Sunday, February 23

Freedom: NOT Made In China

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Yes boys and girls, you can be thrown in jail for suggesting free elections in the Shangri-la of modern China. Freedom to speak your mind, evidently, is one of the things NOT made in China…

Well, Liu Xiaobo only got a slap on the wrist, right? Wrong. His sentence is for eleven years.

Eleven years in jail for speaking out on behalf of freedom. For anyone who thinks China even stands a chance at replacing the United States, you should take a long, hard look at that. Speak out of turn, think out of turn, and lose your freedom.

Make no mistake. There is no freedom in China. It is a totalitarian state run by fear of the government. That is the only reason it succeeds at all. Factory workers committing suicide, toxic rivers giving birth to cancer villages and peaceful protesters automatically marked for arrest make up the tapestry of Chinese society. As long as you stay in line, everything will be fine. You just might die of cancer at 30, but that is hardly a reason not to support the government!

What the Communist dictators of China don’t seem to know, despite the fact that history is littered with examples, is that people will only dig so many ditches before they crack. With the people continually pushing for more freedom and the government obviously unwilling to allow it, one wonders how much longer the 1.3 billion person PRC will remain on entity, and what sort of destruction and chaos result from the eventual civil war to come.

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