Sunday, February 23

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: Ainsley Earhardt

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Honorable Mentions

Herman Cain trying to find his sense of moral decency.

Herman Cain trying to find his sense of moral decency.

Herman Cain

People who think that I have unfairly targeted Ainsley Earhardt in the beginning of this article as being the uneducated Christian in the room might point out that Herman Cain is blatantly bigoted about religion and that he should have been Theo’s Twit of the Week.

I would agree with this sentiment… in theory. I take Ainsley Earhardt, a morning talkshow host, far more seriously as a voice of reason than Herman Cain (as sad as that is) and for this reason that I choose Earhardt for Twit of the Week.

The rambling insanity that is Cain and his goofball campaign is so much of a joke that I almost think that Herman is a plant from the DNC. I’ve never seen a presidential wannabe go so far out of his way to trash any religion different than his own. I particularly enjoyed his assertion on Fox News Sunday that people have the power to ban the construction of mosques anywhere they want.


What a class act! 3% in the polls and climbing, Herman!

He was against it before he was for it.

He was against it before he was for it.

Harry Reid

Yesterday Harry said:

“I think this is a very bad picture for our country to have the House of Representatives out this weekend when we have to likely wait for them to send us something. So I think it is just untoward — and that’s the kindest word I can say — for the House of Representatives to be out this weekend.”

Today Harry said:

“Earlier this week, it looked like we needed to go to that fallback plan as soon as possible. During the course of the week, circumstances have changed. The speaker of the House and the president have been working to reach agreement on a major deficit-reduction measure. I wish them both very well. That’s very important to our country.”

Translation: the Senate, which obviously has NOTHING to do, will take the weekend off while the House remains in session. Must be some kind of Mormon Conspiracy!

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  1. Alouicious Rottenpecker on

    Um, Romney was not Governor of Maine. He was, however, the 70th Governor of Massachusetts, 2003 – 2007.

  2. Waltersnopek on

    If you knew all of the Mormon beliefs, not just the ones made fun of on south Park, you know that it really is not a Christian religion. I never heard Jesus speak of each man getting his own planet to rule in the after life.