Sunday, February 23

Theo’s Twit Of the Week: Marcus Bachmann

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It kind of sounds like it WAS awarded to me by Billy Graham, doesn't it?

It kind of sounds like it WAS awarded to me by Billy Graham, doesn't it?

Theodore Roe

All these years I had the credentials but I was afraid to use them. Now that I know the inspiring story of Dr. Marcus Bachmann I feel I can finally step into the light. You seee, years ago I join my own freaky cult, The Church of the SubGenius (or Bobism to you Pinks) and because of my loyal service to the cause I was awarded a Doktorate of the Forbidden Sciences!

From now on I will include my “ScD” on my bylines, business cards, stationery, handkerchiefs and ascots. Maybe now I can go open a mental health center in Minnesota.

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