Sunday, February 23

Royally Backwards

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That’s 33 million, coming right of the British taxpayer’s pockets.

Great Britain is supposedly in the middle of a massive move to cut deficits, yet the royal family thinks it is ok to hit their ‘subjects’ with a 33 million dollar bill for security? How can this be justified?

The royals are, evidently, poor.

The Queen is personally worth 450 million dollars and receives tens of millions of dollars a year to pay for her staff and palaces. If you count all her holdings (like the ones she cannot sell, as they are technically owned by the British people, but she still controls) she is worth around 30 billion, making her the richest monarch in the world. Yet she continually begs the British government for more money and has tried to use a poverty handout (one meant to aid poor people with their energy costs) to pay the heating bill for Buckingham Palace.

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