        09/30/1997 5,413,146,011,397.34
        09/30/1996 5,224,810,939,135.73
        09/29/1995 4,973,982,900,709.39
        09/30/1994 4,692,749,910,013.32
        09/30/1993 4,411,488,883,139.38
        09/30/2000 5,674,178,209,886.86
        09/30/1999 5,656,270,901,615.43
        09/30/1998 5,526,193,008,897.62
        09/30/1997 5,413,146,011,397.34
        09/30/1996 5,224,810,939,135.73
        09/29/1995 4,973,982,900,709.39
        09/30/1994 4,692,749,910,013.32
        09/30/1993 4,411,488,883,139.38

        ‘if the numbers are correct, it would mean that Clinton really DIDN’T reduce the debt, as Democrats always claim.

        And remember, never think. Because if you think, you might recognize that it was the Republican-controlled Congress that actually deserves credit for any budget balancing, acting as they did under the first platform of the Contract with America. You know, the thing that Democrats have mocked and opposed both at the time and forever since.

        And if you think, you’d realize that the Republican Balanced Budget Amendment failed only because of overwhelming Democrat opposition.

        And thinking is clearly bad. Because ignorance is Democrat.’

        M Eden’s website






    • “Based on polling conducted Sept. 23 to Oct. 3, Gallup now estimates that 54 percent of “likely voters” for the Nov. 2 election are self-professed conservatives.

      If Gallup’s estimate holds up, self-professed conservative voters in this year’s midterm congressional election will outnumber self-professed liberals (18 percent of Gallup’s “likely voter” pool) by 3-to-1, and self-professed moderates (27 percent of Gallup’s “likely voter” pool) by 2-to-1.

      The 54 percent of likely voters who Gallup says are conservatives also out-number the Republicans, whom Gallup estimates make up 39 percent of likely voters.

      Independents, according to Gallup, account for 31 percent of likely voters, while Democrats account for 30 percent.

      In the previous four midterm elections, according to Gallup, conservatives have never been a majority of the likely voters.”

    • The Declaration of Independence ends with the words, “And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.”


      Either your God will be your King or your king will be your god.

      On April 18, 1775 John Adams and John Hancock were at the home of Rev. Jonas Clarke, a Lexington pastor and militia leader. That same night Paul Revere arrived to warn them of the approaching Redcoats. The next morning British Major Pitcairn shouted to an assembled regiment of Minutemen; “Disperse, ye villains, lay down your arms in the name of George the Sovereign King of England.” The immediate response of Rev. Jonas Clarke or one of his company was:

      “We recognize no Sovereign but God and no King but Jesus.”

      “It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!” Patrick Henry

      “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty…of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” John Jay, First Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court



    Shara Law: The Divine, Unchangeable Law of AntiGod Allah:

    All democratic constitutions are evil and must be destroyed and replaced by Sharia Law: the constitution of Allah (the AntiGod). It is the prime, religious duty of all Muslim men to conquer the nations of the world for Allah, murder all kafirs who refuse to convert to Islam and establish Sharia Law over all mankind. This is the insane, irrational, evil reality that is Islam.


    Sharia Law & Freedom of Speech:

    • The punishment for apostasy (changing or discarding one’s Islamic relgion) is death.
    • Q Fatwa 4400, Part No. 1, Page 334 & 335
    • Mocking anything in the Qur’an or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad is apostasy and therefore punishable by death.
    • Q Fatwa 2196, Part No. 2, Page 42
    • Criticizing Islam, shari’ah law or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad is apostasy and therefore punishable by death.
    • Q Fatwa 21021, Part No. 1, Page 414
    • Any Muslim who states a preference for democracy rather than shari’ah law or questions anything in the Qur’an or Sunnah is a kafir (disbeliever), considered an apostate, and therefore sentenced to death.
    • Q Fatwa 19351, Part No. 22, Page 239-248

    Sharia Law & Human Rights:

    • The punishment for theft is amputation of the right hand up to the elbow.
    • Q Fatwa 3339, Part No. 22, Page 218 & 219
    • The penalty for premarital sexual intercourse is 100 lashes with a whip and one year of exile.
    • Q Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 359
    • The penalty for adultery between a married man and a married woman is 100 lashes with a whip and death by stoning.
    • Q Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 359
    • The penalty for homosexuality is death.
    • Q Fatwa 4324, Part No. 22, Page 53 & 54
    • Non-Muslims living in lands ruled by Islamic law (shari’ah) must pay a poll tax (jizyah) in order to be subdued and feel subjugated to Muslims. Refusal to pay the tax grants Muslims the right to wage war against the non-Muslims.
    • Q Fatwa 4461, Part No. 1, Page 215
    • Q Volume 3, Part No. 3, Page 183-190
    • Waging war against non-Muslims (jihad), even those who are peaceful, is encouraged so that other religions and atheism will be purged from the earth.
    • Q Volume 2, Part No. 2, Page 437-440
    • If a Muslim kills a Jew or Christian dhimmi (one who pays the poll tax), he must pay only half the amount of “blood money” he would have to pay for killing a Muslim.
    • Q Fatwa 5414, Part No. 21, Page 245

    Sharia Law & Women’s Rights:

    • Women are permitted an education in Islamic issues (religious education) and family duties, but academic study is not encouraged.
    • Q Fatwa 9019
    • Women are not permitted to attend universities where both men and women are taught or all-female schools with male teachers.
    • Q Fatwa 13814, Part No. 12, Page 150
    • Women over the age of puberty are not permitted to leave the house without covering the body (except face and hands).
    • Q Fatwa 667, Part No. 17, Page 142-150
    • Women are not permitted to visit the graves of loved ones.
    • Q Fatwa 2501, Part No. 1, Page 429
    • Women are not permitted to obtain passports (since their photographs in them may tempt men), unless for the purpose of making Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
    • Q Fatwa 2595, Part No. 1, Page 719
    • Women are not permitted to travel without a spouse or male relative.
    • Q Fatwa 12139, Part No. 11, Page 38
    • Women are not permitted to be alone with men who are not relatives or spouses, and the punishment for such “indecency” is whipping or stoning.
    • Q Fatwa 9693, Part No. 12, Page 381 & 382
    • Women are not permitted to speak softly to a man or otherwise provoke his desire with letters, phone calls or glances, the punishment of which is whipping or stoning.
    • Q Fatwa 9693, Part No. 12, Page 381 & 382

    Sharia Law & Civil Matters:

    • A man may divorce his wife by simply giving her a triple talaq (saying “I divorce you” three times simultaneously).
    • Q Fatwa 6542, 2nd question
    • A woman whose husband divorces her three times by simply saying “I divorce you”, even if divorced against her will, cannot seek alimony unless she is pregnant.
    • Q Fatwa 20918, Part No. 20, Page 227
    • A man may not adopt any children, even if they are his step-children born to his wife from a prior marriage.
    • Q Fatwa 5124, Part No. 9, Page 10
    • Men are entitled to twice the amount of inheritance a woman receives, regardless of what a person’s wishes are as detailed in a will.
    • Q Fatwa 8778, Part No. 21, Page 234

    Sharia Law & Business Matters:

    • Since usury (charging or paying interest) is a sin, working at banks with interest-bearing deposits, keeping money in interest-bearing deposits, or accepting loans that charge interest is prohibited.
    • Q Fatwa 4011, Part No. 12, Page 80
    • It is illegal to work in certain industries, such as retailers selling musical instruments, wine, tobacco, or music CDs; a photography studio; or any company that requires its employees to be photographed.
    • Q Fatwa 5436, Part No. 13, Page 42
    • Muslims are encouraged not to enter into business partnerships with non-Muslims.
    • Q Fatwa 5855, Part No. 2, Page 98 & 99
    Sharia Law & Personal Hygience:

    • Women are required to pluck, depilate or otherwise remove all facial and body hair, with the exception of shaving the eyebrows or head.
    • Q Fatwa 5007
    • Men must let their beards grow without cutting but keep their mustache trimmed so as to appear different from non-Muslims.
    • Q Fatwa 2196, Part No. 2, Page 41 & 42
    • Failure to take a ritual bath for the purpose of purifying oneself after sexual intercourse is a sin that must be repented from and will invalidate one’s prayers to Allah. Fatwa 11188, Part No. 6, Page 19

    • Religion of peace? on

      UAE Official Tries to Explain Court Ruling Upholding Muslim Men’s Right to Beat Their Wives
      Quran tells men to beat disobedient wives
      Thursday, October 21, 2010
      By Patrick Goodenough

      “A verse in the Quran instructs Muslim husbands with disobedient wives to admonish them, then to refuse to sleep with them, and finally to beat them.

      ( – A top judicial official in the United Arab Emirates on Wednesday tried to allay concerns raised by a controversial ruling from the country’s highest court upholding the right of a Muslim to beat his wife and children.

      Islamic scholars cite the Quran itself in defending wife-beating – specifically, a sura that instructs Muslim husbands with disobedient wives to admonish them, then to refuse to sleep with them, and finally to beat them.

      In a statement published by the official Emirati news agency WAM, Justice Ministry official Humaid al-Muhairi said domestic violence was not tolerated in the UAE, and the government would continue to act in the case of actions that go “beyond acceptable bounds.””

  89. 2010 PC the 911 hijackers were not muslims! on

    from ann coulter twitter:

    GENIUS RT@iowahawkblog From the Code of Media Ethics: [17.5(c)] never say you are afraid of Muslims. [117.5(d)] always behave as if you are.
    5 minutes ago via web

    .but I think one of them was a Methodist …
    36 minutes ago via web

    .Ziad Jarrah (Lebanese), Ahmed al-Haznawi (Saudi Arabian) Ahmed al-Nami (Saudi Arabian), Saeed al-Ghamdi (Saudi Arabian)
    37 minutes ago via web

    .Khalid al-Mihdhar (Saudi Arabian) Majed Moqed (Saudi Arabian), Nawaf al-Hazmi (Saudi Arabian) Salem al-Hazmi (Saudi Arabian)
    37 minutes ago via web

    .Mohand al-Shehri (Saudi Arabian) Hamza al-Ghamdi (Saudi Arabian) Ahmed al-Ghamdi (Saudi). Hani Hanjour (Saudi Arabian)
    37 minutes ago via web

    .@andylevy Satam al-Suqami (Saudi Arabian) Marwan al-Shehhi (United Arab Emirati), Fayez Banihammad (United Arab Emirati)
    37 minutes ago via web in reply to andylevy

    .@andylevy Mohamed Atta (Egyptian), Waleed al-Shehri (Saudi Arabian) Wail al-Shehri (Saudi Arabian), Abdulaziz al-Omari (Saudi Arabian)
    38 minutes ago via web in reply to andylevy

    .it would be easier to start a list of who’s not defending him. RT@LisaDeP Juan Williams has defenders in several places(incl. Howard Stern)
    about 2 hours ago via web

  90. The problem with your wishes, is that extremist governments kill moderate muslims way before they can speak.  In the USA, we don’t.  We may have heated discussions, but your way of speaking down on how we react to things makes you look uneducated.  There are factions here who may wish people dead.  There are people who actually kill people who believe in Islam.  But the HUGE difference, is that our government does not kill people for believing in the Koran.  Call me an apologist, but I will call you the same thing, because you are more of an apologist than I am.

  91. You need to stop using the first person in your articles. It makes you seem unprofessional.