Sunday, February 23

Virile Vampire Sucks Democracy Out Of Russia

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And here he is judging a Russian Rap Contest while simultaneously failing to hide his contempt for the people around him.

Evidently every girl want a man just like Putin!

He is also a Zen warrior, cleaning up the streets of Moscow one roundhouse kick to the groin at a time!

This bizarre cult following Putin has cultivated is not all that surprising. Warlords and dictators throughout history have built up similar cults of personality around themselves, though this might be the funniest one yet.

Yes, Putin is hilariously over the top, and that might only be funny if it weren’t for the fact that he will most likely rule Russia until at least 2024, giving him a term of power rivaled in recent Russian history only by Stalin and Brezhnev (and what lovable guys they were, too!). Under Putin’s continued rule Russia will becomes increasingly un-democratic, returning Russians to the worst times for personal freedom since the Soviet Union.

But at least their despot will look good on a hog!

Putin riding an American Harley Davidson motorcycle, because they only things Russia manufactures are fear and political repression.

Putin riding an American Harley Davidson motorcycle, because they only things Russia manufactures are fear and political repression.

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