Friday, March 28

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: Anthony Weiner

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And this week’s weiner (errr… winner) is:

Anthony Weiner, U.S. Representative for New York's 9th congressional district

Anthony Weiner, U.S. Representative for New York's 9th congressional district

Anthony Weiner

The Twitter account of the spastic Representative of New York’s Ninth District was (supposedly) recently “hacked” by some ne’er-do-well. I’ll not spend any time on the sexy, sexy details of the tweet in question, as you would have to have been living under a rock in the middle of the Sahara to not have been utterly deluged with the licentious particulars. No, what is important here isn’t that Anthony Weiner was the butt of some kind of joke – it is how he is reacting to (in his words) “a prank, and not a terribly creative one.”

In short, he is acting like his usual self, which is the quintessential representation of a glorified, holier-than-thou twit. I do believe that he did not personally sent that tweet. I also believe that this sort of PR disaster showcases one’s ability to deal with adversity, and on this count Anthony Weiner totally and utterly fails. Instead of dealing with the whole problem rationally, he has fallen to wailing and flinging himself around like a spoiled toddler – a tactic he most likely mastered during his tenure as a New York City Councilman.

I don’t care of a member of Congress is showcasing his boxer-encased wing ding for the Tweetershpere to digest, just like I don’t care if Bill Clinton was having “sexual relations” with Monica Lewinsky. I do care how people, when put under the pressure if answering questions about such activities, react. Clinton lied, under oath, about his sexual escapades, and that concerned me. It speaks volumes about his character, his level of respect for us and the institution he was representing. For Bill Clinton, it was perfectly acceptable to lie under oath, a crime that could land any normal citizen in jail. Bill Clinton believes in two standards of respect and common decency (to say nothing of the law), one for him and another for you and me.

Anthony Weiner is cut from the same cloth.

Need a little proof? When this whole story broke Weiner finally decided he would talk to some reporters. Check out this video where CNN’s Dana Bash, in a very civil manner, is desperately attempting to get Weiner to answer ANY of her questions. Listen to his hostile response.

How does a man like Anthony Weiner deal with people who ask questions he doesn’t like? He calls them names. How sad is that? This man, who came out specifically to talk to reporters, is instead insulting the reporters. I hope New York’s 9th District is ashamed of the man they have sent to Washington to to represent them.

The disrespect, not only for the reporters, but for all the people of the United States, only continues.

Weiner insists he is the victim of an insidious plot to discredit him during a time when he is leading a Congressional charge to defeat the triumph of fiscal sanity in the federal government, yet refuses to ask the police or FBI to investigate. Instead he has employed a private firm to look into the matter.

What?! Anothy Weiner, champion of exponentially expanding the power and role of government in the lives of the citizenry, is using a private firm to investigate a serious crime? Why isn’t the city’s or federal government’s legal arm good enough to do the job? Could it be they will ask too many embarrassing questions?

Like, for instance, how many former Weiner staffers would love a chance to ruin his life the way he has ruined theirs? He is famous for his tantrums, during which he purportedly destroys his office furniture and verbally berates his staffers. Between 2007 an 2008 he went through three chiefs of staff and he burns through regular staffers faster than anyone else on the Hill.

If this is true, then it seems to me that the most likely culprit for this dastardly tweet crime would be one of his own people, who would already have access to his Twitter account. Weiner doesn’t want the world to know just how desperately his own employees hate him, so he lies to us about some nebulous hacker and refuses to allow the government to look into the matter.

That is the measure of Anthony Weiner’s character. How dare we even question is word from on high. This is the same man that cannot be bothered to follow parking regulations. If I had 2,000 dollars in parking tickets my car would be impounded. If I didn’t have a valid city or plate sticker on my car I wouldn’t get a free pass. Why should we take a scofflaw at his word? More importantly, why should we tolerate his snotty, demanding attitude that we should?

Once again, two different standards. One for Anthony, another for us.

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  1. I just saw the news on thsi Weiner guy. He has only been maried a year. For Pete sake, he stated that he had played around with atleast 6 women!  Oh evay’! online only I hope! LOL! Like I said, what the heck are they doing out there in our government?

  2. Hey, where is everybody. This feels like a scene from the Twilight Zone? Did Joe Fosco get barred? How come noone else comes on here? Where are his articles? SQE

    • Dear SQE,
      The new message system has certainly contributed to the loss of some commenter’s. The new system makes it very difficult to be anonymous. For some reason, most people like being anonymous on my message boards. One of my assistants asked me if I want to use the old message system to try to boost the number of comments. I said no. I am okay with the way it is right now. The number of viewers has remained stable, which means more to me. Whether you are visiting to see how many people are leaving comments, or how many people are not leaving comments, you are still stopping by.

      • I think the ominous, serious sounding “Legal Notice” threatening a lawsuit against commenters is what scared everyone off. It was posted on the other thread and then removed, thereafter.

        • Dear Horse…,

          I find your opinion very surprising. The jerk that posted those ridiculous notices is libelous in doing so (in my opinion). Who needs to have a legal notice posted to know that libelous information is not tolerated on this site? It is further in my opinion that the person responsible for posting the notice is merely harassing me. I do not believe such notice is necessary because I run a respectable site and remove/block potentially libelous information and/or add comments indicating that the information in question is merely ‘alleged’.
          I find it interesting that the notices pertained to the food industry in Chicago, where in one of the articles I asked for the publics help in learning about the corruption that plagues the industry. One would have to wonder if the ‘legal notice’ is a clever tactic to obstruct justice in a silly attempt to intimidate potential witnesses from coming forward. Forgive me for seeing it this way and making the decision to pull the plug on the allegedly potential intimidator. Unfortunately, you have decided to give this person a platform.
          As I have said in my previous comment, the number of views is more important to me than the number of comments. And, courageous tipsters that are not easily intimidated by a carefully worded ‘legal notice’ on a message thread know they have the option of emailing me directly at
          Thank you,
          Joe Fosco

          • Hi Joe, regarding this libel desposition we are now being tactful; If you have something such as a threat already reported to SVU in the CPD and they have already information on thier police file; would these comments then be considered as libel comments? SQE

        • In addition, I believe the threat indicated a ‘possible’ lawsuit against anyone committing libel. Nothing about said legal notice is different from anything reasonable.

          • Here was my response to the threat:

            According to a source, a number of years ago, Joe Caccamo allegedly took part in an Outfit related scheme deceiving the FBI in a cover-up of a major laundry detergent heist. According to the source, Caccamo allegedly orchestrated the unlawful smuggling (hiding evidence) of the detergent via 4-passenger automobiles, instead of using a tractor-trailer, which the FBI had under surveillance. It is further alleged that Caccamo laughed about the incident for weeks because he allegedly indicated that the FBI were a bunch of idiots for sitting in their car waiting for a tractor-trailer to pull out while the evidence was being smuggled via automobiles right under their noses.

            Because of the alleged information that I have acquired (above), I am asking the FBI to contact me if their records would be consistent with the information above. I am cranking up an article on the subject and could use all of the leads I could get. Thank you.

  3. Regarding the libel notice; Now, let me get this straight the fact that the Captian of the Detectives and the Chief of Police was emailed I recieved a phone that that I would be raped if I were found walking in the 3 live parking lot9a year before Tony Catalano turned up missing). Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves, but.,
     I do believe these deviants dug there own graves by making me a victim. Notice, this was done a year before Tony Catalano turned up missing while hanging with this same gang. Well, come and get me and sue me! Infact I insist. Let’s just hope on done to any police station of your choice and get the paper work  going not to mention the fact that SVU came to a particular retail store and got the vermont on camera. All guilty parties do come forward with your libel suit! Good Lord, I dare you too ! I do believe that someone in here has recently made notice that our Joe boy hangs with this same group. Please, keep up the good work Lonestar commenter! SQE  A Victim coming forward!