Sunday, March 30

Royally Backwards

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A little more than a week to go and I think I might just snap. In the midst of all the truly newsworthy and important stories dominating the world stage (particularly the plight of so many Middle-Eastern people struggling desperately against the tyranny of kings and autocrats) we are drowned in the media deluge of the ludicrously extravagant and disgustingly expensive spectacle of Prince William’s marriage to Kate Middleton. I am hard pressed to think of much that I care less about than the nuptial plans of man who is a product of, and indeed is bolstered up by, the senseless (and dangerous) tradition of monarchy.

Lucky for me, and all Americans, I can simply choose to take a day off from the 24/7 media machine. I need not endorse this endless fawning over the revolting institution of monarchy. This right, afforded me by the Founding Fathers of this nation, the documents these intrepid statesmen crafted and the two wars fought in the name of freeing the United States from the arbitrary rule of tyrants whose power is based entirely their linage is greatly appreciated by me. I invite every American (indeed, every citizen of the world) who values freedom from oppression to boycott this nauseating celebration of all things royal.

I would like to make clear that I am not an opponent of marriage itself. I would like to wish William Arthur Philip Louis (Prince William’s real name) and Kate Middleton congratulations. I wish them all the best for their future together. I also wish that they had done the sensible thing and put away the evil institution of monarchy and settled on an alternative that did not cost regular people money.

Yes, the British citizen will be footing the cost of the security for this ghastly affair. The British Department for Culture, Media and Sport has been a bit reluctant to give an exact figure for this, but said months ago it will be seven figures. CNN Money has pegged the cost of the extra police alone (.i.e., not including MI5, intelligence or defense expenditures) at 8 million dollars for the wedding weekend. This was before David Cameron declared a bank holiday, which, according to CNN, will cost the British economy an estimated 9.6 billion dollars and qualifies police for holiday pay. Now the estimate for security has risen to 33 million.

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