Thursday, March 6

U.S. Backs Down In Chinese Currency Fight

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Yet again the Obama administration has pussed out. Just the whiff of international confrontation with China has sent them scurrying back into their hidey holes.

One would think that an administration that has vigorously attacked the policies of lending institutions and banks in the United States would have an interest, indeed a duty, to address the egregious monetary policies of The People’s Republic of China. Evidently not.

The Treasury Department has refused to label China a currency manipulator, instead charting the safer course of ‘diplomatic resolution’. News flash, folks: the Chinese dictatorship doesn’t care that we want them to peg the yaun against other currencies. We need to make them care. The world needs to show the PRC that, if you’re not willing to play by the same rules we all use, then you can’t have a piece of our markets.

It is becoming embarrassing the free world is unwilling to call the Chinese on the mat about currency manipulation. This fight is going to happen one way or another. We might as well do it now, before we lose allies like the European Union and Japan.

Well the U.S. must be doing something about this problem, right? Even if we’re not going to take them to task in a direct way, surely we must be doing something to chastise China for their behavior?

Instead of taking China to task for the real infraction against global trade, the Obama Treasury Department is taking seriously a claim by the USW (United Steelworkers Union) that China is ‘unfairly’ subsidizing green technology. While this new charge is obviously a ploy to make unions happy, it also speaks to the limp-wristed style of the Obama administration’s international policy.

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  1. IP Address on


    you were never a labor arbitrator. prove it.

    yes, you’ve never been… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – repetitive rants are considered harassment by our management team and forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    i hear you owe… money. why is that? (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – repetitive rants are considered harassment by our management team and forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).
    oh no! joe fosco has an ip address. did you ever think i could be using a computer at an apple store, library, or borrow someone’s comoputer at a coffee shop for $5? i could use someone’s cell phone for god’s sake… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – libelous statements are forbidden on this site. Furthermore, your comment proves your intent to harass. Every time you ask someone to barrow their phone to send harassing comments to this site, you are exposing your physical identity to an eyewitness. Thank you, American News Post).
    mr. cerone still has all the voice mails you ever left him… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – libelous statements are forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    i never… (YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN MODIFIED – false statements and insults are forbidden on this site. Thank you, American News Post).

    • Dear IP Address,
      I thought it was understood that I was never an actual labor arbitrator; I have never stated that I was. In fact, I explain it in detail here:
      Yes, my finances are somewhat compromised right now. You are asking me why my finances are compromised. Ask John and Peter DiFronzo, Rudy Fratto, Jack P. Cerone, Esq., and Joseph L. Giacchino, Jr.
      As to the voice mails that I left Jack P. Cerone, Esq., regarding the threats on my life that he played a part in, you may read the court transcripts, which detail the voicemails, here:
      In addition, you may access this article,, which provides a very clear understanding of the details pertaining to the voicemails that you have mentioned. Thank you.
      Please Cease And Desist With Your Lunacy!
      Joseph Fosco