Saturday, February 22

Tripoli Falls

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I hope that President Obama will see the joyous celebrations going on in Tripoli and realize that, with our aid, this spectacle could be repeated throughout the world. If the United States has the guts to step out on behalf of the oppressed people of the Muslim world, then maybe we can start changing the minds of the young boys and girls that will grow up to irrationally hate the West.

Tonight I would like to offer congratulations to the freedom fighters of Libya. I wish we could have done more to aid you.

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  1. Joe, can you tell us some tales about Lee and Sam Urbana. As I understand it, Urbana was pretty feared.

    • Lee loved Sam Urbana. I posted a photo of the two of them in one of the threads a couple of years ago. I will get some stories together for you soon.

  2. Urbana was a weasel. HE IS RESPONSIBLE for half of Miami getting pinched. He made an ass kisser,liar and rat his yes-boy. Needed to be always right. Well Sammy you got burned by Tommy Patton and then your crew blew the hit. How could they have shot that rat-turd 9 times and he lived??