Thursday, March 6

And They’re Off!

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King Daley II, who shall soon be abdicating his throne.

King Daley II, who shall soon be abdicating his throne.

Monday marked the first day candidates for the soon to be abdicated throne of King Daley The Second would be able to submit petitions and signatures to the Royal Court…errrrr…. Chicago Board of Election Commissioners. Out of the small mountain of candidates that have trumpeted their eagerness to compete for the honor of running the city that the Daley clan ran into the ground, only a select few were ready to affirm their candidacy today. Let’s take a look at the fine crop of mayoral candidates that have passed the first hurdle towards becoming the next official tyrant of the Windy City!

Rahm Emmanuel
Rahm didn’t bother to show up to file his own signatures, instead delegating the task to a small but dedicated team of lackeys. He’s already got something in common with the outgoing King, who couldn’t be bothered to actually participate in the process of filing his own paperwork. I guess trashing the financial future of a city the size of Chicago took up most of his free time.

Rahmbo is way ahead in the fundraising game and is practically a shoe-in for the first or second spot in the initial election come February. This would guarantee him a spot in the runoff election in April, where it is almost a foregone conclusion that this Obamacrat will become the next ‘hizzoner’. I weep for the future.

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