Sunday, February 23

Theo’s Twit(s) Of The Week: The Chicago Cubs

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Honorable Mentions

Duuuude, where'd I leave my sarin?  I feel a war crime coming on.

Duuuude, where'd I leave my sarin? I feel a war crime coming on.

Muammar Gaddafi

As the reports pile up that The Brother Leader of Libya has been conducting runs of genocide and mass rape as a means of beating his people into submission, Gaddafi is finally moving up back up positions from his status as an annoying-but-funny (in a doddering old man sort of way) African tin-pot dictator to his 1980s status as a terrorist scumbag. If he keeps it up maybe he can join the storied ranks of such mad dog killer tyrants as Saddam Hussein and Pol Pot. Sadly he can never been a Stalin or Mao, but I’m sure that has less to do with his willingness to slaughter his own people than the lack of a suitably large enough population.

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