Friday, March 28

Theo’s Twits Of The Week: Penn State Rioters

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Honorable Mentions

The OOPS heard 'round the world.

The OOPS heard 'round the world.

Rick Perry

Rarely have I ever seen someone crash and burn like Rick Perry. It wasn’t even a few months ago when the Republican Party seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief as the Texas governor threw his ten gallon hat of conservative, Tea Party-backed outrage into the ring. Rick’s poll numbers shot through the roof, even before he officially announced his intentions to run.

Of course, that was the trick, you see. It was only after Perry started opening his mouth to say things that his hopes of being the Republican nominee dissolved away like a raincloud from group prayer. The CNBC debate Wednesday brought Perry’s foot-in-mouth syndrome to a whole new level.

It is almost like the GOP wants Obama to win again.

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  1. The Coach who committed the felonies against teenagers and young boys is the same as one of the predator Catholic Priests.  Joe Paterno and the Penn State Administration are the same as the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. The only difference are the names.