Sunday, February 23

Paper Tiger Balm Cannot Soothe Economic Woes

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Second, ceasing the endless (and pointless) construction projects would be an undeniable signal that China is no longer growing. This is unacceptable because the whole ethos of the country is currently tied up in the quest to crush the United States and the European Union economically. While it has been apparent to some that the Chinese Tiger has always been a paper shell, I doubt the state-controlled news and heavily censored Internet in China have allowed its own people to know the sheer extent of their country’s own fragility. The Chinese do not realize that their first problem, the de facto totalitarianism of Communism, will forever keep them from reaching the power levels of the West. This blindness, coupled with the crippling collapse of their economy in the years to come, will dash China’s hopes of being a true international power, at least in the near future.

These are the concerns you have when your whole country is built on a mountain of lies and censorship and your economic engine is fueled by slave labor and speculation. Democrats and other Big Government adherents in the United States should stop touting the illusory success of FDR’s works projects, take a gander at China and see the truth. If you think that big central government is the solution to everyone’s problems you should get prepared for useless public works projects and bridges that lead to nowhere (oops!), the same flawed Paper Tiger balm that cannot soothe China’s economic woes.

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