Saturday, February 22

Theo’s Twit Of The Week: Warren Jeffs

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Honorable Mentions

Majority Dick (oops, I mean Whip) Durbin

Majority Dick (oops, I mean Whip) Durbin

Dick Durbin

In the middle of a massive crisis over the debt ceiling, the setting for an epic battle to see which political ethos the country is going to embrace, it would be a politician from The Windy City that has better things to do.

Dicky Durbin decided this was a good time to introduce his Mainstreet Fairness Act, a disgusting piece of legislation that adds new taxes for online businesses. The Federal government just can’t deal with the idea that they’re not getting a piece of everyone’s pie. It runs counter to Democrat ideals that someone, somewhere, might be making money without them.

Aren’t there about umpteen billion better things a Senator should be spending his time on? Dick, stop lusting after money and go do some real work.

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1 Comment

  1. Prince Harry’s army regiment was actively engaged in combat on the front lines in Iraq. He wasn’t personally deployed because the ranking general in the BA (rightly) contended that he would have been considered a high value target by the enemy. Harry’s a f*cking cowboy and a party animal. All he has to do is glance at women or gay men and they cream their shorts.

    I’m not a fan of royals either, but this guy is anything but milquetoast. He’s the exact opposite of Walter Mitty. Spoiled brat, maybe, but definitely not milquetoast.