Sunday, February 23

Panem Et Circenses On The Potomac

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This is a very astute observation of how easily people can be cowed by simple pleasures. We will abandon our rights and freedoms for entertainment and nourishment. At a time when we should be questioning Barack Obama’s sudden reversals and double-talk (paying any attention to the Blagojevich fiasco?), we instead buy commemorative Obama inauguration plates and designer Obama t-shirts. We gather and say we deserve to have such an unnecessarily decadent circus of a party, and for no reason at all.

Instead of addressing the very real concerns the political left have with Rick Warren swearing in Obama, the carnies of Washington simply brought in more pro-gay groups. What does this have to do with addressing the bigotry of Rick Warren? Bishop Robinson was given some introductory prayer? This is supposed to fix the problem?

No. It isn’t. Bread and circuses. Keep the people distracted and confused. This has been the Obama mission since day one, and unfortunately it has not gone the way of “campaign rhetoric” like many of the Obama campaign’s criticisms of Bush’s policies.

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