Sunday, February 23

The Cancerous Tiger

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A Google Map made in 2009 showing the locations of a handful of Chinese cancer villages.

A Google Map made in 2009 showing the locations of a handful of Chinese cancer villages.

Well, except one thing. Create cancer villages.

There’s a reason China can make a battery cheaper than everyone else. They just don’t care who they kill to do it. If you’ve got no rules about public safety, no environmental restrictions and a government that has repeatedly shown it does not care how many citizens they throw into the meat grinder, you can make things cheaper than anyone else. Remember, we’re taking about a government that had no qualms murdering 45 million people in the Great Leap Forward. If giving the poor of China cancer means more money coming in, obviously the Communist Chinese government doesn’t seem to care.

Every couple of weeks a new cancer village is found. They tend to be near production plants or along the banks of nearby rivers. Through the soil, water and air the rural Chinese are awash in carcinogenic heavy metals. They know they’re drinking contaminated water and eating contaminated food, but also know there’s nothing they can do about it. In interviews with locals there is a painful sense of self-defeat, coupled with awareness that the same rice that is steadily killing them is also making its way into the cities. They know better than anyone that the problem is only growing.

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